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wills7 wills7
Posts: 5
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10 years ago
8.  Mia goes to a paint store looking for forest green paint, but continually gets distracted, having to pass the teals and blues before getting to the green paints. While in the paint store, Mia appears to have poor ______.

A.  dual processing
B.  inattentional blindness
C.  selective attention
D.  consolidation

13.  Alexis' professor told her that she shouldn't pull an all-nighter the night before her final exam.  He said that if she does, she won't be able to remember what she had studied the night before because her mind and body will not be able to function at full capacity.  Alexis' professor is referring to ______.

A.  sleep disorders
B.  restorative theory of sleep
C.  REM rebound
D.  sleep debt

14.  While at a concert, Alexis was so sleepy that she fell asleep for about five minutes until her date elbowed her. What stage of sleep did she experience?

A.  Stage 1
B.  Stage 2
C.  Stage 3
D.  Stage 4

Thanks in advance
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10 years ago
I have the exact same problem. Did you solve these yet? Please help
10 years ago
I believe the first answer is Inattentional blindness and #3 is Stage 1
Source  I took psych
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