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lunarune lunarune
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12 years ago Edited: 12 years ago, lunarune
In my genetics class we did a three point cross with Drosophila melanogaster. we crossed wild type, white eyed, miniature wing female and a wild type, lozenge male. The other cross was with a female lozenge, wild type to a male wild type, white eyed, miniature wing. We then did a reciporcle cross. I've added up all the resuts, but I have to do a map. I understand I need to get the mapping distances but the class notes confuse me. I've been trying different ways for hours. We have the 8 different phenotypes. My notes tell me to find all the A to B relationships- AB, ab, Ab, aB. I did that. Then I need to find which are recombinant. I don't understand how you put the 8 phenotypes in order to tell which are recombinant. If I do greatest to smallest and look at the two that are closet to each other, they all look recombinant. For example abC and Abc. how do I figure this out? it looks trans to me. doesn't that mean recombinant?
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12 years ago
Then I need to find which are recombinant. I don't understand how you put the 8 phenotypes in order to tell which are recombinant.

Why would you put the phenotypes in order?
lunarune Author
12 years ago
I had thought you put the phenotypes in orders to tell which ones were reconbinant but I didn't understand how you could tell which were recombinant. I realize now that the order isn't what tells recombinant it's the number of the phenotypes, or genotypes because we are more talking about the gene themselves and not the expression of them at this moment. The largest two numbers are the parentals and the smaller two are the recombinants, but I still don't know how to figure out the map units. I added all the distances from lz-w, w-m, and lz-m and found the smallest total from each of the groups and divided by the total like the notes said to get the three distances. My map units don't add up to what others have told me they received. was I also supposed to add the lowest numbers out of the total and out of the a-b, b-c, a-c groups?
my numbers are +++ - 47, ++lz - 185, +m+ - 48, w++ - 72, +mlz - 37, w+lz - 34, wm+ - 126, wmlz - 14 total = 563 w= white eye, lz=lozenge shape, m=mini wing, +=wild type
to find to find the distance from lz to w I put LzW= 47 + 48= 95, lzw= 34 + 14=48 (which is two lowest), Lzw= 72 + 126=198, lzW= 185 + 37=222, total is 563 divide by the lowest. 48/563 x 100= 8.5% That is all the notes the professor said to do for a trihybrid cross. Do I need to, because double crossover, make the equation 48+48/563? That still only gives 17% and I think it's supposed to be closer to 30%. I don't know what i'm doing wrong.
12 years ago
lunarune, phenotypes means the physical trait that is expressed once the protein is transcribed and translated. I think what you mean is ordering the alleles.
12 years ago
lunarune, phenotypes means the physical trait that is expressed once the protein is transcribed and translated. I think what you mean is ordering the alleles.

You're right about the first part, but you can actually order it:

lunarune Author
12 years ago Edited: 12 years ago, lunarune
I'm confused. Ordering them? I need to find distances. I guess when I find the distances and make a map i am ordering them.
My experiment was that I crossed Drosopila melanogaster a +wm phentotype female to a ++lz phentotype male and vice versa. I then took the resulting F1 generation and did a reciporcle cross. I then counted all the males in the F2 generation and got the results I posted last time. I was needing to find out the recombination of the genes so I could get a gene map. I was having a hard time trying to find how to get the distances of the genes to make the map. It doesn't help that the results don't yeild a typical map anyway. I'm supposed to find out what of the parentals were in trans and draw a punnett square of the first cross. I understand what genotype and phenotype are. Genotype is the pair of allels of the gene and phenotype is the visual expression of those genes. I just sometimes throw out the wrong word when I don't think about it and I'm talking about both the pair of allels and the visual expression of them. Genetics is not my strong suit, I'm a biochemistry major. We normally don't deal with punnett squares and sex linked genes and cross overs.  I think I figured out the calculations finally getting around the same results as others said they acheived. I'm not eaxctly sure how I acheived that though. I'm not not sure if I set up the punnett square right. like I said the cross was between a +wm phentotype female to a ++lz.
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