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Colonial Charts.docx

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Colonial Summary Charts (Puritan also called Congregational) Colonial Religions Estimated Religious Census, 1775 Name Number Main Locale Congregationalists 575,000 New England Anglicans 500,000 N.Y., South Presbyterians 410,000 Frontier German churches (including Lutheran) 200,000 Pa. Dutch Reformed 75,000 N.Y., N.J. Quakers 40,000 Pa., N.J., Del. Baptists 25,000 R.I., Pa., N.J., Del. Roman Catholic 25,000 Md., Pa. Methodists 5,000 Scattered Jews 2,000 N.Y., R.I. Est. Total membership 1,857,000 Est. Total Population 2,493,000 Percentage of Church Membership 74% Established (Tax-Supported) Churches in the Colonies, 1775 Colonies Churches Year Established Mass (incl.Me.) Connecticut New Hampshire Congregational 1833 1818 1819 New York Anglican (in N.Y. City And 3 neighboring counties 1777 Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Anglican 1777 1786 1776 1778 1777 Rhode Island New Jersey Delaware Pennsylvania None Founding of the Colonies Colony Date Founded Founded by/Leader Reasons Founded Massachusetts 1620 (Pylmouth) 1630 (Mass. Bay) Pilgrims /William Bradford Puritan / John Winthrop Religious freedom New Hampshire 1622 John Mason/Ferdinando Gorges Profit form trade and fishing Connecticut 1636 (Hartford) 1639 (New Haven) Thomas Hooker Expand trade Religious and political freedom Rhode Island 1636 Roger Williams Religious freedom New York 1613 1624 Dutch Peter Minuit Expand trade Delaware 1638 Swedish Expand trade New Jersey 1664 John Berkeley/ George Carteret Profit form land sales, Religious and political freedom Pennsylvania 1682 William Penn Profit form land sales, Religious and political freedom Virginia 1607 John Smith & London Company Trade and farming Maryland 1632 Lord Baltimore( George Calvert) Religious freedom (Catholic) Profit form land sales North Carolina 1653 Virginians Trade and farming South Carolina 1670 Eight Proprietors Trade and farming Georgia 1733 James Oglethorpe and others Profit, home for debtors, buffer against Spanish Florida New England Middle Colonies Southern Colonies 42506909461500-344805000

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