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greer greer
Posts: 800
6 years ago
You've taken a job as a third-grade teacher. Which of the following best illustrates a legal influence on you that comes from your state?
A) You will be required to have a teaching license before you are allowed to take the job in your school.
B) You are virtually certain to have some students with exceptionalities in your class, because of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which mandates that learners with exceptionalities be taught in as normal an education setting as possible.
C) You will have been hired as a result of a recruiting process that most likely includes an interview with your school principal.
D) You are likely to have some students pulled out of your class because they are receiving Title I support.
Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional

Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional

Edition: 5th
Read 126 times
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Posts: 404
6 years ago
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