Business Statistics
Graphs, Charts and Tables—Describing Your Data
1) For the same data, a graph of a relative frequency distribution will look exactly the same as a graph of the frequency distribution.
Answer: TRUE
2) When choosing class boundaries for a frequency distribution, classes such as 60-70, 70-80, 80-90 would be acceptable.
Answer: FALSE
3) Recently a survey was conducted in which customers of a large insurance company were asked to indicate the number of speeding tickets they had received in the past three years. The data in this case would most likely be analyzed using a frequency distribution with the data grouped into classes such as 0-2, 3-5, 6-8, etc.
Answer: FALSE
4) Recently a survey was conducted in which customers of a large insurance company were asked to indicate the number of speeding tickets they had received in the past three years. The minimum value in the data was zero and the largest was six tickets. If you wished to illustrate the proportion of people who had three or fewer tickets, you would most likely construct a cumulative relative frequency distribution.
Answer: TRUE
5) Frequency distributions are specifically for analyzing discrete data.
Answer: FALSE
6) When developing a frequency distribution, the following classes would be considered acceptable:
5 to < 10
10 to < 20
20 to < 40
Answer: FALSE
7) It is often a good idea to convert frequency distributions to relative frequency distributions when you wish to compare two distributions with different amounts of data.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: relative, frequency, distribution
8) In a report describing the number of people in the family of each of the 400 employees at a manufacturing company, the frequency count at the value 3 was 220. This means that the relative frequency at the 3 level is .44.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: relative, frequency
9) One way to develop a frequency distribution using Excel is to use the Frequency function.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: frequency, distribution, Excel
10) There is no difference between cumulative frequency and relative frequency.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: frequency
11) A study of 4000 Dell PC customers listed the age of the customer among other variables. The youngest customer was 14 years old and the oldest customer was 84 years old. If analysts for the company wish to develop a frequency distribution with 7 classes, the smallest value that the class width can be is 10 years.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: frequency, distribution, class, width
12) A cumulative frequency distribution shows the percentage of observations for the variable of interest with values less than or equal to the upper limit of each class.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: cumulative, frequency, distribution
13) In constructing a frequency distribution for the savings account balances for customers at a bank, the following class boundaries might be acceptable if the minimum balance is $5.00 and the maximum balance is $18,700:
$0.00 - $5,000
$5,000 - 10,000
$10,000 - $15,000
$15,000 - $20,000
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: frequency, distribution, class, boundary
14) The appropriate number of classes should generally be between 5 and 20.
Answer: TRUE
15) Once you have determined the class width using the formula, high-low divided by the number of classes, it is appropriate to round to the nearest integer to make the analysis easier.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: class, width, formula
16) There is no hard-and-fast rule regarding the number of classes that must be used when establishing a frequency distribution for a continuous variable.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: class, frequency, distribution, continuous
17) The upper and lower limits of each class in a frequency distribution are also referred to as the data array.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: class, frequency, distribution, array
18) The following class limits would be acceptable for developing a frequency distribution on income:
$0 < $5,000
$5001 < $10,000
$10,001 < $20,000
Over $20,000
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: class, limit, frequency, distribution
19) A histogram can be created for discrete or continuous data.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: histogram
20) In a recent study at First National Bank, a frequency count was made for the variable marital status for the bank's 10,000 customers. It would also be appropriate to develop a histogram for this variable to show how marital status is distributed.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: frequency, histogram, distribution
21) After developing a frequency distribution for a quantitative variable, a histogram can be developed with the horizontal axis representing the values of the variable and the vertical axis representing the frequency of occurrence in each class or group.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: frequency, distribution, histogram, class
22) A histogram can be constructed for data that are either quantitative or qualitative.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: histogram, quantitative, qualitative
23) In a recent study of retail daily sales by stores at a mall in Kansas, the minimum daily sales was $700 and the maximum was $51,000. If you wish to construct a frequency distribution with 10 classes, the minimum class width would be $5,100.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: frequency, distribution, class, width
24) Consider a situation in which both a frequency distribution and a relative frequency distribution have been developed for the same quantitative variable. If histograms are constructed from each distribution, the graphs will appear to have the same shape.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: relative, frequency, distribution, histogram, quantitative
25) When a histogram is constructed for discrete numerical data, there should be spaces between the bars of the histogram.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: histogram
26) When the Histogram tool in Excel is used to construct a frequency distribution and histogram, the default histogram is in the proper format and will require only that you add appropriate labels.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: histogram, Excel, frequency, distribution
27) When using the Histogram tool in Excel to construct a frequency distribution and histogram, the bins represent the upper class limits.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: histogram, Excel, frequency, bin, class
28) When using the Histogram tool in Excel to construct a frequency distribution and histogram, if the first bin value is 10 and the second bin value is 20, the frequency count for the second class will include all values from 10 up to, but not including, 20.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 3
Keywords: histogram, Excel, bin, frequency
29) If you wish to construct a graph of a relative frequency distribution, you would most likely construct an ogive.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: ogive, relative, frequency, distribution
30) A joint frequency distribution is used to describe the number of occurrences where two observations in a data set have the same value.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: joint, frequency, distribution
31) A joint frequency distribution can be constructed for either quantitative or qualitative data.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: joint, frequency, distribution
32) If a manager is interested in analyzing the relationship between the age of customers and the dollar volume of business that is done in the store, a relative frequency distribution would be most appropriate.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: relative, frequency, distribution
33) A recent study of students at the university contained data on year in school and student age. An appropriate tool for analyzing the relationship between these two variables would be a joint frequency distribution.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: joint, frequency, distribution
34) A histogram can be used to display a joint frequency distribution between two quantitative variables.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 3
Keywords: histogram, joint, frequency, distribution
35) In Excel, joint frequency distributions can be generated using the Pivot Table feature under the Data tab.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: Excel, joint, distribution, pivot
36) An ogive is a graph that shows cumulative relative frequency.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: ogive
37) If you have constructed a joint frequency distribution manually and now wish to convert it to a joint relative distribution, the proper method is to divide each cell frequency by the cell's row total.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: joint, relative, frequency, distribution
38) Another name for a joint frequency distribution is a cross-tabulation table.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: joint, frequency, distribution, cross-tabulation
39) Two separate frequency distributions for two variables provide the same information as one joint frequency distribution involving the same two variables.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 3
Keywords: joint frequency distribution
40) In Excel a joint frequency distribution table can be created using a tool called PivotTable.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: Excel, joint, frequency, distribution, pivot
41) An ogive is a graph of a joint frequency distribution.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: ogive, joint, frequency, distribution
42) A histogram is an effective tool for graphically describing a joint frequency distribution.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: histogram, joint, frequency, distribution
43) In a study involving car owners, one question asked the owner for the number of miles driven last year. A second question asked the owner for the age of the vehicle. A joint frequency distribution would be useful for determining whether newer cars tend to be driven more miles than older cars.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: joint, frequency, distribution
44) In a study involving car owners, one question asked the owner for the number of miles driven last year. A second question asked the owner for the age of the vehicle. A histogram would be useful for analyzing the relationship between miles driven and the age of the vehicle.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 3
Keywords: histogram, joint, frequency, distribution
45) In constructing a histogram for a joint frequency distribution, the histogram will have the most meaning for the decision maker if there are no gaps between the bars on the histogram.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: histogram, gap, bar, joint, frequency, distribution
46) A bar chart is the same as a histogram.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: bar, chart, histogram
47) Histograms cannot have gaps between the bars, whereas bar charts can have gaps.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: histogram, gap, bar, chart
48) The regional sales manager for a medical supply company recently collected data on the reasons why customers returned the merchandise for a refund. She actually formed a frequency distribution for this variable. It would now be acceptable to construct a bar chart to graphically display the results.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: frequency, distribution, bar, chart
49) Bar charts can typically be formed with the bars vertical or horizontal without adversely affecting the interpretation.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: bar, chart, horizontal, vertical
50) Bar charts can show either frequency or percentage.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: bar chart
51) A tire store manager has collected data showing the number of tires of each brand sold during the past month. A bar chart might be effective in graphically illustrating which brands tend to sell best at this store.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: bar chart
52) A pie chart is almost always constructed when the variable of interest is qualitative.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: pie, chart, qualitative
53) In situations involving two or more variables, both histograms and bar charts can be used for multiple variables on the same graph.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 3
Keywords: multiple, variable, histogram, bar chart
54) The Wilson company monitors customer complaints and organizes these complaints into six distinct categories. Over the past year, the company has received 534 complaints. One possible graphical method for representing these data would be a histogram.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: histogram, category
55) The difference between bar charts and histograms is that bar charts always show percentage while histograms always show frequency.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: bar, chart, histogram, percentage
56) When developing a bar chart, it is usually preferable to organize the bars in order from high to low.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: bar, chart
57) A stem and leaf diagram is most similar to a bar chart.
Answer: FALSE
, diagram
58) One of the differences between a stem and leaf diagram and a histogram is that even for variables involving a large number of different values, the stem and leaf diagram shows the individual data values whereas the histogram requires you to group the data and lose the individual values.
Answer: TRUE
, histogram
59) A study was recently conducted in which makers of toothpaste tracked sales for the month at different stores in a market area. The variable of interest was the number of units sold. The numbers ranged from 1,200 to 22,700. In this case, the stems in a stem and leaf diagram might be values such as 1 and 22 while the leaves would be 200 and 700.
Answer: TRUE
60) In constructing a stem and leaf diagram, there is a hard-and-fast rule for defining the stem and the leaves.
Answer: FALSE
61) A stem and leaf diagram is more appropriate for graphically displaying a joint frequency distribution than is a histogram since the stems can be used to display one variable while the leaves can be used to display the second variable.
Answer: FALSE
, joint, frequency
62) If the Viking Sales Company plans to display the sales for each of its six major products for the year 2001, an effective chart to do this would be a histogram.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: histogram, chart
63) In preparing a line chart, the horizontal axis shows time and the vertical axis shows the value of the variable of interest.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: line, chart, axis
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
64) In a scatter plot the points should always be connected with a line.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: scatter, plot, line, chart
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
65) A university recently collected data for a sample of 200 business majors. One variable collected was the number of credits left to be taken before graduation. This variable could effectively be displayed using a line chart.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: line, chart
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
66) A scatter diagram is a line graph without the points connected by a line.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: scatter, diagram, line
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
67) A major insurance company believes that for drivers between 16 years of age and 60 years of age, the number of accidents per year tends to decrease as age increases. If this is the case, a scatter diagram should show a negative relationship between the two variables.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: scatter, diagram
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
68) Sawyer & Company is a law firm in Dallas, Texas. Recently, the administrative manager prepared a report for the managing partners that showed the number of court cases handled by the firm monthly over the past three years. It was appropriate for her to use a line chart in this case.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: line, chart
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
69) Sawyer & Company is a law firm in Dallas, Texas. Recently, the administrative manager prepared a report for the managing partners that showed the number of court cases handled by the firm monthly over the past three years. One of the objectives of graphing these data might have been to identify a trend in the number of court cases.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: trend, graph
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
70) To show the relationship between amount of rainfall and the number of car accidents, the best type of graph to use is a scatter diagram.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: scatter diagram
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
71) The J.B. Hanson Company is interested in analyzing the relationship between end-of-the-week inventory levels and sales for the same week. The graph that most likely would be used to show this relationship is a histogram.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: scatter, relationship, histogram
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
72) A study at State University involved an analysis of students' GPAs and the number of hours that they work at jobs off-campus. An appropriate graph to display the relationship between these two variables might be a scatter diagram.
Answer: TRUE
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
73) When developing a scatter diagram, it is appropriate to connect the points on the graph with straight lines or the lines can be omitted.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: scatter, diagram, connect
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
74) Scatter diagrams can be used for either quantitative or qualitative data.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: scatter diagram, data
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
75) If two variables are graphed on the same line chart, two separate scales are always required.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: variable, graph, scale
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
76) If a scatter diagram shows points that are reasonably aligned and are sloping downward from left to right, this implies that there is a negative linear relationship between the two variables.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: scatter, diagram, linear, relationship
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
77) A scatter diagram can show that the relationship between two variables is actually nonlinear.
Answer: TRUE
, nonlinear
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
78) A scatter diagram can show whether a pair of variables has a strong or weak relationship, and also whether it is linear or curved.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: scatter, diagram
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
79) Roscoe and Associates makes computer software for use in the telecommunications industry. Recently, managers at the company collected data for the year 2001 on three variables: total dollars spent on research and development, total sales dollars, and total employee salaries. To graphically present these three variables, the managers would be justified in using a line chart with all three variables plotted.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 3
Keywords: line, chart
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
80) On a scatter diagram, the independent variable should be placed on the horizontal axis and the dependent variable should be placed on the vertical axis.
Answer: TRUE
Keywords: scatter, diagram, independent
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
81) In analyzing a single quantitative variable, you will generally choose to use a scatter diagram if the variable is measured over time and a histogram if the variable is cross-sectional.
Answer: FALSE
Keywords: scatter, diagram, histogram
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
82) A histogram is most commonly used to analyze which of the following?
A) Nominal level data
B) Quantitative data
C) Time-series data
D) Ordinal data
Answer: B
Keywords: histogram, quantitative, data
83) The Maple Grove Hotel manager has collected data on the number of rooms occupied each evening for the past 700 nights. The fewest rooms occupied during that period was 11 and the most was the capacity, 430. Based on this information, which of the following would be reasonable class limits for the first class if the manager wishes to use 8 classes to develop a frequency distribution?
A) 0 to 40
B) 10 to < 65
C) 11 to 19
D) 0 to 52.38
Answer: B
Keywords: histogram, class, limit
84) Recently a study of fans attending the New York Mets baseball games was conducted and 500 fans were surveyed. In forming a frequency distribution of the number of miles fans traveled from home to the stadium, it was found that 247 fans traveled between 0 and 5 miles. Based on this information what was the relative frequency for this class?
A) 0.247
B) 0.30
C) 0.494
D) Can't be determined without more information.
Answer: C
Keywords: relative, frequency, distribution
85) Frequency distributions can be formed from which of the following types of data?
A) Both discrete and continuous
B) Discrete only
C) Continuous only
D) Only qualitative data
Answer: A
Keywords: frequency, distribution, data
86) A common rule of thumb for determining how many classes to use when developing a frequency distribution with classes is:
A) between 5 and 20 classes.
B) no fewer than 6 classes.
C) equal to 0.25 times the number of data values.
D) at least 10 classes.
Answer: A
Keywords: frequency, distribution, classes
87) Which of the following is an acceptable format for setting up class boundaries for a frequency distribution?
A) 20 to under 40
B) 20 to 40
C) 200 to 299.99
D) All of the above.
Answer: D
Keywords: class, boundaries, frequency, distribution
88) Which of the following is not considered desirable when constructing a frequency distribution for continuous data?
A) Open-ended classes
B) Mutually exclusive classes
C) Equal-width classes
D) All-inclusive classes
Answer: A
Keywords: frequency, distribution, continuous, classes
89) Many Walmart stores have automotive departments where customers can buy tires, have their vehicles serviced, and obtain other automotive services. Recently, the manager at an Ohio Walmart collected data on the time customers had to wait to get the desired automotive service. Of the 500 cars in the sample, the shortest time any customer spent waiting was 3 minutes and the longest time was 183 minutes. Assuming that the manager wishes to develop a frequency distribution with 9 classes, which of the following would be an appropriate class width for each class?
A) 10.50
B) 19.99
C) 20.00
D) 3 to 23
Answer: C
Keywords: class, width, frequency, distribution
90) A histogram is used to display which of the following characteristics for a quantitative variable?
A) The approximate center of the data
B) The spread in the data
C) The shape of the distribution
D) All of the above.
Answer: D
Keywords: histogram, display, quantitative, variable
91) When using Excel's Histogram option under the Data Analysis tool, the term bins refers to:
A) the mid-point of each class.
B) the column where the data are located.
C) the upper limits of each class.
D) the lower limits of each class.
Answer: C
Keywords: Excel, histogram, bin, class
92) In forming the classes for a frequency distribution and histogram, suppose there were a number of empty classes. You should:
A) increase the class width.
B) decrease the class width.
C) keep the current class width.
D) use an ogive instead.
Answer: B
Keywords: histogram, Excel, gaps
93) A frequency histogram should be computed from which type of data?
A) Quantitative data
B) Categorical data
C) Nominal level data
D) Ordinal data
Answer: A
94) Which of the following is a reason for constructing a joint frequency distribution?
A) To determine the trend between the two variables
B) To measure the spread between the two variables
C) To help analyze the relationship between the two variables
D) To show the average of two variables
Answer: C
Keywords: joint, frequency, distribution
95) Joint frequency distributions are used to display:
A) the histograms of two variables analyzed simultaneously.
B) the number of occurrences at each of the possible joint occurrences of two variables.
C) the cumulative distribution of a variable with two possible outcomes.
D) the relative frequency of two variables.
Answer: B
Keywords: joint, frequency, distribution
96) A study was recently done in which the brand preference for breakfast cereal was analyzed against the gender of the shopper. The study consisted of 200 male shoppers and 300 female shoppers. Three different cereal brands were considered: A, B, and C. A total of 250 female shoppers preferred brand A, 25 female shoppers preferred brand C. The number of female shoppers that preferred brand B was:
A) 25.
B) 100.
C) 75.
D) 50.
Answer: A
Keywords: joint, frequency, distribution
97) A study was recently done in which the brand preference for breakfast cereal was analyzed against the gender of the shopper. The study consisted of 200 male shoppers and 300 female shoppers. Three different cereal brands were considered: A, B, and C. A total of 250 female shoppers preferred brand A, 25 female shoppers preferred brand C. A total of 100 shoppers preferred brand B. The number of male shoppers that preferred brand B was:
A) 25.
B) 100.
C) 75.
D) 50.
Answer: C
Keywords: joint, frequency, distribution
98) The undergraduate students at your university are classified as freshmen, sophomores, juniors, or seniors. A recent study of undergraduates asked the students to indicate the number of credits they were registered for this term. The responses were 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18. The number of cells in a joint frequency distribution for the two variables, class standing, and credit hours is:
A) 4.
B) 10.
C) 24.
D) None of the above.
Answer: C
Keywords: joint, frequency, distribution, cells
99) Which of the following CANNOT be shown effectively with a histogram?
A) A frequency distribution
B) A joint frequency distribution
C) A relative frequency distribution
D) The center, shape and spread of a distribution
Answer: B
Keywords: histogram, frequency, distribution
100) Which of the following is NOT true of a bar chart?
A) It is used for numerical data.
B) The bars can be either horizontal or vertical.
C) It can show either frequency or relative frequency.
D) It is used for categorical data.
Answer: A
Keywords: bar chart
101) One characteristic of a bar chart is:
A) the bars can be displayed either vertically or horizontally.
B) there can be no gaps between the bars.
C) it is used to display the distribution of a continuous variable.
D) it shows cumulative frequency.
Answer: A
Keywords: bar, chart
102) A bar chart is most likely used to display which of the following?
A) A continuous variable
B) A nominal level variable
C) An ordinal level variable
D) Either B or C
Answer: D
Keywords: bar, chart, variable
103) A study was recently conducted by the regional electric and gas company. Data were collected for three customer categories showing the dollar amount of natural gas and the dollar amount of electricity consumed during the year. Which of the following graphs would most likely be used to display both sets of data together?
A) Pie chart
B) Bar chart
C) Line chart
D) Histogram
Answer: B
Keywords: bar, chart, display
104) One of the key differences between a bar chart and histogram is:
A) the histogram contains gaps between the bars and the bar chart does not.
B) a bar chart is used to display a categorical variable and a histogram is used to display the distribution of a quantitative variable.
C) the histogram shows relative frequency while the bar chart shows frequency.
D) the bar chart must be vertical while the histogram must be horizontal.
Answer: B
Keywords: bar, chart, histogram, variable
105) The city counsel has just voted to pass the city's budget for next year. If you were writing a report describing the budget so the citizens could understand how the total tax dollars will be spent, which of the following graphs might be most appropriate?
A) Pie chart
B) Scatter diagram
C) Histogram
D) Ogive
Answer: A
Keywords: pie, chart
106) Which of the following is a false statement?
A) A bar chart is usually constructed so that gaps exist between the bars.
B) The bars on a bar chart can be different colors.
C) A histogram is usually constructed without gaps between the bars.
D) A bar chart and histogram can typically be used interchangeably.
Answer: D
Keywords: bar, chart, histogram
107) At a manufacturing plant workers are divided into 4 different teams that rotate shifts. The number of units produced by each team is recorded. The best type of chart to display the data is a:
A) pie chart.
B) histogram.
C) ogive.
D) line chart.
Answer: A
Keywords: pie, chart
108) A homeowners association consists of 20 homes. The family in each home is considered an automatic member of the association. Recently, one of the homes fell into a state of disrepair. A survey was conducted of the homeowners both on the same street as the house in question and on the second street. At issue was whether legal action should be brought against the homeowner with the problem house. There are 8 homes on the same street as the problem house and 6 of these called for legal action. The percentage of houses on the second street that favored legal action is 50 percent. Which type of chart might be most effective for conveying the information about percentage of residents favoring legal action by street?
A) Histogram
B) Stem and leaf diagram
C) Bar chart
D) Pie chart
Answer: C
Keywords: bar, chart
109) Which of the following is a key difference between a bar chart and a histogram?
A) A bar chart typically has gaps between the bars while a histogram has no gaps.
B) A bar chart is developed to analyze a continuous variable, while a histogram is used to analyze discrete variables.
C) Both A and B are correct.
D) There is actually no real difference between a bar chart and a histogram.
Answer: A
Keywords: bar, chart, histogram
110) The Grangeville Power Company has four classifications for its customers. For each customer classification, the company tracks the total amount of electricity used during the year. Which of the following types of graphs would be most appropriate to use?
A) A horizontal bar chart
B) A vertical bar chart
C) Both A and B would be appropriate.
D) A histogram
Answer: C
Keywords: bar, chart, horizontal, vertical
111) Which of the following is true about the difference between stem and leaf diagrams and histograms?
A) There is no difference.
B) The stem and leaf diagram shows more information by showing the individual values.
C) The histogram shows the shape center and spread of the distribution while the stem and leaf does not.
D) The stem and leaf diagram shows less information than a histogram.
Answer: B
Keywords: stem and leaf, histogram
112) The Carter Department Store has data on the sales volume by department for the past 200 days. The data are in an Excel spreadsheet where column A represents the department name and column B represents the sales for each day in that department. In order to construct a bar chart that illustrates the difference in total sales by department for the 200 days, a required step in Excel will be to:
A) determine the total sales by department.
B) use the frequency function to count the number of occurrences by department.
C) group the data into 5 to 20 classes.
D) determine the class widths.
Answer: A
Diff: 3
Keywords: Excel, bar, chart
113) A bar chart possesses which of the following?
A) Capability of displaying the distribution for a quantitative variable
B) The option of displaying the data in scatter diagram form
C) The option for displaying two or more variables on the same chart
D) An easy method for displaying the general shape of a continuous variable
Answer: C
Keywords: bar, chart
114) The Canyon Water Company collects data on the number of gallons of water consumed during a month for each customer. The production manager has divided the usage into 6 classes. To display these data effectively, she could use which of the following types of graphs to convey information about the water usage?
A) A stem and leaf diagram
B) A bar chart
C) A histogram
D) Either a histogram or a pie chart
Answer: D
Keywords: histogram, pie, chart
115) A stem and leaf diagram is used to:
A) display the distribution of a quantitative variable.
B) show the joint relationship between two variables.
C) graph a joint frequency distribution.
D) show relative cumulative frequency.
Answer: A
, quantitative
116) A stem and leaf diagram is an alternative to using:
A) a pie chart.
B) a bar chart.
C) a histogram.
D) an ogive.
Answer: C
, histogram
117) One of the advantages that a stem and leaf diagram has over a histogram is:
A) the detail of the data is preserved.
B) it shows the general distribution of a quantitative variable.
C) it can be used with nominal data.
D) There are no advantages.
Answer: A
, histogram
118) If two variables show a positive linear relationship in a scatter diagram:
A) most of the data values will plot in the lower left-hand quadrant.
B) most of the data values will plot in the lower left-hand and upper right-hand quadrants.
C) most of the data values will cluster close to the x and y axes.
D) the data will cluster in the center of the graph.
Answer: B
Keywords: scatter, diagram, linear, relationship
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
119) To show how the price of a stock has changed over the last 3 months, the best type of chart to use is:
A) a pie chart.
B) a histogram.
C) a line chart.
D) a bar chart.
Answer: C
Keywords: line, chart, trend
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
120) A line chart is most appropriate for:
A) cross-sectional data.
B) nominal level data.
C) ordinal level data.
D) time-series data.
Answer: D
Keywords: line, chart, time, series
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
121) The managers at Harris Pizza in Boston have tracked the tips received by their drivers along with the total bill to the customer. An appropriate graph for analyzing the relationship between these two variables is:
A) a scatter diagram.
B) a line chart.
C) a histogram.
D) a pie chart.
Answer: A
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
122) A scatter diagram can be used to do which of the following?
A) Determine the trend in a variable
B) Analyze the relationship between two variables
C) Describe the basic distribution for a quantitative variable
D) Show the percentage of a variable that is associated with each category into which that variable has been divided
Answer: B
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
123) In constructing a scatter diagram:
A) the independent variable should be on the vertical axis.
B) the independent variable should be on the horizontal axis.
C) the dependent variable should be on the horizontal axis.
D) It does not matter which variable goes on which axis.
Answer: B
Keywords: scatter, diagram, independent, dependent
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
124) Which of the following questions CANNOT be answered using a scatter diagram?
A) What is the trend over time of each of the 2 variables?
B) Is there a curved or linear relation between the 2 variables?
C) Is there a weak or strong relation between the 2 variables?
D) Is there a positive or negative relation between the 2 variables?
Answer: A
Keywords: scatter diagram
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
125) The sales manager at Western Furniture Company tracked data on the number of customers who came into the store each day and the total dollar volume of sales at the store during the same day. She is considering putting together a report for top management and wishes to show the relationship between these two variables. Which of the following graphs would likely be most useful? She has a sample of 36 days worth of data.
A) Scatter diagram
B) Bar chart
C) Frequency histogram
D) Pie chart
Answer: A
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
126) Consider the following chart. Which of the following statements is most correct?
A) There is a negative linear relationship between the two variables.
B) There is a positive linear relationship between the two variables.
C) There is a perfect linear relationship between the two variables.
D) There is no apparent relationship between the two variables.
Answer: B
Keywords: scatter, diagram, linear, relationship
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
127) Consider the following chart. Which of the following statements is most correct?
A) The values for the dependent variable are determined by the values for the independent variable.
B) The values in a scatter plot should be connected by a straight line.
C) The variable on the horizontal axis should be the independent variable.
D) A scatter plot like this one shows the trend in the data over time.
Answer: C
Keywords: scatter, plot, independent
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
128) The Fitness Center manager has collected data on the number of visits to the club each week for the past 8 weeks. These data are shown as follows. Which of the following statements is most correct?
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
A) The proper graph for displaying these data is a pie chart.
B) There has been a gradual downward trend in these data.
C) A frequency histogram should be developed to help identify the trend in these data.
D) The data lend themselves to a line chart.
Answer: D
Keywords: line, chart, trend
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
129) The Fitness Center manager has collected data on the number of visits to the club each week for the past 8 weeks. These data are shown as follows. Which of the following statements is most correct?
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
A) A histogram will illustrate whether a linear relationship exists between the number of visits and the week number.
B) A scatter diagram would be useful for displaying these data.
C) A line chart for these data will show that an upward trend in the number of visits to the club has occurred over two weeks.
D) None of the above
Answer: C
Keywords: line, chart, trend
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
130) Assuming you have data for a variable with 2,000 values, using the 2k ? n guideline, what is the least number of groups that should be used in developing a grouped data frequency distribution?
A) 9
B) 11
C) 13
D) 12
Answer: B
Keywords: descriptive statistics
131) In creating a frequency distribution for numerical data, describe the steps in choosing the classes.
Answer: The steps are (1) determine the number of classes, (2) determine the class width, (3) determine the class boundaries, and (4) count how many values are in each class.
The number of classes should generally be between 5 and 20, where the more data you have means more classes. To determine the class width, the classes must span the entire range of the data set from the smallest value to the largest value. So an initial estimate of class width is to divide the range by the number of classes.
W =
This width usually needs to be adjusted up to a "round" number. To determine the class boundaries there are several considerations. The classes should be of equal width, have no gaps between classes (all inclusive), and no overlaps (mutually exclusive). Finally the number of observation in each class is tallied.
, class width
132) Explain what information can be conveyed by a frequency histogram.
Answer: A frequency histogram can be used to convey information about three different characteristics of a quantitative variable. First, the histogram can give us an idea of where the center of the data falls. The histogram can show the spread in the variable. Finally, the histogram can show the shape of the distribution.
Keywords: frequency, histogram, quantitative
133) Explain why it is appropriate to connect the points on a line graph, but the points on a scatter plot should not be connected.
Answer: A line chart is used to display data that are measured in sequence over time. The points are in a defined order. Connecting the points serves to illustrate any trend that may be present in the data. A scatter plot is used to show the relationship between two variables. The XY data points are plotted in a two-dimensional space. The order that the XY points are recorded is of no consequence, so connecting the points would be meaningless.
Diff: 3
Keywords: line, scatter, connect, points
Section: 2-3 Line Charts and Scatter Diagrams
134) Why should a histogram contain no gaps between the bars but a bar chart may have gaps?
Answer: A histogram is used to convey the distribution of a quantitative variable. The horizontal axis represents the range of possible values for the variable of interest. The bars are joined together to form the distribution. A bar chart is used to illustrate a qualitative variable. By using gaps between the bars, the differences between the categories are more easily seen.
Keywords: histogram, bar, chart, gaps
135) Discuss the steps that you would use to manually construct a histogram for the salaries of the 1,124 employees in the Ferris Steel Company.
Answer: We might begin by sorting the data from low to high. Since salaries would likely be somewhat continuous, there would likely be lots of different possible salaries represented in the 1,124 data points. Thus, we would need to group the data into classes. We need to determine how many classes we want to use. The rule of thumb is somewhere between 5-20 depending on the data. Once the number of classes is determined, we next compute the class width using the formula:
W =
We can round this class width up to a nice round number for ease of interpretation. Next, we form the classes making sure that they are mutually exclusive and all inclusive. In addition, they should be the same width, if possible. Once the classes are determined, the next step is to form a frequency distribution by counting how many of the salaries fall in each class. A histogram can be formed directly from the frequency distribution by placing the variable (salaries) on the horizontal axis. The vertical axis will represent the frequency in each class. Bars are drawn with width corresponding to the class limits and height corresponding to frequency in each class, no gaps are allowed except in cases where the frequency is equal to zero. Label the histogram appropriately.
Diff: 3
Keywords: histogram, construction, class, width
136) Suppose you are given the following data.
If you wish to have a histogram with five classes, what should the first class limits be?
Answer: The first class limits can be determined by first determining the width for each class. Given that we want 5 classes, the class width is determined by:
W = = = 7.60
However, we could round the 7.60 up to 8 for ease of interpretation. Then the first class could be set up as 83 and under 91 or 83 to 90.99 or 83 < 91.
Keywords: histogram, class, limits, width
137) Suppose that you have a data set of 512 observations and the data values range from 36 to 187. What classes would you choose for this data set? Explain why you would choose these values.
Answer: For n=512 values, 9 classes would be about the right number of classes based on the 2k ? n rule. Then the class width should be about (187-36)/9 = 16.8, which should be rounded to 20. So the classes should start at 20 or 30 to be low enough to contain the lowest value. So one way to do the classes is:
20 to < 40
40 to < 60
60 to < 80
80 to < 100
100 to < 120
120 to < 140
140 to < 160
160 to < 180
180 to < 200
This is 9 classes, all inclusive, mutually exclusive, equal width, and contains all the data values.
138) Explain why a relative frequency histogram is sometimes preferable to a regular frequency histogram.
Answer: Relative frequencies are used when we are interested in comparing two or more distributions when the number of data values in the distributions differs. For instance, suppose we have two frequency distributions on salaries, one for college graduates and one for non-college graduates. There are 100 college graduates in the data set and 1,000 non-college graduates. In each distribution, the first class limits are $0 through $15,000. If there are 5 college graduates in the first class and 50 non-college graduates in the first class, it may appear that non-college graduates are much more heavily represented in the low salary bracket. However, if we convert these to relative frequencies, it turns out that the relative frequency is 0.05 for both groups.
139) A company has 400 employees. The manager of human resources has recorded the annual salary and wages for each employee. These value range from $17,500 to $67,800. Provide an example of a stem and a leaf that could be developed to describe the distribution of the salary and wage data.
Answer: Given these data, the stems could be the thousands (e.g. 17 and 67) and the leaves could be the hundreds (e.g. 5 and 8).