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tingolon tingolon
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6 years ago
Define group norms and role expectations as they relate to building small group culture, including implicit and explicit rules. Where do you think these rules come from? In what ways are they useful or harmful to group processes?
Human Communication: The Basic Course

Human Communication: The Basic Course

Edition: 14th
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6 years ago
Group norms are rules or standards of behavior identifying which behaviors are considered appropriate (for example, being willing to take on added tasks or directing conflict toward issues rather than toward people) and which are considered inappropriate (for example, coming in late or not contributing actively). Sometimes these rules for appropriate behavior are explicit; they’re clearly stated in a company contract or policy, such as “All members must attend department meetings.” Sometimes the rules are implicit; it is understood that members will be polite or well groomed. Norms that regulate a particular group member’s behavior, called role expectations, identify what each person in an organization is expected to do.
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