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colleen colleen
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Posts: 17077
10 years ago
Apoptosis and necrosis are described as the two ways cells die. Which one is "messy"? Which is "tidy"? Explain. Why do these forms of cell death exist? What are some advantages and/or disadvantages of each? Use the lining cells of the digestive tract in an example of an advantageous process.
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10 years ago
Necrosis is a result of damage to cells. The cells swell and rupture, and the enzymes that are released cause damage to other cells in the area; hence the descriptor "messy." Necrosis has the disadvantage of damaging cells that might otherwise have survived unscathed. Necrosis is not an advantageous process, but it is unavoidable because trauma to cells is unavoidable; we all get hurt sometimes. Apoptosis is "tidy" in that the cells do not rupture and release damaging enzymes; instead the cell breaks up into membrane-surrounded pieces that are consumed by immune cells. Apoptosis is advantageous in that it can shape a structure such as fingers and toes during development. In the case of the digestive tract, the harsh chemical environment would lead to frequent necrosis if it weren't for the programmed apoptosis occurring every day or so.
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