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The Formation of Stars.docx

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The Formation of Stars Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Protostars are difficult to observe because a. the protostar stage is very short. b. they are surrounded by cocoons of gas and dust. c. they radiate mainly in the infrared. d. all of the above e. they are all so far away that the light hasn't reached us yet. ____ 2. The nuclear reactions in a star's core remain under control so long as a. luminosity depends on mass. b. pressure depends on temperature. c. density depends on mass. d. weight depends on temperature. e. temperature depends on mass. ____ 3. Main sequence O stars have convective cores because a. they fuse hydrogen in the CNO cycle. b. they fuse hydrogen in the proton-proton chain. c. they contain mostly hydrogen. d. they have very cool cores. e. they have very large magnetic fields. ____ 4. The proton-proton chain needs high temperature because a. of the ground state energy of the hydrogen atom. b. of the presence of helium atoms. c. the protons must overcome the Coulomb barrier. d. of the need for low density. e. the neutrinos carry more energy away than the reaction produces. ____ 5. _______________ occurs when most of the material collapsing to form a protostar has fallen into a disk around the star, and a strong wind from the warm protostar ejects material from its poles. a. An emission nebula b. Hydrostatic equilibrium c. The proton-proton chain d. The thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen e. A bipolar flow ____ 6. The BN object in the Orion molecular cloud is believed to be a. a star cluster hidden in dust clouds. b. a forming star nearing the main sequence. c. a low-mass star fusing hydrogen in its interior. d. a low-density gas cloud heated by a shock wave. e. a black hole radiating large amounts of x-ray radiation. ____ 7. Interstellar gas clouds may collapse to form stars if they a. have very high temperatures. b. encounter a shock wave. c. rotate rapidly. d. are located near main sequence spectral type K and M stars. e. all of the above. ____ 8. _______________ are small luminous nebulae excited by nearby young stars. a. T Tauri stars b. Herbig-Haro objects c. O associations d. WIMPS e. Giant molecular clouds ____ 9. Opacity is a. the balance between the pressure and force of gravity inside a star. b. the force that binds protons and neutrons together to form a nucleus. c. the force that binds an electron to the nucleus in an atom. d. a measure of the ease with which photons can pass through a gas. e. the temperature and density at which a gas will undergo thermonuclear fusion. ____ 10. The region of the sun just below the photosphere a. is undergoing thermonuclear fusion using the proton-proton chain. b. is undergoing thermonuclear fusion using the CNO cycle. c. is transporting energy to the photosphere by convection. d. is not in hydrostatic equilibrium. e. a and c above ____ 11. _______________ is the thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen to form helium operating in the cores of massive stars on the main sequence. a. The CNO cycle b. The proton-proton chain c. Hydrostatic equilibrium d. The neutrino process e. none of the above ____ 12. The Great Nebula in Orion a. is a Herbig-Haro object. b. is a reflection nebula. c. is an emission nebula. d. contains only young low mass stars. e. is believed to be about 5 billion years old. ____ 13. The capture of too few solar neutrinos by Davis in the solar neutrino experiment a. has been disproven by the results of later experiments. b. can be explained if the sun is not undergoing thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen in its core. c. indicates that the sun's core is much hotter than expected. d. indicates the sun's core is convective. e. none of the above ____ 14. The diagram below is an HR diagram. The line indicates the location of the main sequence. Which of the five labeled locations on the HR diagram indicates a luminosity and temperature similar to that of a T Tauri star. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5 ____ 15. The factors that resist collapse in a gas cloud are I. the magnetic field of the cloud. II. the presence of supernovae near the gas cloud. III. the existence of molecules in the cloud IV. the heat in the gas. V. the rotation of the cloud. a. I, III, & V b. I, IV, & V c. II, III, & IV d. II, IV, & V e. III, IV, & V ____ 16. The central cores of massive main sequence stars a. produce energy by the proton-proton chain. b. have a very low opacity. c. transmit energy outward by convection. d. burn their nuclear fuels more slowly than low mass main sequence stars. e. have lower temperatures than the central cores of low mass main sequence stars. ____ 17. If the sun produces energy by the proton-proton chain, then the center of the sun must have a temperature of at least a. 104 K b. 107 K c. 1010 K d. 1013 K e. 1016 K ____ 18. In the proton-proton chain a. no neutrinos are produced. b. energy is released because a helium nucleus has a greater mass than a hydrogen nucleus. c. no photons are produced. d. carbon serves as a catalyst for the nuclear reaction. e. energy is produced in the form of gamma rays and the velocity of the created nuclei. ____ 19. Protons and neutrons are held together in the nucleus by a. the weak force. b. the gravitational force. c. the electrostatic force. d. the strong force. e. the opacity. ____ 20. The carbon-nitrogen-oxygen cycle a. operates at a slightly lower temperature than the proton-proton chain. b. is most efficient in a star less massive than the sun. c. occurs when carbon and oxygen combine to form nitrogen, which produces energy. d. produces the energy responsible for bipolar flows. e. combines four hydrogen nuclei to form one helium nucleus, which produces energy. ____ 21. What causes the outward pressure that balances the inward pull of gravity in a star? a. The outward flow of energy. b. The opacity of the gas. c. The temperature of the gas d. The density of the gas e. c and d ____ 22. The free-fall contraction of a molecular cloud a. can be initiated by shock waves from supernovae. b. can be initiated by nearby spectral type G stars. c. can be initiated by the rotation of the cloud. d. causes the cloud to become transparent to ultraviolet radiation. e. causes the particles in the cloud to decrease the speed with which they move. ____ 23. Convection is important in stars because it a. increases the temperature of the star. b. mixes the gases of the star. c. transports energy outward in the star. d. carries the neutrinos to the surface of the star where they can escape. e. b and c ____ 24. If one kilogram of hydrogen is converted to helium, how much energy will be generated? a. 91016 J b. 3108 J c. 6.51014 J d. 2.2106 J e. 3.2107 J True/False Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. ____ 25. Some young star clusters contain large numbers of T Tauri stars. ____ 26. Ninety percent of all stars fuse helium and lie on the main sequence. ____ 27. Nuclear fusion in stars is controlled by the dependence of density on mass. ____ 28. The sun has a core in which energy travels outward primarily by radiation. ____ 29. The sun makes most of its energy by the CNO cycle. ____ 30. Energy flows by radiation or convection inside stars but almost never by conduction. ____ 31. Hydrostatic equilibrium refers to the balance between weight and pressure. ____ 32. The Orion region contains young main sequence stars and an emission nebula, but the original molecular cloud they formed out of has been dispersed. ____ 33. T Tauri stars are believed to be young, high mass main sequence stars. Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ANS: D 2. ANS: B 3. ANS: A 4. ANS: C 5. ANS: E 6. ANS: B 7. ANS: B 8. ANS: B 9. ANS: D 10. ANS: C 11. ANS: A 12. ANS: C 13. ANS: E 14. ANS: D 15. ANS: B 16. ANS: C 17. ANS: B 18. ANS: E 19. ANS: D 20. ANS: E 21. ANS: A 22. ANS: A 23. ANS: E 24. ANS: C TRUE/FALSE 25. ANS: T 26. ANS: F 27. ANS: F 28. ANS: T 29. ANS: F 30. ANS: T 31. ANS: T 32. ANS: F 33. ANS: F

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