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Category: Biology
Type: Lecture Notes
Tags: plants, bacteria, nitrogen, organic, mineral, minerals, chemical, symbiotic, nutrients, example, deficiency, called, nodule, usually, species
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Every organism is an open system connected to its environment by a continuous exchange of energy and materials.
In the energy flow and chemical cycling that keep an ecosystem alive, plants and other photosynthetic autotrophs perform the key step of transforming inorganic compounds into organic ones.
At the same time, a plant needs sunlight as its energy source for photosynthesis and raw materials, such as CO2 and inorganic ions, to synthesize organic molecules.
The root and shoot systems extensively network a plant with its environment.
A. Nutritional Requirements of Plants
1. The chemical composition of plants provides clues to their nutritional requirements
Early ideas about plant nutrition were not entirely correct and included:
Aristotle’s hypothesis that soil provided the substance for plant growth.
Van Helmont’s conclusion from his experiments that plants grow mainly from water
Hale’s postulate that plants are nourished mostly by air.
Plants do extract minerals from the soil.
Mineral nutrients are essential chemical elements absorbed from soil in the form of inorganic ions.
For example, plants acquire nitrogen mainly in the form of nitrate ions (NO3-).
However, as indicated by van Helmont’s data, mineral nutrients from the soil make only a small contribution to the overall mass of a plant.
About 80 - 85% of a herbaceous plant is water.
Because water contributes most of the hydrogen ions and some of the oxygen atoms that are incorporated into organic atoms, one can consider water a nutrient too.
However, only a small fraction of the water entering a plant contributes to organic molecules.
Over 90% is lost by transpiration.
Most of the water retained by a plant functions as a solvent, provides most of the mass for cell elongation, and helps maintain the form of soft tissues by keeping cells turgid.
By weight, the bulk of the organic material of a plant is derived not from water or soil minerals, but from the CO2 assimilated from the atmosphere.
The uptake of nutrients occurs at both the roots and the leaves.
Roots, through mycorrhizae and root hairs, absorb water and minerals from the soil.
Carbon dioxide diffuses into leaves from the surrounding air through stomata.
Of the 15-20% of a herbaceous plant that is not water, about 95% of the dry weight is organic substance and the remaining 5% is inorganic substance.
Most of the organic material is carbohydrate, including cellulose in cell walls.
Thus, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are the most abundant elements in the dry weight of a plant.
Because some organic molecules contain nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus, these elements are also relatively abundant in plants.
More than 50 chemical elements have been identified among the inorganic substances present in plants.
However, it is unlikely that all are essential.
Roots are able to absorb minerals somewhat selectively, enabling the plant to accumulate essential elements that may be present in low concentrations in the soil.
However, the minerals in a plant reflect the composition of the soil in which the plant is growing.
Therefore, some of the elements in a plant are merely present, while others are essential.
2. Plants require nine macronutrients and at least eight micronutrients
A particular chemical element is considered an essential nutrient if it is required for a plant to grow from a seed and complete the life cycle.
Hydroponic cultures have identified 17 elements that are essential nutrients in all plants and a few other elements that are essential to certain groups of plants.
Hydroponic culture can determine which mineral elements are actually essential nutrients.
Plants are grown in solutions of various minerals dissolved in known concentrations.
If the absence of a particular mineral, such as potassium, causes a plant to become abnormal in appearance when compared to controls grown in a complete mineral medium, then that element is essential.
Elements required by plants in relatively large quantities are macronutrients.
There are nine macronutrients in all, including the six major ingredients in organic compounds: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus.
The other three are potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
Elements that plants need in very small amounts are micronutrients.
The eight micronutrients are iron, chlorine, copper, zinc, magnanese, molybdenum, boron, and nickel.
Most of these function as cofactors of enzymatic reactions.
For example, iron is a metallic component in cytochromes, proteins that function in the electron transfer chains of chloroplasts and mitochondria.
While the requirement for these micronutrients is so modest (only one atom of molybdenum for every 16 million hydrogen atoms in dry materials), a deficiency of a micronutrient can weaken or kill a plant.
3. The symptoms of a mineral deficiency depend on the function and mobility of the element
The symptoms of a mineral deficiency depend partly on the function of that nutrient in the plant.
For example, a magnesium deficiency, an ingredient of chlorophyll, causes yellowing of the leaves, or chlorosis.
The relationship between a mineral deficiency and its symptoms can be less direct.
For example, chlorosis can also be caused by iron deficiency because iron is a required cofactor in chlorophyll synthesis.
Mineral deficiency symptoms depend also on the mobility of the nutrient within the plant.
If a nutrient moves about freely from one part of a plant to another, then symptoms of the deficiency will appear first in older organs.
Young, growing tissues have more “drawing power” than old tissues for nutrients in short supply.
For example, a shortage of magnesium will lead to chlorosis first in older leaves.
If a nutrient is relatively immobile, then a deficiency will affect young parts of the plant first.
Older tissue may have adequate supplies which they retain during periods of shortage.
The symptoms of a mineral deficiency are often distinctive enough for a plant physiologist or farmer to diagnose its cause.
This can be confirmed by analyzing the mineral content of the plant and the soil.
Deficiencies of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus are the most common problems.
Shortages of micronutrients are less common and tend to be geographically localized because of differences in soil composition.
The amount of micronutrient needed to correct a deficiency is usually quite small, but an overdose can be toxic to plants.
One way to ensure optimal mineral nutrition is to grow plants hydroponically on nutrient solutions that can be precisely regulated.
This technique is practiced commercially, but the requirements for labor and equipment make it relatively expensive compared with growing crops in soil.
Mineral deficiencies are not limited to terrestrial ecosystems, nor are they unique to plants among photosynthetic organisms.
For example, populations of planktonic algae in the southern oceans are restrained by deficiencies of iron in seawater.
In a limited trial in the relatively unproductive seas between Tasmania and Antarctica, researchers demonstrated that dispersing small amounts of iron produced large algal blooms that pulled carbon dioxide out of the air.
Seeding the oceans with iron may help slow the increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, but it may also cause unanticipated environmental effects.
B. The Role of Soil in Plant Nutrition
1. Soil characteristics are key environmental factors in terrestrial ecosystems
The texture and chemical composition of soil are major factors determining what kinds of plants can grow well in a particular location.
Plants that grow naturally in a certain type of soil are adapted to its mineral content and texture and are able to absorb water and extract essential nutrients from that soil.
Plants, in turn, affect the soil.
The soil-plant interface is a critical component of the chemical cycles that sustain terrestrial ecosystems.
Soil has its origin in the weathering of solid rock.
Water that seeps into crevices and freezes in winter fractures the rock, and acids dissolved in the water also help break down the rock.
Organisms, including lichens, fungi, bacteria, mosses, and the roots of vascular plants, accelerate the breakdown by the secretion of acids and as the expansion of their roots in fissures cracks rocks and pebbles.
This activity eventually results in topsoil, a mixture of rock, living organisms, and humus, a residue of partially decayed organic material.
Topsoil and other distinct soil layers, called horizons, are often visible in vertical profile.
The texture of topsoil depends on the size of its particles, which are classified from coarse sand to microscopic clay particles.
The most fertile soils are usually loams, made up of roughly equal amounts of sand, silt (particles of intermediate size), and clay.
Loamy soils have enough fine particles to provide a large surface area for retaining minerals and water, which adhere to the particles.
Loams also have enough course particles to provide air spaces that supply oxygen to the root for cellular respiration.
Inadequate drainage can dramatically impact survival of many plants.
Plants can suffocate if air spaces are replaced by water.
Roots can also be attacked by molds favored by the soaked soil.
Some plants are adapted to waterlogged soil.
For example, mangroves that inhabit swamps and marshes have some roots modified as hollow tubes that grow upward and function as snorkels.
Topsoil is home to an astonishing number and variety of organisms.
A teaspoon of soil has about 5 billion bacteria that cohabit with various fungi, algae and other protists, insects, earthworms, nematodes, and the roots of plants.
The activities of these organisms affect the physical and chemical properties of the soil.
For example, earthworms aerate soil by their burrowing and add mucus that holds fine particles together.
Bacterial metabolism alters mineral composition of soil.
Plant roots extract water and minerals but also affect soil pH and reinforce the soil against erosion.
Humus is the decomposing organic material formed by the action of bacteria and fungi on dead organisms, feces, fallen leaves, and other organic refuse.
Humus prevents clay from packing together and builds a crumbly soil that retains water but is still porous enough for the adequate aeration of roots.
Humus is also a reservoir of mineral nutrients that are returned to the soil by decomposition.
After a heavy rainfall, water drains away from the larger spaces of the soil, but smaller spaces retain water because of its attraction for the soil particles, which have electrically charged surfaces.
Some water adheres so tightly to hydrophilic particles that it cannot be extracted by plants, but some water bound less tightly to the particles can be absorbed by roots.
Many minerals, especially those with a positive charge, such as potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), and magnesium (Mg2+), adhere by electrical attraction to the negatively charged surfaces of clay particles.
Clay in soil prevents the leaching of mineral nutrients during heavy rain or irrigation because of the large surface area for binding minerals.
Minerals that are negatively charges, such as nitrate (NO3-), phosphate (H2PO4-), and sulfate (SO4\2-), are usually not bound tightly to soil particles and thus tend to leach away more quickly.
Positively charged mineral ions are made available to the plant when hydrogen ions in the soil displace the mineral ions from the clay particles.
This process, called cation exchange, is stimulated by the roots which secrete H+ and compounds that form acids in the soil solution.
2. Soil conservation is one step toward sustainable agriculture
It takes centuries for a soil to become fertile through the breakdown of soil and the accumulation of organic material.
However, human mismanagement can destroy soil fertility within just a few years.
Soil mismanagement has been a recurring problem in human history.
For example, the Dust Bowl was an ecological and human disaster that occurred in the southwestern Great Plains of the United States in the 1930s.
Before the arrival of farmers, the region was covered with hardy grasses the held the soil in place in spite of long recurrent droughts and torrential rains.
In the 30 years before World War I, homesteaders planted wheat and raised cattle, which left the soil exposed to wind erosion.
Several years of drought resulted in the loss of centimeters of topsoil that were blown away by the winds.
Millions of hectares of farmland became useless, and hundreds of thousands of people were forced to abandon their homes and land.
To understand soil conservation, we must begin with the premise that agriculture is unnatural.
In natural ecosystems, mineral nutrients are usually recycled by the decomposition of dead organic material.
In contrast, when we harvest a crop, essential elements are diverted from the chemical cycles in that location.
In general, agriculture depletes minerals in the soil.
To grow a ton of wheat, the soil gives up 18.2 kg of nitrogen, 3.6 kg of phosphorus, and 4.1 kg of potassium.
The fertility of the soil diminishes unless replaced by fertilizers, and most crops require far more water than the natural vegetation for that area.
Farmers have been using fertilizers to improve crop yields since prehistory.
Historically, these have included animal manure and fish carcasses.
In developed nations today, most farmers use commercial fertilizers containing minerals that are either mined or prepared by industrial processes.
These are usually enriched in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, often deficient in farm and garden soils.
A fertilizer marked “10-12-8” is 10% nitrogen (as ammonium or nitrate), 12% phosphorus (as phosphoric acid), and 8% potassium (as the mineral potash).
Manure, fishmeal, and compost are “organic” fertilizers because they are of biological origin and contain material in the process of decomposing.
The organic material must be decomposed to the inorganic nutrients that roots can absorb.
In the end, the minerals that a plant extracts from the soil are in the same form whether they came from organic fertilizer or from a chemical factory.
Compost releases nutrients gradually, while minerals in commercial fertilizers are available immediately.
Excess fertilizers are often leached from the soil by rainwater or irrigation and may pollute groundwater, streams, and lakes.
To fertilize judiciously, the soil pH must be appropriate because pH affects cation exchange and influences the chemical form of all minerals.
Even though an essential element may be abundant in the soil, plants may be starving for that element because it is bound too tightly to clay or is in a chemical form that the plant cannot absorb.
Because a change in pH may make one mineral more available, but another less available, adjustments to pH of soil is tricky.
The pH of the soil must be matched to the specific mineral needs of the crop.
Sulfate lowers the pH, liming increases the pH.
A major problem with acid soils, particularly in tropical areas, is that aluminum dissolves in the soil at low pH and becomes toxic to roots.
Some plants can cope with high aluminum levels in the soil by secreting certain organic ions that bind the aluminum and render it harmless.
Even more than mineral deficiencies, the unavailability of water most often limits the growth of plants.
Irrigation can transform a desert into a garden, but farming in arid regions is a huge drain on water resources.
Another problem is that irrigation in an arid region can gradually make the soil so salty that it becomes completely infertile because salts in the irrigation water accumulate in the soil as the water evaporates.
Eventually, the salt makes the water potential of the soil solution lower than that of root cells, which then lose water instead of absorbing it.
Valuable topsoil is lost to wind and water erosion each year.
This can be reduced by planting rows of trees between fields as a windbreak and terracing a hillside to prevent topsoil from washing away.
Some crops such as alfalfa and wheat provide good ground cover and protect soil better than corn and other crops that are usually planted in rows.
Soil is a renewable resources in which farmers can grow food for generations to come.
The goal is sustainable agriculture, a commitment embracing a variety of farming methods that are conservation-minded, environmentally safe, and profitable.
Some areas have become unfit for agriculture or wildlife as the result of human activities that contaminate the soil or groundwater with toxic heavy metals or organic pollutants.
In place of costly and disruptive remediation technologies, such as removal and storage of contaminated soils, phytoremediation takes advantage of the remarkable abilities of some plant species to extract heavy metals and other pollutants from the soil.
These are concentrated in the plant tissue where they can be harvested.
For example, alpine pennycress (Thlaspi caerulescens) can accumulate zinc in its shoots at concentrations that are 300 times the level that most plants tolerate.
C. The Special Case of Nitrogen as a Plant Nutrient
1. The metabolism of soil bacteria makes nitrogen available to plants
It is ironic that plants sometimes suffer nitrogen deficiencies, for the atmosphere is nearly 80% nitrogen.
Plants cannot use nitrogen in the form of N2.
It must first be converted to ammonium (NH4+) or nitrate (NO3-).
In the short term, the main source of nitrogen is the decomposition of humus by microbes, including ammonifying bacteria.
Nitrogen is lost from this local cycle when soil microbes called denitrifying bacteria converts NO3- to N2 which diffuses to the atmosphere.
Other bacteria, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, restock nitrogenous minerals in the soil by converting N2 to NH3 (ammonia), via nitrogen fixation.
All life on Earth depends on nitrogen fixation, a process performed only by certain prokaryotes.
In the soil, these include several species of free-living bacteria and several others that live in symbiotic relationships with plants.
The reduction of N2 to NH3 is a complicated, multi-step process, catalyzed by one enzyme complex, nitrogenase:
N2 + 8e- + 8H+ + 16ATP -> 2NH3 + H2 + 16ADP + 16Pi
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are most abundant in soils rich in organic materials, which provide fuels for cellular respiration that supports this expensive metabolic process.
In the soil solution, ammonia picks up another hydrogen ion to form ammonium (NH4+), which plants can absorb.
However, nitrifying bacteria in the soil quickly oxidize ammonium to nitrate (NO3-) which plants can also absorb.
After nitrate is absorbed by roots, plant enzymes reduce nitrate back to ammonium, which other enzymes then incorporate into amino acids and other organic compounds.
Most plant species export nitrogen from roots to shoots, via the xylem, in the form of nitrate or organic compounds that have been synthesized in the roots.
2. Improving the protein yield of crops is a major goal of agricultural research
The ability of plants to incorporate fixed nitrogen into proteins and other organic substances has a major impact on human welfare.
Protein deficiency is the most common form of malnutrition.
Either by choice or economic necessity, the majority of the world’s people have a predominately vegetarian diet.
Unfortunately, plants are a poor source of protein and may be deficient in one or more of the amino acids that humans need from their diet.
Plant breeding has resulted in new varieties of corn, wheat, and rice that are enriched in protein.
However, many of these “super” varieties have an extraordinary demand for nitrogen which is usually supplied by commercial fertilizer produced by energy-intensive industrial production.
Generally, the countries that most need high-protein crops are the ones least able to afford to pay for the fossil fuels that power the factories.
Agricultural scientists are pursuing a variety of strategies to overcome this protein deficiency.
For example, the use of new catalysts based on those used by nitrogenase to fix nitrogen may make commercial production of nitrogen fertilizers cheaper.
Alternatively, improvements of the productivity of symbiotic nitrogen fixation may potentially increase protein yields of crops.
D. Nutritional Adaptations: Symbiosis of Plants and Soil Microbes
The roots of plants belong to subterranean communities that include a diversity of other organisms.
Among these are certain species of bacteria and fungi that have coevolved with specific plants, forming symbiotic relationships with roots that enhance the nutrition of both partners.
The two most important examples are symbiotic nitrogen fixation (roots and bacteria) and the formation of mycorrhizae (roots and fungi).
1. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation results from intricate interactions between roots and bacteria
Many plant families include species that form symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
This provides their roots with a built-in source of fixed nitrogen for assimilation into organic compounds.
Much of the research on this symbiosis has focused on the agriculturally important members of the legume family, including peas, beans, soybeans, peanuts, alfalfa, and clover.
A legume’s roots have swellings called nodules, composed of plant cells that contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria of the genus Rhizobium.
Inside the nodule, Rhizobium bacteria assume a form called bacteriods, which are contained within vesicles formed by the root cell.
The development of root nodules begins after bacteria enter the root through an infection thread.
• (1) Chemical signals from the root attract the Rhizobium bacteria and chemical signals from the bacteria lead to the production of an infection thread.
• (2) The bacteria penetrate the root cortex within the infection thread.
• (3) Growth in cortex and pericycle cells which are “infected” with bacteria in vesicles continues until the two masses of dividing cells fuse, forming the nodule.
• (4) As the nodule continues to grow, vascular tissue connects the nodule to the xylem and phloem of the stele, providing nutrients to the nodule and carrying away nitrogenous compounds for the rest of the plant.
The symbiotic relationship between a legume and nitrogen-fixing bacteria is mutualistic, with both partners benefiting.
The bacteria supply the legume with fixed nitrogen.
Most of the ammonium produced by symbiotic nitrogen fixation is used by the nodules to make amino acids, which are then transported to the shoot, and leaves via the xylem.
The plant provides the bacteria with carbohydrates and other organic compounds.
The common agricultural practice of crop rotation exploits symbiotic nitrogen fixation.
One year a nonlegume crop such as corn is planted, and the following year alfalfa or another legume is planted to restore the concentration of fixed soil nitrogen.
Often, the legume crop is not harvested but is plowed under to decompose as “green manure.”
To ensure the formation of nodules, the legume seeds may be soaked in a culture of the correct Rhizobium bacteria or dusted with bacterial spores before sowing.
Species from many other plant families also benefit from symbiotic nitrogen fixation.
For example, alders and certain tropical grasses host nitrogen-fixing bacteria of the actinomycete group.
Rice benefits indirectly from symbiotic nitrogen fixation because it is often cultivated in paddies with a water fern Azolla which has symbiotic nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria.
This increases the fertility of the rice paddy through the activity of the cyanobacteria and through the decomposition of water fern after the growing rice eventually shades and kills the Azolla.
This adds more nitrogenous compounds to the paddy.
The specific recognition between legume and bacteria and the development of the nodule is the result of a chemical dialogue between the bacteria and the root.
Each partner responds to the chemical signals of the other by expressing certain genes whose products contribute to nodule formation.
The plant initiates the communication when its roots secrete molecules called flavonoids, which enter Rhizobium cells living in the vicinity of the roots.
Each particular legume species secretes a type of flavonoid that only certain Rhizobium species will detect and absorb.
• (1) A specific flavonoid signal travels from the root to the plant’s Rhizobium partner.
• (2) The flavonoid activates a gene regulator, named Nod D.
• (3) Nod D, a transcription factor, binds to the Nod box, activating transcription of the nod genes.
• (4) The products of the nod genes are metabolic enzymes.
• (5) These enzymes produce a chitinlike substance, called Nod factor.
• (6) The Nod factor travels to the root, triggering development of the infection thread and nodule.
The molecular structures of Nod factors are very similar to chitins, the main substances in the cell walls of fungi and the exoskeletons of arthropods.
However, plants also produce chitinlike substances that appear to function as growth regulators.
It is possible that the Nod factors mimic certain plant growth regulators in stimulating the roots to grow new organs - nodules, in this case.
It may be possible in the future to induce Rhizobium uptake and nodule formation in crop plants that do not normally form such nitrogen-fixing symbioses.
In the short term, research is focused on improving the efficiency of nitrogen fixation and protein production.
2. Mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations of roots and fungi that enhance plant nutrition
Mycorrhizae (“fungus roots”) are modified roots, consisting of symbiotic associations of fungi and roots.
The symbiosis is mutualistic.
The fungus benefits from a hospitable environment and a steady supply of sugar donated by the host plant.
The fungi provide several potential benefits to the host plants.
First, the fungus increases the surface area for water uptake and selectively absorbs phosphate and other minerals in the soil and supplies them to the plant.
The fungi also secrete growth factors that stimulate roots to grow and branch.
The fungi produce antibiotics that may help protect the plant from pathogenic bacteria and pathogenic fungi in the soil.
Almost all plant species produce mycorrhizae.
This plant-fungus symbiosis may have been one of the evolutionary adaptations that made it possible for plants to colonize land in the first place.
Fossilized roots from some of the earliest land plants include mycorrhizae.
Mycorrhizal fungi are more efficient at absorbing minerals than roots, which may have helped nourish pioneering plants, especially in the nutrient-poor soils present when terrestrial ecosystems were young.
Today, the first plants to become established on nutrient-poor soils are usually well endowed with mycorrhizae.
Mycorrhizae take two major forms: ectomycorrhizae, and endomycorrhizae.
In ectomycorrhizae, the mycelium forms a dense sheath over the surface of the root and some hyphae grow into the cortex in extracellular spaces between root cells.
In endomycorrhizae, the fungus makes extensive contact with the plant through branching of hyphae (arbuscles) that form invaginations in the host cells, increasing surface area for exchange of nutrients.
The mycelium of ectomycorrhizae extends from the mantle surrounding the root into the soil, greatly increasing the surface area for water and mineral absorption.
Hyphae do not penetrate root cells but form a network in the extracellular spaces that facilitates nutrient exchange.
Compared with “uninfected” roots, ectomycorrhizae are generally thicker, shorter, more branched, and lack root hairs.
Ectomycorrhizae are especially common in woody plants, including trees of the pine, spruce, oak, walnut, birch, willow, and eucalyptus families.
Endomycorrhizae have fine fungal hyphae that extend from the root into the soil.
Within the root, the hyphae digest small patches of root cell walls and form tubes by invagination of the root cell’s membrane.
Some fungal hyphae within these invaginations may form dense knotlike structures called arbuscles that are important sites of nutrient transfer.
Roots with endomycorrhizae look like “normal” roots with root hairs, but the symbiotic connections are very important, albeit microscopic.
Endomycorrhizae are found in over 90% of plant species, including important crop plants.
Roots can be transformed into mycorrhizae only if they are exposed to the appropriate fungal species.
In most natural systems, these fungi are present in the soil, and seedlings develop mycorrhizae.
However, seeds planted in foreign soil may develop into plants that show signs of malnutrition because of the absence of the plant’s mycorrhizal partners.
Researchers observe similar results in experiments in which soil fungi are poisoned.
Farmers and foresters are already applying the lessons learned from this research by inoculating plants with the spores from the appropriate fungal partner to ensure development of mycorrhizae.
3. Mycorrhizae and root nodules may have an evolutionary relationship
There is growing evidence that the molecular biology of root nodule formation is closely related to mechanisms that first evolved in mycorrhizae.
The nodulin genes activated in the plant during the early stages of root nodule formation are the very same genes activated during the early development of endomycorrhizae.
Mutations in these genes block development of both root nodules and mycorrhizae.
The signal transduction pathways of both systems share some components.
Experimental application of plant hormones called cytokinins to root cells of legumes activates expression of early nodulin genes even in the absence of bacterial or fungal symbionts.
“Infection” by either symbiont causes cytokinin concentrations to increase naturally.
Cytokinins may be one of the links between the “I’m here” announcement of the microbes and the changes in gene expression in the plant that lead to structural modifications of the roots.
Further evidence comes from the similarities in the chemical cues used by both microbes.
The Nod factors secreted by Rhizobium bacteria are related to chitins, the same compounds that make up the cell walls of fungi.
A reasonable hypothesis is that root cells have a family of closely related receptors that detect their particular bacterial and fungal symbionts.
Mycorrhizae evolved very early, probably over 400 million years ago, in the earliest vascular plants.
In contrast, the root nodules in legumes originated only 65-150 million years ago, during the early evolution of angiosperms.
The common molecular mechanism in the root’s two major symbiotic relationships suggests that root nodule development was at least partly adapted from a signaling pathway that was already in place in mycorrhizae.
E. Nutritional Adaptations: Parasitism and Predation by Plants
1. Parasitic plants extract nutrients from other plants
A variety of plants parasitize other plants to extract nutrients that supplement or even replace the production of organic molecules by photosynthesis by the parasitic plant.
An example of the former is mistletoe which supplements its nutrition by using projections called haustoria to siphon xylem sap from the vascular tissue of the host tree.
Both dodder and Indian pipe are parasitic plants that do not perform photosynthesis at all.
The haustoria (modified roots) of dodder tap into the host’s vascular tissue for water and nutrients.
Indian pipe obtains its nutrition indirectly via its association with fungal hyphae of the host tree’s mycorrhizae.
Plants called epiphytes are sometimes mistaken for parasites.
An epiphyte is an autotrophic plant that nourishes itself but grows on the surface of another plant, usually on the branches or trunks of trees.
While an epiphyte is anchored to its living substratum, it absorbs water and minerals mostly from rain that falls on its leaves.
Examples of epiphytes are staghorn ferns, some mosses, Spanish moss, and many species of bromeliads and orchids.
2. Carnivorous plants supplement their mineral nutrition by digesting animals
Living in acid bogs and other habitats where soil conditions are poor are plants that fortify themselves by occasionally feeding on animals.
These carnivorous plants make their own carbohydrates by photosynthesis, but they obtain some of their nitrogen and minerals by killing and digesting insects and other small animals.
Various types of insect traps have evolved by the modification of leaves.
The traps are usually equipped with glands that secrete digestive juices.