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platham platham
Posts: 17
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10 years ago
I have a question about being on probation at college how long is it for and what is the best thing I can do to get my college to understand that I have been doing good and I have appealed the decision with my school what else can I do They are saying that I haven't made the progress to get my financial aid back I am needing help with this matter anyone have any suggestions Thank you
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10 years ago
Hello Patty,

What are you on probation for? Poor grades, academic dishonesty, etc.?
platham Author
10 years ago Edited: 10 years ago, platham
I have been having a medical issues and I failed two classes so I was put on probation for that then I have been doing good with bringing my grades up now they are telling me that I was not progressing on their level  It all started when I didn't get my financial aid loans in September I have not received any money and I have been trying to find out what is going on with my school loans and I found out that they changed system at college and it is messing up that I wasn't the only one who doesn't have their money back then I got sick and fell behind on my school work but I got caught up on it I failed those two classes and was put on probation and I have brought my grades up doing whatever I have to so I can get off probation and now they say I don't meet the progress to get my financial aid for the next semester I have been trying hard this semester and I don't want to get my college degree took from me Please let me know what to do if I can do anything to keep going to college Thanks for your help DO YOU THINK I CAN TRANSFER TO A DIFFERENT COLLEGE AND START OVER I am not sure what to do it has been very upsetting to be done like that I understand that I failed and I had to be placed on probation but I have been working so hard to bring my grades up
Staff Member
10 years ago
If your grades are poor, they can boot you out of the program. This is something you'll need to discuss with the registrars office. I'd recommend maintaining a 70 average in all your courses. Buckle down and study and do your homework right away (you should know this by now). While others are heading out for pizza go to the library and do your research and homework. Get ahead when you can because you will have plenty to do for the next class. Also, I would recommend getting a little notebook for yourself and write down all of your assignments and when its do and what is required of it. Ask the teacher if your unsure of the assignment and ask any questions that you may have to clarify the project that way you wont have any confusion or worries when handing it on.
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
10 years ago
Hey Patty,

What did you end up doing?
10 years ago
depends on college
10 years ago
depends on college

I think we understood that. Please don't resurrect posts unless it's absolutely necessary.
10 years ago Edited: 10 years ago, alexander.romeo
How about taking responsibility for your actions. You could have brought in a doctors note, talked with your professor, arranged make up classes. Talked with the dean etc etc. Did you do any of this?

Financial aid has certain regulations that they should follow. There shouldn't be any exceptions. That wouldn't be fair for the other students.

Own up. Get a part time job and pay for the following semesters. Raise up your grade and request to have the probation removed.

Transfering to another college is just running away from your problems. Own up!

Hello Patty,

What are you on probation for? Poor grades, academic dishonesty, etc.?
I have been having a medical issues and I failed two classes so I was put on probation for that then I have been doing good with bringing my grades up now they are telling me that I was not progressing on their level  It all started when I didn't get my financial aid loans in September I have not received any money and I have been trying to find out what is going on with my school loans and I found out that they changed system at college and it is messing up that I wasn't the only one who doesn't have their money back then I got sick and fell behind on my school work but I got caught up on it I failed those two classes and was put on probation and I have brought my grades up doing whatever I have to so I can get off probation and now they say I don't meet the progress to get my financial aid for the next semester I have been trying hard this semester and I don't want to get my college degree took from me Please let me know what to do if I can do anything to keep going to college Thanks for your help DO YOU THINK I CAN TRANSFER TO A DIFFERENT COLLEGE AND START OVER I am not sure what to do it has been very upsetting to be done like that I understand that I failed and I had to be placed on probation but I have been working so hard to bring my grades up
Post Merge: 10 years ago

I KNOW this is an old post, but It's an opinion that had to be said.

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