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Brandon014190 Brandon014190
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6 years ago
 How can community partnerships and problem solving have a positive impact on policing leadership and accountability?  Explain.
Each students answer to the question should be a minimum of 350 words. A minimum of one peer reviewed reference needs to be used in the development of your answer. You also need to provide two (2) feedback posts to your peers. Each feedback post needs to be  150 words or more, and should include information that helps to enhance the discussion on the topic. Do not include statements such as great work, or excellent post. Try to include info that is challenging and respectful and that will stimulate debate. Also, be mindful of including references and citations whenever citing facts to support your position. APA 6th edition citations and references must be used always.
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6 years ago
Community partnership and problem solving are very vital because it helps in crime prevention which is the main function of policing leadership (Miller, L., Hess, K., & Orthmann, C., 2013). They reduce the opportunity for crime. Many offenders’ especially petty offenders usually use the opportunity to commit crime and community partnership, and problem solving helps in reducing the opportunity for crime thus preventing many crimes.

Community partnership and problem solving make policing leadership motivates policing leadership and makes them be accountable to the citizen and be transparent in the activities that they undertake. This is to make the community feel satisfied by the services that they provide towards policing because without the support of the community, policing leadership faces a lot of challenges but community partnership and problems solving helps to police leadership achieves their goal of crime prevention.

Collection of intelligence is well performed by community members who will then share with policing leadership for appropriate actions to be taken. Acting on community intelligence, many crimes are usually prevented when policing leadership acts in time which they usually do so. Intelligence sharing is vital in policing leadership.

Problem solving in the community usually makes many to be satisfied and ensure that they follow the law and norms so that they do not get themselves in conflict with the law or societal norms. This in turn helps policing leadership since it makes the community to be responsible for their actions and thus preventing and reducing crime. This actually encourage police leadership to be close with the community members so that they can guide the whenever required and motivate them as they also get motivated by community acts that reduces crime.

Strong community partnership and problem solving motivates policing leadership to be accountable to the citizen so that they continue to get community support in crime prevention and problem solving. Problems solving makes a community to be strong and cohesive. Community partnership makes community members to be vigilant and report any suspicious behavior to policing leadership for the appropriate action to be taken. Community partnership makes people to care each other.


Miller, L., Hess, K., & Orthmann, C. (2013). Community policing: Partnerships for problem solving. Nelson Education.
6 years ago
How community partnerships and problem solving have a positive impact on policing leadership and accountability

Study of the partnership and problem solving approaches in policing provide tangible illustrations of how the police or community supervision collaboration can be structured. The leadership and accountability depends upon the achievement of public safety. A community partnership policing focus on building the corporation and engaging in the problem-solving efforts in addressing the crimes, social disorder and fear of crime proactively. The strong foundation of collaboration of the community and the police in solving identified crime purposes at reducing the criminal activity as the community and the police work to reduce and concentrate on all the possible crimes. The community achieves the positive leadership because the police work with the society to meet the specific problem (Skogan, 2009).

The next step through which the community partnership and the problem-solving approaches impact on the accountability and leadership improvement in the American society is through equipping the stakeholders with skills, competencies and resources that understand the neighborhood dynamics. The community supervision engages the community members in leadership as they work with the police to ensure the community remains safe. The cases of reoffending are reduced and if any officers would possibly involve in an unacceptable act then they are kept on watch by the community. The community have a voice in fighting crime in the society thus the whole process within the criminal justice ensure the community remains safe and accountable to all the members.

The intervention for the criminal justice system ensures that the probationers and parolees are accepted top access the services that achieve the behavior change. The community supervision agencies across the state establish a unified strategy in the service (Skogan, 2009). The unified community correctional systems in which the parole and the supervision individual in the community keeps the society open all the members.
The next point in partnership is the issue of specific intelligence and information sharing: the two interventions involve case planning and support of behavior change that target the intervention of affecting the deterrence efforts in the community. The law enforcement supervisor and the community resources are limited to the capacity of addressing the challenges that accompany the criminal justice compliant to the safety. The resources used when well used in the two approaches within the service achieve the accountability and leadership.


Skogan, W. G. (2009). Concern about crime and confidence in the police reassurance or accountability?. Police Quarterly, 12(3), 301-318.
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