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sportmed411 sportmed411
Posts: 4
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11 years ago
1. Take the position of a runner in the starting blocks for a short running race. Place one foot forward and one foot back while placing your hands on the starting line.

a. In what position is the hip joint for the forward leg (flexed, extended)?

b. In what position is the hip joint of the back leg (flexed, extended)?

c. Now imagine the starter has fired the starting gun. Into what position did the hip joint of the forward leg move, and what muscles caused that movement?

d. Into what position did the hip joint of the back leg move, and what muscles caused that movement?

2. Perform the classic jumping jack exercise (from the feet together starting point)several times, observing the movements of the hip joint during the counts of 1 and 2.

a. Describe the position of both hip joints on the count of 1.

b. Which muscles were used to put the hips in that position in "a"?

c. Describe the position of both hip joints on the count of 2.

d. Which muscles were used to put the hips in that position in "b"?

3. Lying supine on a table with your lower legs off the end of the table, extend both knee joints to full extension.

a. What muscles performed this action?

b. Which of these muscles listed in "a" crosses two joints and has two functions?

c. Which gender is known to have a larger "q" angle? Male or female?

4. Lying prone with your entire body on the table, bring your heels to your buttocks.

a. What muscles performed this action of the knee joints?

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10 Replies
11 years ago
I am still a bit green with anatomy, but I I could answer half of question one. It's actually quite simple when you think about it, just think about the starting position of runner in that you have the one knee basically close to a 90 degree angle and the other knee is basically straight. So for 1a, it is flexed. In this position, you're putting the weight of the body behind your knee, you're foot is supinated, and you're body is basically prepared to absorb the the impact of the foot contacting the ground. Same goes for the actual hip joint, and this is for proper footing when making contact with the ground. For 1b, the other leg is the opposite in that it is extended. This is because your joints (of the back leg) are simply trying to stabilize or support contact with the ground (rather than actually prepare for potential impact).
bio_man,  doseofmegan,  plumgirl12,  jldeal65,  B88101
10 years ago
Do you have all the answers to those questions sportmed411
10 years ago
Assignment #2
1.   Take the position of a runner in the starting blocks for a short running race. Place one foot forward and one foot back while placing your hands on the starting line.
a.   In what position is the hip joint for the forward leg (flexed, extended)? flexed
b.   In what position is the hip joint of the back leg (flexed, extended)? extended
c.   Now imagine the starter has fired the starting gun. Into what position did the hip joint of the forward leg move, and what muscles caused that movement? From flexed to extended and the muscles that caused the movement went from anterior to posterior. Gmax as the prime mover
d.   Into what position did the hip joint of the back leg move, and what muscles caused that movement? From extended to flexed. Psoas is the prime mover
2.   Perform the classic jumping jack exercise (from the feet together starting point)several times, observing the movements of the hip joint during the counts of 1 and 2.
a.   Describe the position of both hip joints on the count of 1. Lateral (feet apart) Abduction.
b.    Which muscles were used to put the hips in that position in "a"? Gminimus and meduis.
c.   Describe the position of both hip joints on the count of 2. Medial (inward)Adduction.
d.    Which muscles were used to put the hips in that position in "b"? Three adductors brevis, longus and magnus

3.   Lying supine on a table with your lower legs off the end of the table, extend both knee joints to full extension.
a.   What muscles performed this action? Quadriceps- rectus femoris and three vastus
b.   Which of these muscles listed in "a" crosses two joints and has two functions? Rectus femoris.
c.    Which gender is known to have a larger "q" angle? Male or female? Females

4. Lying prone with your entire body on the table, bring your heels to your buttocks.
a. What muscles performed this action of the knee joints? Sartorius and rectus femoris. Quadriceps Femoris, hamstring muscles,  vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius
bio_man,  dloves82,  cr8tive
10 years ago
Thank you!
10 years ago
10 years ago
For question 1, muscle that caused the movement, would the muscles of the hamstrings be taken into consideration as well? Thanks for the post!
10 years ago
This is very helpful! Thank you so much!
Answer verified by a subject expert
Posts: 15
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9 years ago
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