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The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 allows for the following method(s) to be ...
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 allows for the following method(s) to be ...
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 allows for the following method(s) to be utilized to identify students as having specific learning disabilities:
A) IQ Achievement discrepancy model
B) IQ Achievement discrepancy model and Response to Intervention model
C) Response to Intervention model
D) None of the above
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   159   3   c-5826   7 years ago
Response to Intervention is a multi-level approach designed to:
Response to Intervention is a multi-level approach designed to:
Response to Intervention is a multi-level approach designed to:
A) Provide research-based instruction to all students
B) Provide struggling students with intensive academic support
C) Reduce incorrect identification of students for services for specific learning disabilities
D) All of the above
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   189   3   c-5826   7 years ago
Franklin Elementary tests all of their students on a reading fluency measure at the beginning of the ...
Franklin Elementary tests all of their students on a reading fluency measure at the beginning of the ...
Franklin Elementary tests all of their students on a reading fluency measure at the beginning of the school year to determine who may need assistance in meeting the grade-level fluency standard. This is an example of which level of the RtI model?
A) Tier 1
B) Tier 2
C) Tier 3
D) Tier 4
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   269   3   c-5826   7 years ago
At this level of the RtI model, student performance is monitored regularly and students receive ...
At this level of the RtI model, student performance is monitored regularly and students receive ...
At this level of the RtI model, student performance is monitored regularly and students receive research-based, universally designed and culturally responsive instructional practices in small groups:
A) Tier 1
B) Tier 2
C) Tier 3
D) Tier 4
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   159   3   c-5826   7 years ago
Which of the following is NOT a component of the RTI model?
Which of the following is NOT a component of the RTI model?
Which of the following is NOT a component of the RTI model?
A) Universal screening
B) Related services/therapies
C) Progress monitoring
D) Evidence-based curricula and interventions
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   158   3   c-5826   7 years ago
In the RtI model, the brief norm-based test or curriculum-based measure that is administered several ...
In the RtI model, the brief norm-based test or curriculum-based measure that is administered several ...
In the RtI model, the brief norm-based test or curriculum-based measure that is administered several times during the school year to all students to compare student performance to an established performance is known as:
A) Informal assessment
B) Formal assessment
C) Multidisciplinary assessment
D) Universal screening
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   166   3   c-5826   7 years ago
There are concerns that the implementation of RtI in schools has negatively impacted the education ...
There are concerns that the implementation of RtI in schools has negatively impacted the education ...
There are concerns that the implementation of RtI in schools has negatively impacted the education of which group of students?
A) General education students
B) Special education students
C) Gifted and talented students with disabilities
D) All of the above
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   207   3   c-5826   7 years ago
Which of the following is a mandated component of the IEP?
Which of the following is a mandated component of the IEP?
Which of the following is a mandated component of the IEP?
A) Testing accommodations
B) Extent of participation in the general education curriculum
C) Annual goals
D) All of the above
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   158   3   c-5826   7 years ago
The part of the IEP that addresses how the disability affects the student's involvement and ...
The part of the IEP that addresses how the disability affects the student's involvement and ...
The part of the IEP that addresses how the disability affects the student's involvement and progress in the general education curriculum is known as:
A) Testing accommodations
B) Supplementary aids and services
C) Annual goals
D) Present Levels of Performance (PLP)
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   135   3   c-5826   7 years ago
The IEP team should consider the following when selecting and evaluating a student for assistive ...
The IEP team should consider the following when selecting and evaluating a student for assistive ...
The IEP team should consider the following when selecting and evaluating a student for assistive technology services and devices:
A) The barriers a student may experience due to their disability
B) Stigma of using the device
C) Potential for abandonment of use
D) All of the above
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   184   3   c-5826   7 years ago
A mandated part of an IEP, for students age 16 or older, which addresses postsecondary goals is ...
A mandated part of an IEP, for students age 16 or older, which addresses postsecondary goals is ...
A mandated part of an IEP, for students age 16 or older, which addresses postsecondary goals is known as:
A) Present levels of performance
B) Assistive technology
C) Annual goals
D) Transition services
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   172   3   c-5826   7 years ago
When students with disabilities graduate from school, the following must be developed to share ...
When students with disabilities graduate from school, the following must be developed to share ...
When students with disabilities graduate from school, the following must be developed to share students' academic achievement and suggestions for achieving their postsecondary goals:
B) Summary of Performance (SOP)
D) Present Levels of Performance (PLP)
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   187   3   c-5826   7 years ago
When a student, aged birth to 5, is found eligible for special education services, the following ...
When a student, aged birth to 5, is found eligible for special education services, the following ...
When a student, aged birth to 5, is found eligible for special education services, the following document is created:
C) Summary of Performance (SOP)
D) All of the above
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   225   3   c-5826   7 years ago
Which of the following is a mandated part of BOTH an IEP and IFSP?
Which of the following is a mandated part of BOTH an IEP and IFSP?
Which of the following is a mandated part of BOTH an IEP and IFSP?
A) An assessment of the family's strengths and needs for enhancing their child's development
B) Dates for starting special ed services and their duration
C) Statement of the natural environments where the services will be delivered
D) Procedures for moving the child from early interventi
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   232   3   c-5826   7 years ago
Which of the following is not a mandated member of the IEP team?
Which of the following is not a mandated member of the IEP team?
Which of the following is not a mandated member of the IEP team?
A) An individual who can determine instruction implications of assessment data
B) A special education teacher
C) Family members of the student
D) An individual who understands the student's medical conditions
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   196   3   c-5826   7 years ago
The following statement(s) were changes, made by IDEA of 2004, which impacted the membership and ...
The following statement(s) were changes, made by IDEA of 2004, which impacted the membership and ...
The following statement(s) were changes, made by IDEA of 2004, which impacted the membership and meetings of the multidisciplinary team:
A) Families and schools can agree to exempt any member of the IEP from attending if their area of expertise or related service is not being discussed.
B) Video and phone conferences can be used to ensure participation of team members
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   159   3   c-5826   7 years ago
Which member of the multidisciplinary team supervises the district-wide services and usually serves ...
Which member of the multidisciplinary team supervises the district-wide services and usually serves ...
Which member of the multidisciplinary team supervises the district-wide services and usually serves as chairperson of the team:
A) School psychologist
B) Paraeducator
C) Special ed teacher
D) School administrator
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   451   3   c-5826   7 years ago
This member of the multidisciplinary team services as a liaison between the home and school and ...
This member of the multidisciplinary team services as a liaison between the home and school and ...
This member of the multidisciplinary team services as a liaison between the home and school and community agencies:
A) Special education teacher
B) School counselors
C) Social workers
D) School psychologist
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   388   3   c-5826   7 years ago
When students who are learning English are referred for special education, the following ...
When students who are learning English are referred for special education, the following ...
When students who are learning English are referred for special education, the following individual(s) may be included as part of the multidisciplinary team:
A) Migrant educators
B) Bilingual educators
C) ESL teachers
D) All of the above
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   172   3   c-5826   7 years ago
All of the following are examples of effective communication skills used in collaborative teams ...
All of the following are examples of effective communication skills used in collaborative teams ...
All of the following are examples of effective communication skills used in collaborative teams EXCEPT:
A) Remaining unwilling to change positions on recommended services
B) Being tolerant of other points of view
C) Disagreeing respectfully
D) Listening carefully and empathetically
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   223   3   c-5826   7 years ago
A multidisciplinary process for collaboratively designing and delivering a wide range of student- ...
A multidisciplinary process for collaboratively designing and delivering a wide range of student- ...
A multidisciplinary process for collaboratively designing and delivering a wide range of student- and family-centered services to address students' unique needs and behaviors is referred to as a:
A) Team planning process
B) Congruent planning process
C) Map planning process
D) Wraparound planning process
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   238   3   c-5826   7 years ago
School districts are no longer permitted to use the IQ-Achievement Discrepancy Model to identify ...
School districts are no longer permitted to use the IQ-Achievement Discrepancy Model to identify ...
School districts are no longer permitted to use the IQ-Achievement Discrepancy Model to identify students as having a learning disability.
A) True
B) False
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   316   3   c-5826   7 years ago
If a student is found to have a disability that adversely affects their educational performance, an ...
If a student is found to have a disability that adversely affects their educational performance, an ...
If a student is found to have a disability that adversely affects their educational performance, an IEP or IFSP will be created.
A) True
B) False
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   243   3   c-5826   7 years ago
If a student is not IDEA eligible, the student may be considered for special education services ...
If a student is not IDEA eligible, the student may be considered for special education services ...
If a student is not IDEA eligible, the student may be considered for special education services under Section 504.
A) True
B) False
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   158   3   c-5826   7 years ago
A due process hearing is usually held before mediation.
A due process hearing is usually held before mediation.
A due process hearing is usually held before mediation.
A) True
B) False
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   206   3   c-5826   7 years ago
A school's prereferral system may be referred to as an instructional support team.
A school's prereferral system may be referred to as an instructional support team.
A school's prereferral system may be referred to as an instructional support team.
A) True
B) False
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   202   3   c-5826   7 years ago
Prereferral strategies are always successful when implemented by an experienced Comprehensive ...
Prereferral strategies are always successful when implemented by an experienced Comprehensive ...
Prereferral strategies are always successful when implemented by an experienced Comprehensive Planning Team.
A) True
B) False
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   177   3   c-5826   7 years ago
Response to Intervention is a special education program.
Response to Intervention is a special education program.
Response to Intervention is a special education program.
A) True
B) False
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   189   3   c-5826   7 years ago
Ten to twenty percent of all students are expected to receive more intensive general education ...
Ten to twenty percent of all students are expected to receive more intensive general education ...
Ten to twenty percent of all students are expected to receive more intensive general education classroom instruction in the RtI model.
A) True
B) False
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   215   3   c-5826   7 years ago
The IEP should complete a functional behavioral analysis for any student whose behavior interferes ...
The IEP should complete a functional behavioral analysis for any student whose behavior interferes ...
The IEP should complete a functional behavioral analysis for any student whose behavior interferes with his or her learning or that of others.
A) True
B) False
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   190   3   c-5826   7 years ago
Transitions services must be included on an IEP for all students who are 16 years of age.
Transitions services must be included on an IEP for all students who are 16 years of age.
Transitions services must be included on an IEP for all students who are 16 years of age.
A) True
B) False
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   143   3   c-5826   7 years ago
A student who is "twice exceptional"
A student who is "twice exceptional"
A student who is "twice exceptional"
A) Has a significant disability
B) Has more than one talent
C) Is multi-disabled
D) Has both disability and gifted characteristics
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   140   3   c-5826   7 years ago
The term students with high-incidence disabilities does not presently include:
The term students with high-incidence disabilities does not presently include:
The term students with high-incidence disabilities does not presently include:
A) Students with learning disabilities
B) Students with emotional/behavioral disorders
C) Students with speech/language impairments
D) Students with vision impairments
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   301   3   c-5826   7 years ago
Students with which of the following exceptionalities may take medication to improve their school ...
Students with which of the following exceptionalities may take medication to improve their school ...
Students with which of the following exceptionalities may take medication to improve their school experience and performance?
A) Students with epilepsy
B) Students with asthma
C) Students with attention deficit disorders
D) All of the above
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   240   3   c-5826   7 years ago
A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using ...
A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using ...
A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using spoken or written language, which may appear as an impaired ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations is:
A) Specific learning disability
B) Intellectual disability
C) Central auditory processing disorder
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   210   4   meggolegoo   4 years ago
Which of the following is not a characteristic associated with mild intellectual disabilities?
Which of the following is not a characteristic associated with mild intellectual disabilities?
Which of the following is not a characteristic associated with mild intellectual disabilities?
A) An inability to work independently
B) Engages in self-stimulatory behaviors
C) Show a steady learning profile
D) Difficulties generalizing their learning to other situations
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   164   3   c-5826   7 years ago
Which of the following statements about learning disabilities is(are) true?
Which of the following statements about learning disabilities is(are) true?
Which of the following statements about learning disabilities is(are) true?
A) Some individuals with learning disabilities may have deficits in one area while others have deficits in a variety of areas.
B) All individuals with learning disabilities have difficulties reading.
C) Individuals with learning disabilities have deficits in adaptive behavior and cognition.
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   189   3   c-5826   7 years ago
The following disability category is defined as a "disorder in one or more of the basic ...
The following disability category is defined as a "disorder in one or more of the basic ...
The following disability category is defined as a "disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using spoken or written language, which may appear as an impaired ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do math."
A) Specific Learning Disabilities
B) Intellectual disabilities
C) Mental retardation
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   163   3   c-5826   7 years ago
Rocco and Louis are two students with specific learning disabilities. Due to the nature of learning ...
Rocco and Louis are two students with specific learning disabilities. Due to the nature of learning ...
Rocco and Louis are two students with specific learning disabilities. Due to the nature of learning disabilities, it is likely that:
A) One will have a high IQ and the other will have a low IQ
B) One will be strong in math and the other will be strong in reading
C) They will both deficits in the same areas
D) We are not able to predict their strengths and weaknes
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   436   4   bigacq23   3 years ago
Which statement is true about ADD?
Which statement is true about ADD?
Which statement is true about ADD?
A) Students with ADD must be educated in a resource room.
B) To be identified as having an ADD, students must only show signs of hyperactivity.
C) The behavioral patterns associated with ADD may also be found in gifted and talented students who are bored in school.
D) Students with ADD qualify for special education services unde
Teaching and Learning Strategies   我爱生物学   241   3   c-5826   7 years ago
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