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Uploaded: 6 years ago
Contributor: 131231bob
Category: American History
Type: Test / Midterm / Exam
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ORGANIZING AND OUTFITTING YOUR CONCERT PERCUSSION SECTION Dr. David Coash FLORIDA MUSIC EDUCATORS CONFERENCE JANUARY 16,2016 This session addresses the physical organization/set up of a standard concert percussion. Standard tips for tuning bass drum, timpani and snare drums; Cymbal size and selection and stick/mallet/beater recommend-ations will be examined. Basic playing techniques for cymbals, tambourine, triangle and bass drum will be included if time permits. USE A PADDED STICK TRAY!! Organized Quiet changes Sticks, mallets, small instruments Thick Bath towel or commercial Tom Gauger Stand Pad SAB-61138 $44.95 Ludwig Glock/Tray Stand- LUD-LE1368 $89.95 Restaurant Stand $15-20 I. Timpani Center, next to basses/tuba. Set up low-high, left-right. Ranges: 32” D-A, 29” F-C, 26” Bb- F, 23” D-A. Set w/ crescent wrench/timpani key. LUD-P15011 $27.95 Stand or sit? Wooden bar stool/ swivel seat.? ROC-TIMPANI $249.95 SEARS- CRAFTSMAN Hydraulic Stool $81.59 TARGET- Wooden Bar Stool $15.89 Sticks: Cloyd Duff GS-DUFF2- $59.95 ; Vic Firth General T1- $24.95; Saul Goodman Ultra Staccato : REG-605SG- $32.95 Firth, Goodman sell re-cover kits for all mallets. Goodman $18.95 Firth $6.95 Tuning Fork- not pitch pipe! EVANS EVA-PWTF-A $9.49 II. Bass Drum Tuning Batter head- low boom, no rattle Resonant head- slightly lower Playing position Muffling- left hand, right leg. Rolls, rhythmic passages- tilt? Matched or traditional? Sticks: Vic Firth/Gauger General VIC-TG01- $37.50; Vic Firth/Gauger VIC-TG03- $39.95; Vic Firth/Gauger VIC-TG21 - $36.50 Firth sells re-cover kits for BD. From Weiss- SW-TIMPFELTUSA 36” X 18” $89.99. Ed Brown- BAND DIRECTORS PERCUSSION REPAIR MANUAL #- 16922 $26.95 III. Cymbals Size 16-20” 18” standard Weight French light, quick, bright Viennese general, all purpose Germanic heavy, dark Table- Wenger vs. padded tray Suspended cymbal post stand vs. goose neck PEARL GOOSE NECK Stand- PEA-C1030SC $129.95 Sticks- NOT TIMPANI!!! Cymbal playing techniques crash and muffling IV. Snare Drum Concert Size 14” diameter, 4-6” depth Shell- wood or metal. $ and timbre Snares- wire or coated cable Gibralter “14 16 Strand Replacement Snare GIB-SC-4459 $8.50 Black Swamp “14 Standard Coated Cable BLA-S14C $59.00 Heads- Not too thick! Remo Diplomat Black Swamp Multisonic Snare Drum - 14x6.5 BLA-MS6514MD Tuning/ Head tension Batter/top An “a”. Snare/bottom Not too tight- crisp snare Snare tension/ adjustment Inside Sound! Not Outside! Crisp, clear- FF-pp Replace bent mechanisms. V. Tambourine/Triangle/ Wood Block Tambourine playing techniques Skin Head, not Plastic GOOD JINGLES!! Grover 10” Beryllium Copper GRO-T2/BC $197.25 Triangle playing techniques Overtones!! Sabian 6” Hand Hammered SAB-6B8H $75.00 Triangle Beaters, Stoessel, Black Swamp, Grover. Have several sizes for dynamics. Triangle Clips, PLEASE… Sabian SAB-61122 $10.95 Clip-Home Depot, fishing line. NOT SHOESTRINGS!!!!! Wood block Rubber mallet vs. drum stick? Grover GRO-WB8 $39.00 Malletech Natural Rubber MAL-NR19R $28.95 VI. Glockenspiel Fall Creek K-100 Stands- Ludwig, LUD-LE1368 $89.95 Equilibrium- GS01 Fall Creek Marimbas Tray Stand $15-20. Sticks- Hard Plastic and Brass Rubber/Plastic – Mike Balter BAL-GP3 $30.95 Malletech MAL-OR45B $23.95 Brass – Mike Balter BAL-G5 $24.95 VII. Xylophone Rosewood vs. Kelon Durability vs Tone Sticks - Hard Rubber/Plastic Same as Glockenspiel. NOT BRASS! VIII. Chimes Playing position See the music and the conductor! Sticks/Hammers Rawhide vs. Acrylic Grover PM-4 $29.40 Hardware Store… IX. Ed Brown- BAND DIRECTORS PERCUSSION REPAIR MANUAL #- 16922 $26.95 *All prices and model #’s are from Steve Weiss Music.

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