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bipolar disorder

Georgia Southern University : GSU
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Bipolar Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments Chasity Tillman Post University Bipolar disorder is a life changing psychological disorder. Some experience periods of mania and depression and the alternation of both is called bipolar disorder (Feldman, 2019, p. 446). It represents an alteration of well-being state with mood fluctuations. Bipolar disorder causes pathological changes between two poles. It increases your mood, mania; which leads to a lowering of mood and depression (Moore, 2013). Young people who are 25 and younger seem to be affected and are at high risk by bipolar disorder. Clinical staging is used to intervene and stop the widespread of bipolar disorder in such young ages (Early staging of bipolar disorder, 2015). The World Health Organization estimates that mental health disorders such as bipolar disorder are increasing cause of life years lost (Stroppa & Moreira, 2013). Youthful young people with subthreshold depression might be bound to have fewer dark and white issue mind volumes in specific districts, and in young ladies with subthreshold discouragement, movement to sadness might be impacted by average prefrontal dim issue volume. This was the first run through dim issue and white issue volume contrasts were recognized utilizing this methodology in 14-year-olds with subthreshold gloom. Generally, 14-year-olds with subthreshold sorrow had fewer dark and white issue volumes in the territories of the mind that direct feeling. In young ladies just, movement to real burdensome turmoil at age 16 was intervened by smaller dim issue volume at age 14. This may assume a job in female advancement of depression (Early staging of bipolar disorder, 2015). Bipolar disorder not only affects the person that has it but their surroundings as well. Many mental disorders, such as bipolar disorders, are associated with high rates of psychosocial and occupational difficulties, financial problems, marital failure, substance abuse, neuropsychological deficits, sexual dysfunction, suicide, poor quality of life, legal issues, poor parenting skills, and disability (Grover, Nehra, & Thakur, 2017). It is important to understand the impact that this disorder has on marriage. Many Indian studies shows that there is a shorter duration of marriage among patients with bipolar disorder. Also, study shows that mental disorders such as bipolar disorder has a lower likelihood of ever marrying (Grover, Nehra, & Thakur, 2017) Lower fertility rates have been reported from patients who suffer from bipolar disorder. Studies show that the use of valproic acid is associated with the decrease in fertility rates in women. Furthermore, valproate leads to hyperandrogenism, hyperinsulinemia and dyslipidemia, and menstrual abnormalities. Some authors have postulated that lithium management could increase the fertility of bipolar disorder patients (Grover, Nehra, & Thakur, 2017). Bipolar disorder has many symptoms that you should be able to recognize. Many bipolar disorder patients experience depressed moods and an emotional state characterized by sadness, pessimism, hopelessness, apathy and anhedonia (Moore, 2013). Compromising of the cognitive function causes thoughts to be focused on issues of worthlessness and guilt. Pessimistic view and deep sadness can lead to suicidal thoughts or acts for a person who is suffering from bipolar disorder. Also, cognitive functions that are impaired by distractibility, difficulty of synthesis and lack of judgement (Moore, 2013). An ongoing audit reasoned that when contrasted and sound controls and those with other mental disarranges, patients with BD are nearer to solid controls than those with other mental clutters regarding keeping up couple connections. The accessible investigations demonstrated that as far as couple connections, the major conjugal worry among couples with one of the accomplices having BD, incorporates diminished recurrence of sex, particularly amid the scenes (Grover, Nehra, & Thakur, 2017). Bipolar disorder can be treated but there is no specific cure. The treatment of bipolar disorder is often limited to pharmacotherapy, which is efficient but has not been found to fully restore the mood and quality of life of most patients suffering from bipolar disorder (Stroppa & Moreira, 2013). Religiosity is recognized to be a relevant psychosocial health factor. Studies show that higher levels of religious involvement are associated with improved physical health. Psychological well-being lower-rates of depression, suicide, and substance abuse in bipolar patients as well (Stroppa & Moreira, 2013). Three elements of religiosity have been viewed as applicable inside the wellbeing research condition. They incorporate natural religiosity, in which religion is 'an end in itself' and possesses a focal job in one's life, and the individual think about different needs as auxiliary. Authoritative religiosity alludes to participation at open religious occasions, and private religiosity is the private exercise of one's conviction, for example, in supplications and religious readings. Religious adapting is a lot of subjective and conduct techniques of religious and profound substance that can offer an ability to read a compass, solace, control, and self-awareness in circumstances of hardship and sickness. Religious adapting alludes to the manner in which that patients utilize their religious convictions in comprehension and adjusting to pressure. Positive religious adapting (for instance, cooperation with God in taking care of issues and kind religious examinations of the ailment) has been connected to better mental adjustment to stressors, including serious mental infection. Negative religious adapting, which is less regular than positive religious adapting, is connected to negative results in wellbeing and shows itself in religious battles, for example, deciphering the ailment as a discipline from God, scrutinizing the affection or intensity of God, or clashes with the religious network (Stroppa & Moreira, 2013). Also, a meta-analysis of 147 independent studies which included approximately 100000 individuals found that religious involvement seemed to be linked to fewer depressive symptoms (Stroppa & Moreira, 2013). Bipolar disorder is a life changing psychological disorder. Some people experience periods of mania and depression and the alteration of both is called bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder not only affects the person that has it but there surroundings as well. It has many symptoms that you should be able to recognize. Bipolar disorder has many treatments, but no specific cure. Bipolar disorder is a chronic and recurrent disease. This disorder is complex and heterogenous illness that impacts on subject’s life and it may occur with other comorbid medical conditions (Moore, 2013). The origin of bipolar disorder is not well understood but it can be recognized in a combination of causes such as genetic factors and specific alterations in brain circuits. In closing, understanding this medical condition would provide insight into the molecular biology of the nervous system and help towards a gateway of developing novel treatment strategies (Moore, 2013). For future references, you can visit the links on the following page. References Moore, N. B. (2013). Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms, Management and Risk Factors. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Retrieved from Feldman, Robert. Essentials of Understanding Psychology... [Bookshelf Ambassadored].[;vnd.vst.idref=chapter12]!/4/324[fig38_4]/4/2/4@0:91.1 Stroppa, A., & Moreira, A. A. (2013). Religiosity, mood symptoms, and quality of life in bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders, 15(4), 385–393. Grover, S., Nehra, R., & Thakur, A. (2017). Bipolar affective disorder and its impact on various aspects of marital relationship. Industrial Psychiatry Journal, 26(2), 114–120. Early staging of bipolar disorder: Intervene before symptoms occur. (2015). Brown University Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology Update, 17(12), 1–3.

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