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Gops Gops
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6 years ago
Integration and control of the human body is by
Select one:
a. the nervous system but not the endocrine system
b. the endocrine system but not the nervous system
c. neither the endocrine nor nervous system
d. the endocrine system and the nervous system

Nervous system messages are said to be conveyed fast, and their effect is immediate. Endocrine control, in comparison, is slower, but its effects last for longer times. Endocrine messages are slower because
Select one:
a. hormones enter the blood stream and then must be transported throughout the body to target organs
b. competitive inhibitors prevent rapid distribution of hormones
c. hormones are transmitted by carrier molecules that require cellular respiration to generate ATP
d. some hormones en route to target organs are broken down by cholinesterase

Responses Stimulated by Hormones

1. Release of thyroxine
2. Development of bones and muscles
3. Water reabsorption by the kidneys
4. Development of ova and sperm
5. Ovulation
6. Milk production 

Numerical Response:

Identify the response, as numbered above, that is stimulated by each of the hormones given below.

____ ____ ____ ____
Enter the answer as a four-digit number.

Examples of Hormone Regulation
  I     ADH secreted because of hypertonic (high solute concentration) blood
  II     TSH secreted because of low metabolic rate
  III     Oxytocin secreted because of stretching of the cervix during labour
  IV     Insulin secreted because of absorption of glucose by the intestine
  V     Estrogen and progesterone ingested for the prevention of ovulation

Which statements describe homeostatic responses?
Select one:
a. I,  III,  and  V
b. II  and  IV
c. I,  II,  and  IV
d. II  and  V

In response to low blood pressure, the kidney produces Substance M, which in turn causes the adrenal cortex to produce Substance N. The presence of Substance N results in the reabsorption of Substance Q and water into the blood. The reabsorption of water compensates for the low blood pressure. Substance N and Substance Q, respectively, are
Select one:
a. insulin and glucose
b. adrenaline and glycogen
c. aldosterone and sodium ions
d. antidiuretic hormone and sodium ions

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2 Replies
6 years ago
Integration and control of the human body is by
Select one:
a. the nervous system but not the endocrine system
b. the endocrine system but not the nervous system
c. neither the endocrine nor nervous system
d. the endocrine system and the nervous system

Post Merge: 6 years ago

Nervous system messages are said to be conveyed fast, and their effect is immediate. Endocrine control, in comparison, is slower, but its effects last for longer times. Endocrine messages are slower because
Select one:
a. hormones enter the blood stream and then must be transported throughout the body to target organs
b. competitive inhibitors prevent rapid distribution of hormones
c. hormones are transmitted by carrier molecules that require cellular respiration to generate ATP
d. some hormones en route to target organs are broken down by cholinesterase
Post Merge: 6 years ago

In response to low blood pressure, the kidney produces Substance M, which in turn causes the adrenal cortex to produce Substance N. The presence of Substance N results in the reabsorption of Substance Q and water into the blood. The reabsorption of water compensates for the low blood pressure. Substance N and Substance Q, respectively, are
Select one:
a. insulin and glucose
b. adrenaline and glycogen
c. aldosterone and sodium ions
d. antidiuretic hormone and sodium ions

Post Merge: 6 years ago

Examples of Hormone Regulation
  I     ADH secreted because of hypertonic (high solute concentration) blood
  II     TSH secreted because of low metabolic rate
  III     Oxytocin secreted because of stretching of the cervix during labour
  IV     Insulin secreted because of absorption of glucose by the intestine
  V     Estrogen and progesterone ingested for the prevention of ovulation

Which statements describe homeostatic responses?
Select one:
a. I,  III,  and  V
b. II  and  IV
c. I,  II,  and  IV
d. II  and  V

Post Merge: 6 years ago

Responses Stimulated by Hormones

1. Release of thyroxine
2. Development of bones and muscles
3. Water reabsorption by the kidneys
4. Development of ova and sperm
5. Ovulation
6. Milk production 

Numerical Response:

Identify the response, as numbered above, that is stimulated by each of the hormones given below.

____ ____ ____ ____
Enter the answer as a four-digit number.
Post Merge: 6 years ago

Nervous system messages are said to be conveyed fast, and their effect is immediate. Endocrine control, in comparison, is slower, but its effects last for longer times. Endocrine messages are slower because
Select one:
a. hormones enter the blood stream and then must be transported throughout the body to target organs
b. competitive inhibitors prevent rapid distribution of hormones
c. hormones are transmitted by carrier molecules that require cellular respiration to generate ATP
d. some hormones en route to target organs are broken down by cholinesterase

hormones enter the blood stream and then must be transported throughout the body to target organs
Answer accepted by topic starter
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6 years ago
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