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GO! with Microsoft Word 2013 Comprehensive

University of Florida : UF
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Category: Computer Science
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Answer Key for Week 5
Word 2013 Chapter 5 Answer Key for Matching and Multiple Choice Matching 1. A group of formatting commands that can be applied with a single command. N. Style 2. A style that includes formatting for the entire table and specific table elements. O. Table style 3. The first row of a table containing column titles. J. Header row 4. A feature that combines two or more adjacent cells into one cell. K. Merge 5. A feature that divides a cell into multiple cells. M. Split 6. A feature that automatically adjusts table or column widths. A. AutoFit 7. A mathematical expression that contains functions, operators, and constants. G. Formula 8. A predefined formula that performs calculations using specific values. H. Function 9. A title that is added to a Word object and is numbered sequentially. B. Caption 10. A feature that resizes selected columns so that they are equal in width. E. Distribute Columns 11. A feature that resizes selected rows so that they are equal in height. F. Distribute Rows 12. Non-printing lines that indicate cell borders. I. Gridlines 13. A table inserted within a cell of another table. L. Nested table 14. The amount of space between a cell’s content and the cell’s borders. C. Cell margins 15. The distance between the individual cells in a table. D. Cell spacing Multiple Choice 1. What feature divides an existing table into two tables? C. Split Table 2. What is the name of the dialog box that allows you to copy styles from one document to another? B. Organizer 3. To apply a table style, position the insertion point: A. anywhere in the table 4. What option do you select to edit an existing table style? C. Modify Table Style 5. When splitting a cell that contains text, the text is moved to the: A. top left cell 6. How many alignment options are there to position text in a cell? C. nine 7. In a table, you can define specific data to be sorted using a maximum of: A. three columns 8. What command changes text separated by commas to a table format? C. Convert Text to Table 9. To automatically resize the column width to accommodate existing text, select: A. AutoFit Contents 10. In Word, one of the built-in functions is: A. AVERAGE 11. A formula used in a Word table always begins with: C. an equal sign 12. In a table, to the left of the border, click the Insert control to insert a: A. row 13. A placeholder for data, such as a value calculated by a formula, is a: B. field 14. What feature can you use to merge cells by removing specific border from a table? B. Eraser 15. In Excel, to copy a formula to adjacent cells use the: B. fill handle

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