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Chemistry Inorganic

University of Kentucky : UKCHEM135
Uploaded: A month ago
Contributor: showyouoff
Category: Biology
Type: Lecture Notes
Tags: chemistry, kent
Rating: N/A
Filename:   Chem inorganic.docx (49.18 kB)
Page Count: 2
Credit Cost: 1
Views: 23
Last Download: N/A
Here is a description
KentVision Code and title of the module The intended subject specific learning outcomes. On successfully completing the module students will be able to: 8.1 Understand core and foundation chemical, physical, and biological concepts, terminology, theory, units, conventions, and laboratory practice and methods in relation to the chemical sciences; 8.2 Demonstrate elementary knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles and theories relating to chemistry and to apply this knowledge and understanding to the solution of qualitative and quantitative problems; 8.3 Recognise and analyse problems and plan strategies for their solution by the evaluation, interpretation and synthesis of scientific information and data; The intended generic learning outcomes. On successfully completing the module students will be able to: 9.1 Demonstrate a range of appropriate communication skills; 9.2 Build on generic skills to undertake further training of a professional nature; 9.3 Use problem-solving skills to interpret qualitative and quantitative information, extending to situations where evaluations have to be made on the basis of limited information; 9.4 Demonstrate numeracy and computational skills, including such aspects as order-of-magnitude estimations, and correct use of units; 9.5 Make use of Information-retrieval skills, in relation to primary and secondary information sources, including information retrieval through on-line computer searches; 9.8 Develop study skills needed for continuing professional development and professional employment. Contact Hours Private Study: 124 Contact Hours: 26 Total: 150 Assessment methods 13.1 Main assessment methods Online Quiz 1 (1 hour) – 5% Online Quiz 2 (1 hour) – 5% Assessed Worksheet 1 (4 hours) – 15% Assessed Worksheet 2 (4 hours) – 15% Examination (2 hours) – 60% 13.2 Reassessment methods 100% by Examination Campus(es) or centre(s) where module will be delivered Canterbury Internationalisation Science is an international discipline with widely applicable international resonance. This module presents subject-specific knowledge generated, developed, and refined by scientists around the world. Mastery of the learning outcomes will equip students to apply the knowledge in a wide range of international contexts and these will be addressed in making the content relevant to current global issues. The Division of Natural Sciences is an international community of students and staff and group activities and teaching will provide a platform for internationally-focussed discussion. DIVISIONAL USE ONLY Module record – all revisions must be recorded in the grid and full details of the change retained in the appropriate committee records. Date approved New/Major/minor revision Start date of delivery of (revised) version Section revised (if applicable) Impacts PLOs (Q6&7 cover sheet) 9 Dec 2021 Minor Sept 2022 12-13 No

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