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Juelz_9214 Juelz_9214
Posts: 35
Rep: 1 0
11 years ago
If the equilibrium constant for a reversible chemical reaction is very small:
1) there will be very little product in the equilibrium mixture;
2) there will be very little reactant in the equilibrium mixture;
3) the ratio of product to reactants will be constant once equilibrium is reached.
4) Responses 1 and 3 are both correct.
Read 562 times
5 Replies
11 years ago
its 4)

Kc (equilibrium constant) is products over reactants; so if its small, concentration of products has to be low.

EDIT: Hmm i guess 3 would be correct as well, so the actual correct answer would be 4.
Answer accepted by topic starter
Posts: 23
Rep: 2 0
11 years ago
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11 years ago
Answer 1) is correct for reactions which have a small equilibrium constant.  Answer 3) is correct for all equilibrium reactions, regardless of the value of the equilibrium constant.  The correct answer is 4).
11 years ago
The first answer has the correct reasoning, but gave the wrong number. So, #1 is correct because of his reasoning. However #3 is also correct, because once equilibrium is reached, the concentrations of things no longer change.

So, #4 is the best answer.
11 years ago
4) Responses 1 and 3 both are correct.

(Kc = ratio of product of concentration of products to that of the reactants.)
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