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VanMeter 5th Edition - Goulds Pathophysiology for the Health Professions Chapter (19).rtf

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Chapter 19: Reproductive System Disorders Test Bank MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which statement about the testes is TRUE? a. Each testis contains the ductus deferens. b. The testes are suspended by the spermatic cord. c. Each testis has its own scrotal sac and seminal vesicle. d. The testes must be kept at a temperature slightly above body temperature. ANS: B REF: 517 2. Which statement about spermatogenesis is TRUE? a. The complete process takes about 28 days. b. Maturation of sperm takes place in the seminal vesicles. c. It is controlled by follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and testosterone. d. The process is initiated after each ejaculation. ANS: C REF: 518 3. Which of the following may result from cryptorchidism? a. Infertility b. Testicular cancer c. Both A and B d. Neither A nor B ANS: C REF: 519 4. Which term refers to excessive fluid collecting between the layers of the tunica vaginalis? a. Varicocele b. Hypospadias c. Spermatocele d. Hydrocele ANS: D REF: 519 5. Which of the following are common early significant signs of acute prostatitis? a. A hard nodule in the gland and pelvic pain b. Soft, tender, enlarged gland and dysuria c. Hesitancy and increased urinary output d. Mild fever, vomiting, and leucopenia ANS: B REF: 520 6. Which of the following applies to benign prostatic hypertrophy? a. The tumor usually becomes malignant in time. b. The gland becomes small, nodular, and firm. c. Manifestations include hesitancy, dribbling, and frequency. d. Lower abdominal or pelvic pain develops. ANS: C REF: 521 7. Why does frequent need for urination occur with benign prostatic hypertrophy? a. Increased volume of dilute urine b. Irritation of the bladder and urethra c. Impaired micturition reflex d. Incomplete emptying of the bladder ANS: D REF: 521 8. Which of the following is the common first site for metastasis from prostatic cancer? a. Bone b. Lungs c. Liver d. Testes ANS: A REF: 522 9. What is a useful serum marker during treatment for prostatic cancer? a. Human chorionic gonadotropin b. Alpha-fetoprotein c. Prostate-specific antigen d. Luteinizing hormone ANS: C REF: 522 10. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of leukorrhea during the reproductive years? a. It is clear or whitish. b. It has a pH of 4 to 5. c. It does not contain any cells. d. It contains mucus. ANS: C REF: 524 11. Which of the following applies to the corpus luteum? a. It forms a mature ovarian follicle. b. It secretes human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). c. It secretes estrogen and progesterone during the latter half of the menstrual cycle. d. It produces gonadotropins for the next cycle. ANS: C REF: 527 12. Why does severe pain occur with each menstrual cycle in endometriosis? a. Obstruction in the fallopian tubes b. Inflammation due to blood irritating the endometrial tissue c. Hormonal imbalance causing uterine contractions d. Fibrous tissue responding to hormonal changes ANS: B REF: 529 13. With pelvic inflammatory disease, why does infection spread easily into the peritoneal cavity? a. The fallopian tubes are obstructed, and purulent exudate cannot drain into the uterus. b. The uterus is perforated because of infection, allowing bacteria to leak out. c. Most of the primary infections do not respond to antimicrobial drugs. d. Microbes are highly virulent. ANS: A REF: 531 14. Which of the following is a common complication of leiomyomas? a. Development of malignancy b. Irregular menstrual cycles c. Interference with ovulation d. Abnormal bleeding such as menorrhagia ANS: D REF: 533 15. Which of the following refers to fibrocystic breast disease? a. Progressive development of fluid-filled cysts and fibrous tissue b. Proliferation of atypical cells with high risk of malignancy c. Benign tumors that develop after menopause d. Any tissue changes other than the normal response to hormonal changes ANS: A REF: 534-535 16. Which of the following applies to carcinoma of the breast? a. It presents as a tender, painful, firm nodule. b. Tumor cells may demonstrate estrogen receptors on the membrane. c. Occasionally, a genetic factor may have a small role in tumor development. d. The tumor is invasive but does not metastasize until very late. ANS: B REF: 535 17. Which is considered to be the stage of carcinoma in situ in cervical cancer? a. The invasive stage b. The stage of mild dysplasia c. The time before it can be detected by a Pap test d. Noninvasive severe dysplasia ANS: D REF: 537 18. What is a major predisposing factor to cervical cancer? a. High estrogen levels b. Familial incidence c. Infection with herpes simplex virus (HSV) d. Early age for onset of menstrual cycles ANS: C REF: 538 19. What is a significant early sign of endometrial carcinoma? a. A positive Pap test b. Minor vaginal bleeding or spotting c. Infection resistant to treatment d. Painful intercourse ANS: B REF: 539 20. Which sexually transmitted infection(s) is/are usually considered asymptomatic in women? a. Chlamydia b. Gonorrhea c. Syphilis d. All of the above ANS: D REF: 541 21. Which of the following frequently causes pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and subsequent infertility? a. Chlamydia b. Genital warts c. Trichomoniasis d. Herpes simplex ANS: A REF: 531 22. Which of the following causes inflammation of the vagina with a copious yellow discharge and foul odor? a. Candidiasis b. Trichomoniasis c. Syphilis d. Gonorrhea ANS: B REF: 545 23. What is the cause of syphilis? a. A gram-negative diplococcus b. An anaerobic protozoa c. A virus d. An anaerobic spirochete ANS: D REF: 542 24. Which of the following infections may be transmitted from the mother to the fetus during delivery? a. Gonorrhea b. Chlamydia c. Herpes simplex d. All of the above ANS: D REF: 542 | 544 25. Which of the following STDs is considered to be a systemic infection? a. Gonorrhea b. Chlamydia c. Syphilis d. Condylomata acuminate ANS: C REF: 542 26. Which of the following is the most common cause of acute bacterial prostatitis? a. N. gonorrhoeae b. Pseudomonas aeruginosa c. S. aureus d. E. coli ANS: D REF: 520 27. The most common solid tumor found in young men is: a. prostatic cancer. b. testicular cancer. c. bladder cancer. d. penile cancer. ANS: B REF: 523 28. A hard nodule in the peripheral area of the prostate gland is typical of: a. prostatic cancer. b. benign prostatic hypertrophy. c. acute prostatitis. d. chronic prostatitis. ANS: A REF: 522 29. How do testicular tumors usually present? a. Soft, tender mass b. Multiple firm nodules c. Hard, painless unilateral mass d. Small, fluid-filled cyst ANS: C REF: 523 30. Which term refers to bleeding between menstrual periods? a. Amenorrhea b. Dysmenorrhea c. Oligomenorrhea d. Metrorrhagia ANS: D REF: 529 31. Which statement does NOT apply to vaginal candidiasis? a. It is classified as an STD. b. The cause is an opportunistic yeast. c. It causes dysuria and dyspareunia. d. The mucosa becomes red and pruritic. ANS: A REF: 531 32. Testicular cancer usually spreads first to the: a. lungs. b. bone. c. pelvic lymph nodes. d. brain. ANS: C REF: 523 33. When the uterus is located in the vagina with the cervix at the opening to the vagina, this is called: a. first-degree prolapse. b. second-degree prolapse. c. third-degree prolapse. d. procidentia. ANS: B REF: 529 34. Painful menstruation is called: a. polymenorrhea. b. premenstrual syndrome. c. dysmenorrhea. d. endometriosis. ANS: C REF: 529 35. Vaginal candidiasis is frequently predisposed by: a. systemic antibacterial therapy. b. insertion of an intrauterine device. c. sexual intercourse with an infected partner. d. previous viral infection. ANS: A REF: 531 36. A chancre is best described as: a. a vesicle surrounded by a red inflamed area. b. a pustule filled with purulent exudate. c. an area of necrosis and fibrosis. d. a firm painless ulcerated nodule. ANS: D REF: 542 37. Adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation may be used in cases of breast cancer in order to: a. slow the growth of the primary tumor. b. destroy any micrometastases. c. prevent the removal of any lymph nodes. d. reduce the need for a mastectomy. ANS: B REF: 536 38. Ovarian cancer has a poor prognosis because: a. it does not respond to chemotherapy or radiation. b. vague signs and hidden location lead to late diagnosis. c. premenopausal women are not likely to notice changes. d. hormone therapy is ineffective. ANS: B REF: 539-540 39. Specific genetic links have been shown for: 1. cervical cancer. 2. testicular cancer. 3. breast cancer. 4. prostatic cancer. a. 1, 2 b. 3, 4 c. 1, 3, 4 d. 2, 3, 4 ANS: D REF: 522-523 | 535 40. In which cancers has there been a recent significant increase in incidence? a. Uterine cancer b. Breast cancer c. Ovarian cancer d. Cervical cancer in situ ANS: D REF: 546 41. Adenocarcinomas make up the most common cancers found in the: a. prostate. b. testes. c. ovary. d. cervix. ANS: A REF: 522 42. Infertility in women may result from: a. endometriosis. b. hormonal imbalances. c. A and B d. Neither A nor B ANS: C REF: 520 | 540 43. Viable sperm may not be able to access an ovum when: a. cervical mucus is highly viscous. b. vaginal pH is abnormal. c. structural abnormalities are present. d. A, B, and C ANS: D REF: 540 44. Balanitis is the infection and inflammation of the: a. vagina. b. glans penis. c. fallopian tubes. d. testes. ANS: B REF: 520 45. Structural abnormalities of the uterus may lead to dyspareunia, which is: a. painful intercourse. b. obstructed urination. c. a form of infertility. d. fungal infection of the uterus. ANS: A REF: 530

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