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ashly138 ashly138
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6 years ago
An accounting firm provides tax consulting for estates and trusts. Their job costing system has a single direct cost category (professional labour) and a single indirect cost pool (research support). The indirect cost pool contains all the costs except direct personnel costs. All budgeted indirect costs are allocated to individual jobs using actual professional labour hours.

a.   Discuss the reasons a consulting firm might use normal costing in its job system rather than actual costing.
b.   What might be some ways for the firm to change from a one pool allocation concept?
Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, Canadian Edition

Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, Canadian Edition

Edition: 7th
Read 81 times
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6 years ago
a.   Budget rates are normally used because the actual costs of performing the work will not usually be available until sometime after a job is completed. Decisions about billing a client for services rendered generally must be made immediately after the job is completed. Also, actual costs may reflect short-run changes in the environment which may distort the billing process. Budgeted costs are not affected by weekly or monthly fluctuations and therefore offer a stable comparison and assignment of costs throughout the accounting cycle.
b.   Having separate professional labour hour rates assists in assigning the personnel costs to jobs closest to their real values. This helps to maintain different costs for jobs which have the same number of hours but a different mix of professionals doing the job. Seldom is there only one cause and effect relationship between a job and the tasks performed on the job; therefore, it may also be a good idea to develop multiple indirect cost assignments (i.e., one for staff support and others for such items as computer support or general administrative support).
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