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New Article 1

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Contributor: vapalmieri
Category: Biology
Type: Lecture Notes
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Vincent Palmieri ENVT 0845 Commentary #1 September 6th, 2018 Commentary On: The Race Is on to Mine the Deep Sea – But Scientists Are Wary By Jon Letman, National Geographic, August 29, 2018 Many of the Earth’s resources, elements and unique creatures are left untouched by humans at the bottom of the ocean. This mere fact has drawn interest from people who are eager to venture out into the ocean to begin exploring, discovering and mining new parts of the earth. Habitats of these unknown creatures are a delicacy due to the fact that interfering with them could result in ruining their homes. Jon Letman explains all of the potential risks of mining the deep sea that are described by various scientists in his article, “The Race Is on to Mine the Deep Sea – But Scientists Are Wary”. One of the main concerns regarding the idea of mining the unexplored deep sea is how easily it would be to destroy a species before it is even discovered. With the elimination of a new species, we may forgo potential resources that the creature could have provided to pharmaceutical companies as well as new information regarding life and how it begins. With all of the mining that is being planned, the effect that it would have is a contributing factor when deciding the right approach. Mining the ocean floor would inevitably leave a negative impact in how it would interfere with the oceans ability to regulate the climate. We face the issue of potentially damaging the biodiversity of the ocean. The most logical compromise would be to create an area that must stay free of mining, which would create an area designated for mining. This is the exact approach being discussed among organizations that deal with what goes on in the ocean. I would recommend this article to anyone, especially those who are genuinely about the world in general. This article successfully highlights the fact that we as humans know so little about the biodiversity of the ocean. I had already known this before reading, however, I did learn a substantial amount of information from this article as a whole. This article directly correlates to that of the information that we discussed in class because of its concern with the environment as well as the idea of conserving habitats. The action of mining the ocean floor has its risks and impact on the environment, and the article did a nice job of explaining this. To back up its claims, quotes from scientists were included to back up the argument. This, to me, makes the article much more credible. I never had my own opinion simply because I never put any thought towards the issue. However, after being brought awareness to the subject, I fully agree that there should be a balance by creating limits as to what we can be mined. I thought the article was very well organized and persuasive. If there was someone that wanted to mine the ocean floor and not pay any mind to its impacts, I believe that this article would force them to think twice. Its points are very valid and stated in such a way that is hard to make a counter argument. This is not to say that one cannot be made, I am just saying that it would be difficult when comparing it to most controversial topics that the world is currently concerned with.

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