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Ch. 17 extra credit

Uploaded: 5 years ago
Contributor: shenson14
Category: Psychology and Mental Health
Type: Lecture Notes
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Filename:   Ch. 17 extra credit.docx (13.4 kB)
Page Count: 1
Credit Cost: 1
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Sophia Henson PSYC305 Extra Credit Answering the question “Are you ready for adulthood?” is honestly intimidating and installs a small amount of fear into me. However, looking back, I didn’t realize that I have been in the beginning stages of adulthood since I started college. Going to school has opened so many doors for me such as getting the chance to be a part of ROTC and commission in a few years, become a first-generation college student in my family, meet so many amazing people, start my first serious relationship and gain more independence. One thing that excites me the most out of everything, is getting my B.S then move on to become an elementary school psychologist for special needs children. One thing I am terrified of is definitely the financial situation. I save all my money, spend wisely, but don’t currently work, and won’t be able to until summer. I know I will be in debt no matter what at this point, but I’m stuck on whether or not I want to go on to get my master’s before or after I pay off all my debt. Over these past two semesters I have really struggled with making friends. I’ve had multiple close friends pass away from my freshman year of high school to now, so it frightens me to get close to more people because I don’t want them to leave me. However, my boyfriend and ROTC people have been the biggest support system for me. They hold me accountable for literally everything and it can get annoying, but deep down I truly love it that people actively look out for me. My parents have also been a big emotional support for me. They support me with all my decisions and still remain active in my life. One thing that has been lacking in my college experience so far is the whole “What now?” part. I’m in a tricky situation with ROTC and regular school because I’m starting to get confused in what pathway I want to take where both needs can be satisfied. The only thing I would do differently is try to fight the university on having a mandatory meal plan freshman year because that food was not the greatest. I have gained so many experiences and life lessons being here so far. The one that I value the most is so cliché, but very true for everyone, and that is that drama doesn’t fricken matter. One reason why I didn’t join a sorority is because in my opinion, it’s just a bunch of girls who are stuck in high school and only create drama to fulfill their entertainment itch. Another lesson I value is that it’s okay to be confused because everything happens for a reason. I may not know the direct path I want to go down, but as long as I get my educational requirements and ROTC obligations out of the way, I know I’ll figure out the perfect plan for me. This is a little bit of a Debbie Downer one, but one thing that I don’t think is that valuable is trying to get as many friends as you can just to fit in. Most of the people are here to get an education, not to make the most friends, but I will say it’s nice to have a few good people by your side. Some people need to keep in mind that you won’t see a majority of these people after you graduate or even the following semesters. Life is messy and crazy, but you just need to focus on yourself, school and relationships.

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