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english final Grazvydas Revuckas

College of the Holy Cross
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Contributor: Grev2171
Category: Biology
Type: Lecture Notes
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Filename:   english final Grazvydas Revuckas.docx (15.16 kB)
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good notes
Grazvydas Revuckas Mrs. Trestrail English 1102 05/08/19 REFLECTION What do you consider to be the best part of your research paper? Why? I consider the best part of my paper to be the research topic that I choose and brought light too even though it is a known problem it is something that is ignored. I think this the best part because I don’t think this topic is commonly chosen What do you consider to be the weakest part of your research paper? Why? The lead ins for some of my quotes I think can be made better, I think these can be adjusted and made to flow more smoothly with the essay. What was the easiest part of this assignment? What made it easy for you? Collecting research for the project was fairly easy I think it was easy because I enjoy researching things I don’t know and gaining more knowledge on them. What was the hardest part of this assignment? What made it hard for you? Writing on a new topic 2 days before the first draft was due but I made it happen. I had to switch my topic before was can AI (artificial intelligence) destroy humans , this was hard because what AI is capable of is still a mystery and unknown so I changed my topic to the wage gap which I think is a great topic. For the parts that challenged you, what would have made it easier? If I thought my topic out fully I choose AI because it as interest of mine but I didn’t find it that easy to write about also if I used my time wisely it would of made it easier. What help or additional instruction do you feel you needed? I personally did not need any additional instruction or help. ASSESSMENT What score would you give yourself? Why? I would give myself a 95% because I didn’t miss a single deadline and turned in good quality work thought the whole process but there is some parts I can improve in. Which strategy/tool did you use that you found the most helpful? Why? I used Purdue owl like you recommended and found it very helpful because it was everything I needed in one place. If you could go back and change anything, what would you change? Why? I went and changed my topic already but also if I could go back and change something else I would like to use really current info to show the topic how it currently is not 3 years ago. 10. What did you learn about writing while doing this assignment? Explain. I learned a lot about the unequal pay that women experience compared to men I also learned how to correctly site different types of sources in my writing and how to make perfect reference pages.

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