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Evolver Evolver
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9 years ago
I have always been interested in Evolutionary Biology as a child, desiring to become a researcher and, eventually, a professor at uni. after my first hand experiences of research and how the academic world really works though, I am not really sure about that at all anymore.

Now I got an MSc in Molecular biology. I was going to try and find an interesting PhD to test and prove myself if research is really not suitable for me as I thought, but I'm aware that's an attempt that requires a hell of a commitment.

Furthermore, in the last years I have devolped a growing interest for personal development, coaching and job orienteering... In a period of confusion about what to do with my life and my career, I got in touch with this world and asked for advice to a coach... and it turned out, I really saw myself fit for the role.

The problem is, I am aware that probably I have to study coaching and psychology courses and get certifications, but my finances are quite reduced at the moment. I was wondering, how could I switch from the previous path to the other? or even better, if there's a career path that allows me to mix the two in some way...
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9 years ago Edited: 9 years ago, bio_man
Now I got an MSc in Molecular biology. I was going to try and find an interesting PhD to test and prove myself if research is really not suitable for me as I thought, but I'm aware that's an attempt that requires a hell of a commitment.


Furthermore, in the last years I have devolped a growing interest for personal development, coaching and job orienteering... In a period of confusion about what to do with my life and my career, I got in touch with this world and asked for advice to a coach... and it turned out, I really saw myself fit for the role.

Follow what you're passionate about, but make sure it pays the bills!

The problem is, I am aware that probably I have to study coaching and psychology courses and get certifications, but my finances are quite reduced at the moment. I was wondering, how could I switch from the previous path to the other? or even better, if there's a career path that allows me to mix the two in some way...

You could take a couple of years off working in what you went to school for, and follow your passion as a hobby on the side. If you find that you're really good at your hobby and have developed the skills to make a living off of it, maybe then you can switch careers, or do both jobs part-time. I know a friend of mine with a similar story. He graduated with a degree in biology, but ended up becoming an entrepreneur online in his field of work - science. He used what he was good at - science - to pursue a career related to it in business. He always had a hobby involving computers, so over the years he learned how to program websites while at the same time working as a biologist for a local company. Now he works on his business full-time, and has left his old life behind.
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