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mscaglia mscaglia
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10 years ago
what advantage does ATP have in being the energy currency molecule?
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3 Replies

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10 years ago
Its energy is easy to capture and store; it releases just the right amount of energy for the cell's needs so it is protected from excessive energy release. A universal energy currency is efficient because a single system can be used by all the cells in the body.
10 years ago
Because ATP (adenosine triphosphate) has 3 oxygen molecules, the three oxygen molecules are highly reactive due to its polarity and negativity. Because they are reactive they tend to react with water and release energy via hydrolysis as a result which breaks the bonds between the oxygen atoms of the phosphate and the water molecules.
Source  AP Biology
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10 years ago
"ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) readily and easily converts to ADP+ (Adenosine diphosphate) by losing one phosphate group releasing a lot of energy. It's simple and efficient.

Also ATP is highly soluble in water and is quite stable in solutions between pH 6.8-7.4 (conditions in most living organisms)."
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