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7.07 Graded Assignment

Uploaded: 3 years ago
Contributor: SlaysMami22
Category: History
Type: Assignment
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Filename:   7.07 Graded Assignment_ The First Freedoms.docx (8.69 kB)
Page Count: 1
Credit Cost: 1
Views: 148
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Name: Frances Molina-Sanchez Date: December 4, 2020 Practice The First Freedoms Use the following questions to increase your understanding of the concepts learned in this unit. This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test. (5 points) What are the five freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment? Answer: 1. Speech 2. Religion 3. Assembly 4. Press 5. Petition Score  (5 points) Read the following quotation and then answer the question. "Legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between church and State." —Thomas Jefferson Why do you think Thomas Jefferson felt it was important that church and state be kept separate? Answer: He thought it would make it a free society. He seen that it was the power of religion unpin individuals which was an immediate infringement of our social equality. Score  (5 points) Consider the following scenarios and then answer the question. A. A man walks into the campaign headquarters of a famous politician and begins shouting about how the politician is a drug user and adulterer. B. A newspaper publishes a story about the same politician, falsely accusing him of corruption and criminal activity. Which of these two scenarios is libelous, and which is slanderous? Answer: Scenario A is slanderous because the man was shouting so it was spoken. Scenario B is libelous this is because it was written in the newspaper. Score  (10 points) Is freedom of assembly an absolute freedom, or are there limitations? Describe what you would consider an assembly that would not be protected by law. Answer: I would think about a gathering that would be coordinated at actuating viciousness to defy an administrative with no space for submissions. Score  (5 points) Do you think that people are too free in the United States to do and say whatever they want or that there is not enough freedom? Do you feel that Americans have just the right amount of freedom? Explain your answer. Answer: I feel like there's just enough freedom i mean some people can't be trusted with too much freedom so there has to be a line drawn for people to be put in there place, i'm sure people could say what they want but most of the time not get away with it in some places like school or work for instance it would not be appropriate to use inappropriate words. Score  Your Score ___ of 30

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