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Lesson 1.1

Baylor University
Uploaded: 6 years ago
Contributor: christinad
Category: Psychology and Mental Health
Type: Assignment
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Experimental assignment 1
Lesson 1.1 Experiential Assignment We typically identify a person as a specific individual at birth, and claim that he or she remains the same individual until death.  Specify at least three things that you believe make a person the same person throughout his or her lifetime.  Explain why. “Seasons change, but, people don’t” and “Old habits die hard” are the two sayings that come into my mind when thinking about this question. I believe that throughout one’s lifetime, he or she for the most part remains true to personality traits and aspects of their personality in which they have possessed since a young age. First and foremost, I believe that certain personality traits are curated within someone at a young age, and become the foundation for their future morals and ideology. Even through changes in habits, goals, and lifestyle, I believe that the fundamental personality traits are still what prevails and guides someone despite other life changes. Secondly, I believe that people are naturally resistant to change and many do not follow through most of the time even with the intent because we are creatures of habit. Last but not least, I believe that our Genetics play a large role in what tendencies we have due to our nature. What might justify punishing a person for a crime they committed more than twenty years ago? In the case of punishing a person for a crime they committed over two decades ago, One of the purposes of criminal punishment is mainly to serve justice in preventing the crime from being re-offended. This does not make much sense in the case of someone committing a crime long ago as they had not re-committed it for a long period of time, however, It can still be justified using the first argument that I pointed out in Question 1, being that despite change in lifestyle, habits, and goals- some element of deviance within the personality that was curated at a young age still remains which played role in the initial crime being committed. What would need to change about a person before you would be willing to conclude that he or she is no longer the same person (e.g., physical appearance, beliefs, memories, gender—a combination of these characteristics or something else)? I believe that beliefs and certain other aspects such as memories in addition to various characteristics in a combination- can actually hold more power in changing a person. However when it comes to many other aspects, I think that appearance is very surface level, and a change in that may reflect a visual change and a change in one’s confidence and how they carry themselves- but certain characteristics curated at a young age still prevail. I feel this is also true with change in Gender Expression and Opposition to the Gender Identity one previously aligned with- this change results in further change in confidence, lifestyle, and habits, however, I still feel that there are fundamental characteristics of one’s personality that remain. In addition, to gender specifically, many people who do chose to Identify differently feel that has been in them always and it feels right to live their life with that change, despite the many challenges they face to do so in that position. I think that in these cases no matter what, there are always some fundamental elements of one’s personality that will hold true and remain. I think it becomes a bit more tricky in the case of beliefs and memories; Someone who has grown up religious, which has played a large role in shaping their beliefs which help shape personality, is going to be faced with larger changes and a disruption to some of these fundamental characteristics and elements of personality I’ve discussed in the case of losing these beliefs or changing what they believe. Just as someone who loses memories, this recently happened to a classmate of mine following a severe car accident and he does not remember the past 3-5 years of his life. Memories during a crucial time in growing on the fundamental traits and elements of personality we’ve always held, causes a change as well, in who someone ultimately is. I feel that beliefs and memories can hold more power in changing a person, however, I still can’t help but feel that there are some characteristics and elements of personality that still prevail- even in these cases.

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