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GO! with Microsoft Word 2013 Comprehensive

University of Florida : UF
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Category: Computer Science
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Filename:   w03_answerkey.docx (23.11 kB)
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Answer Key for Week 3
Word 2013 Chapter 3 Answer Key for Matching and Multiple Choice Matching A manual that contains standards for the design and writing of documents. N. Style guide One of two commonly used style guides for formatting research papers. A. American Psychological Association (APA) An image of an active window on your computer that you can paste into a document. L. Screenshot In a research paper, information that expands on the topic, but that does not fit well in the document text. I. Note In a research paper, a note placed at the bottom of the page. E. Footnote In a research paper, a note placed at the end of a document or chapter. D. Endnote A list of cited works in a report or research paper, also referred to as Works Cited, Sources, or References, depending upon the report style. B. Bibliography In the MLA style, a list of cited works placed at the end of a research paper or report. O. Works Cited A group of formatting commands, such as font, font size, font color, paragraph alignment, and line spacing that can be applied to a paragraph with one command. M. Style A note, inserted into the text of a research paper that refers the reader to a source in the bibliography. C. Citation In the MLA style, a citation that refers to items on the Works Cited page, and which is placed in parentheses; the citation includes the last name of the author or authors, and the page number in the referenced source. K. Parenthetical reference . The action of forcing a page to end and placing subsequent text at the top of the next page. H. Manual page break A dotted line with the text Page Break that indicates where a manual page break was inserted. J. Page break indicator An indent style in which the first line of a paragraph extends to the left of the remaining lines and that is commonly used for bibliographic entries. F. Hanging indent An artificial end to a column to balance columns or to provide space for the insertion of other objects. G. Manual column break Multiple Choice 1. Column text that is aligned to both the left and right margins is referred to as: B. justified 2. The banner on the front page of a newsletter that identifies the publication is the: B. nameplate 3. A portion of a document that can be formatted differently from the rest of the document is a: C. section 4. A font effect, commonly used in titles, that changes lowercase text into uppercase letters using a reduced font size is. A. Small Caps 5. To end a line before the normal end of the line, without creating a new paragraph, hold down the $$$Shift$$ key while pressing the: A. $$$Enter$$$ key 6. The nonprinting symbol that displays where a manual line break is inserted is the: B. bent arrow 7. In mail merge, the document that contains the text or formatting that remains constant is the: C. main document 8. In mail merge, the list of variable information, such as names and addresses, that is merged with a main document to create customized form letters or labels is the: A. data source 9. In mail merge, a row of information that contains data for one person is a: A. record 10. To perform a mail merge using Word’s step by step guided process, use the: C. Mail Merge Wizard 11. The relative lightness of a picture is its: A. brightness 12. The difference between the darkest and lightest area of a picture is the: B. contrast 13. A feature that enables you to change all colors in the picture to shades of a single color is: C. recolor 14. The command that resizes a picture to a percentage of its size is: A. scale 15. The command that removes unwanted or unnecessary areas of a picture is: C. crop

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