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Wateryplanet116 Wateryplanet116
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10 years ago
I'm brand new to this forum so please forgive me if this question should be in another category and if so I would appreciate it if someone could point me to the right category to post this question in Slight Smile

I am majoring in biology and am currently in the process of transferring to a 4 year university from a community college to pursue a degree in the field.  Could someone here please suggest some great books on the subject of biology and it's fields that break down in detail Evolution and things in relation such as Natural Selection and mutations.  Books on DNA and books on Biology.  I have a good understanding of those terms but would like to wet my appetite that much more with some great books on those subjects.  Thanks!! Slight Smile
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Staff Member
10 years ago
Stupid question, but do you agree with natural selection and evolution?

Great book would be The Origin of Species, and another good one is The Selfish Gene
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
10 years ago
I'm reading Stephen Jay Gould's "The Panda's Thumb" which is VERY interesting, and I'm no scientist. It is a collection of short essays on different topics in evolution, and helps paint a much richer, more nuanced picture of the theory and how it evolved before Darwin and since. For example, I just learned how Darwin was influenced by the economic theories of Adam Smith, which makes a lot of sense when you think about how companies start and evolve without some overall guiding hand.
10 years ago
Best book by far on the topic for the layman is by Richard Dawkins. It is called "An Ancestors Tale". It travels from humans back through time through common ancestors all the way back to the dawn of life. Throughout the book he uses specific examples to discuss evolutionary theory.
When you like a flower, you just pluck it out.
But when you love a flower, you water it daily.
The one who understands this, understands life.

- That's the difference between I like you and I love you.
10 years ago
Yes to Natural Selection and Yes to Evolution.  I wouldn't say it was a stupid question but it does come off as someone maybe trying to feel out what team I'm on.  If not then my apologies Slight Smile As for the books that were provided thus far thank you!  The Origin of Species has already been covered by me and IMHO should be read by any serious student entering the field of Biology.  I'm familiar with "The Panda's Thumb" and "The Ancestor's Tale" but have never added them to my reading list this far but that may change.  Along with "The Selfish Gene".  By all means keep the suggested titles coming!  I'm also looking myself for any great books covering the field of Biology.  Once again thanks for those titles as I will most likely add them to my reading list Slight Smile
Staff Member
10 years ago
I wouldn't say it was a stupid question but it does come off as someone maybe trying to feel out what team I'm on.  If not then my apologies

Ya, just doing some screening lol Don't really care what side your own, just curious. The selfish gene is a good one, though I'm not a fan of Dawkins. I find myself reading the text in his stupid accent all the time. Really don't like the person.
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
10 years ago
lol yeah it was pretty clear at least in my opinion that you was trying to see where I stood but it's okay Slight Smile I think any scientist no matter what belief system they hold would agree that Natural Selection is a fact that has been directly observed in nature.  What causes uproar within the scientific community is how much creative power can really be attributed to Natural Selection.  I'm quite familiar with Mr. Dawkins and have watched many of his lecture and debates online.  Personally I think the guy is very very smart but he should stay in his science lab lol.  When he travels into debates and gives his two cents on topics such as Theology then he has traveled a little to far out of his comfort zone. That's just my honest opinion.  I understand though it's hard for him to avoid such topics as he debates a lot of religious people.  So I will definitely check out his books and am quite interested in his book "The Greatest Show on Earth".  Like I said earlier I am majoring in Biology and look forward to soaking in as much as I can about this wonderful field of science Slight Smile   
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