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Week 4

Uploaded: 6 years ago
Contributor: jbett
Category: Psychology and Mental Health
Type: Assignment
Rating: N/A
Filename:   Week 4.docx (13.54 kB)
Page Count: 1
Credit Cost: 1
Views: 90
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Choose one of the following topics and write an extensive synopsis of it:  1) Levels of Awareness, to include Mindfulness; 2) Hypnosis, to include Dissociation/Hypnotherapy/Trance States; 3) Sleeping and Dreaming; 4) Psychoactive Drugs.  Be sure to not just regurgitate the information you read. If you have any personal experiences, or know of someone with a personal experience, share it.  Your points will be based on how much content you bring and should be between 200-250 words.  Don't forget to respond to one other student.  Due: Sunday night, Points: 30 Sleep is incredibly important for physical and mental well-being. During sleep your body lacks full awareness, yet your brain is still very active. You have an internal "clock" that influences when you're awake and when you’re sleeping. It typically follows a 24-hour repeating rhythm (circadian). What people don’t realize or put enough importance to is that the rhythm affects every cell in your body. Children need more sleep than adults because they’re growing. It amazes me how people spend time and money on nutrition and exercise programs to become healthier/feel better but disregard their need for adequate sleep. There are several stages of sleep; Stage 1 being “falling asleep”. Stage 2 is a light sleep that processes memories and is where we spend the most time. Stage 3 relaxes our muscles. Stage 4 is rapid eye movement (REM), which is associated with dreaming and is most similar to being awake in terms of brain activity. We all dream. Dreams can occur in any stage, but are most vivid during REM. There’ve been times I’ve woken up madder than a hornet at my husband because of a dream. I usually can’t remember the dream. However, based on my degree of angriness and how real it felt, it was likely during REM sleep. Some theories suggest that our dreams represent troublesome wishes whereas others believe them to be predictions or important life lessons. When I was pregnant, I had dreamt the whole pregnancy I was having a boy. It was true.

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