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A sample of hydrogen bromide gas occupies 45.5 cm3 at 30.0 °C and 30.0 in. Hg. What is the final Celsius temperature if the volume is 45.5 cm3 at 15.0 in. Hg?
A) -121 °C
B) 15 °C
C) 60 °C
D) 152 °C
E) 333 °C
You want your students to be able to be able to solve problems, such as the following:

Damien's cell phone plan allows him 500 free minutes a month for a rate of $90 per month, and he pays a rate of 40 cents a minute for all calls...
Sharon feels it's right to share with Kathy because Kathy shares with her, but she doesn't want to share with Judy, Heather, and Cheryle as well.  Of the following, which best describes the stage of moral development at which Sharon is...
With each 99 cent iTunes download, GDP
A) rises by 99 cents.
B) falls by 99 cents.
C) remains unchanged.
D) is impossible to measure with this sale because nothing physical has been produced.
Cross-cultural research examining the validity of the five-factor model of personality has found that these five factors show up in at least ____ different cultures, including some that have rarely been studied.
  a. 15
Per capita GDP is simply GDP divided by
A) the population.
B) the price level.
C) the inflation rate.
D) the consumer price index.
E) none of the above.
A lease on an office building calls for a payment of $3,500,000 today and annual payments of $5,000,000 for 40 years. The first of the annual payments will be payable 30 months from now when the building becomes ready for occupancy. Using a discount...
The main device used for unifying the composition of Guernica (fig. 16.1 and figs. 16.3-7) is(are) __________.
A. repeated use of a vertical axis
B. contour lines
C. triangular shapes
D. one-point perspective
What is the constraint associated with machine 2 for the following assignment problem?
   1 2 3
   A 3 4 2
   Job B 1 3 5
   C 6 4 2
The Inquiry model aims to cultivate in students:
A) the skills knowledge, and dispositions important for engaging in direct instruction.
B) the skills knowledge, and dispositions required for the field of science only.
C) the skills...
Children in dramatic play are "cooking" for their babies and each other, but no one is "eating." Their teacher sits at the table and says, "Can someone take my order?" Children excitedly look for the clipboard and...
Screenwriter Scott Z. Burns (who wrote Contagion and The Bourne Ultimatum, among other
  things) remarked: A movie is made at least __________ times.
  A. two
  B. three
  C. four
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