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twee_tyblue1113 twee_tyblue1113
Posts: 2
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9 years ago
At the beginning of his shift, Mr. Young identifies several problems that need attention.

Which client situation requires the most immediate intervention by the charge nurse?
A) New onset ST segment elevation is observed on the telemetry monitor of a client admitted with angina.
B) A client with hyponatremia is becoming increasingly confused, disoriented, and agitated.
C) The white blood cell count (WBC) of a client with cellulitis increases from 8,000 to 15,000 mm3.
D) A client starting treatment for tuberculosis develops a productive cough of mucopurulent sputum.
As he enters the client's room, Mr. Young hears his name paged over the intercom. He learns that the emergency department needs to give report on a client to be admitted to the medical unit as soon as possible.

What action should Mr. Young take?
A) Return to the nursing unit desk to obtain report.
B) Take the report over the telephone from the client's room.
C) Request that another staff RN obtain the report.
D) Advise the unit secretary to write down the report.
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9 years ago
Thank you!
9 years ago
is this just the 2 questions or am i doing something wrong
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