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Reading Guide Cluster 13, Modules 35,36

Simon Fraser University
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Cluster 13: Teaching Every Student Module 35—Planning for Effective Teaching Module 36—Teaching Approaches 1) Woolfolk suggests that advanced planning is important primarily because such planning A) allows the teacher more time to correct daily work. B) dictates course readings and requirements. C) eliminates uncertainty in teaching. D) influences what students will learn. 2) Which one of the following statements is TRUE with regard to instructional planning? A) For experienced teachers, daily planning is more important than unit or weekly planning. B) It is more critical at the beginning of the year for teachers than at any other time. C) It is more critical in elementary grades than in the higher grade levels. D) Once plans are devised they should generally be followed without variation. 3) Which one of the following is likely to be an objective written by a teacher from the cognitive viewpoint? A) Students will list four characteristics of classic drama. B) Students will define and conjugate ten French verbs. C) Students will calculate the answers to distance problems. D) Students will understand "aesthetic distance" in drama. 4) Which one of the following objectives illustrates an appropriate behavioral example of the cognitive objective, "Students will be able to understand the concept of correlation"? A) "Achieve mastery on a quiz dealing with correlation issues." B) "Appreciate how and when correlation is used." C) "Comprehend the meaning of the concept of correlation." D) "Identify instances of positive and negative correlation." 5) In order to measure the outcomes of cognitive objectives more easily, the objectives should be A) based on test questions. B) clarified with specific examples. C) conceptualized as a general case. D) presented to the class prior to a lesson. 6) An advantage of Gronlund's approach to writing objectives over Mager's is A) clearer specification of the criterion for evaluation. B) easier procedures for writing the statements. C) greater flexibility for expressing cognitive learning outcomes. D) inclusion of the three major components of valid objectives. 7) Which one of the following objectives is complete according to Mager's guidelines? A) Given colored pictures of fruits and vegetables, students will correctly classify them with a high degree of accuracy. B) Students will correctly identify the function of the four major organs in the digestive system without using notes. C) Students will correctly recall the major bones of the human body. D) Using a calculator, students will solve division problems containing fractions. 8) Given the objective "students will be able to write complete sentences using words from a new vocabulary list," identify whether Mager's three criteria for a correctly stated behavioral objective are present or absent in this objective. Behavior Condit ion Criterion A) Absent Absent Absent B) Absent Present Absent C) Present Present Absent D) Present Present Present 9) The primary value of Bloom's taxonomy of cognitive objectives is that it can A) lead educators to think carefully about the objectives they construct. B) provide a valid hierarchy of learning from simple to complex. C) provide administrators with an objective means of evaluating the effects of courses. D) rank different types of learning according to their relative importance. 10) Ms. Smith would like to measure her first-graders' mastery of their personal information (address, phone number, spelling of name). What level of Bloom's taxonomy do her questions illustrate? A) Application B) Comprehension C) Evaluation D) Knowledge 11) What level of Bloom's taxonomy is most difficult, if not impossible, to measure with multiple-choice tests? A) Analysis B) Comprehension C) Knowledge D) Synthesis 12) A student in a biology class examines a slide of an unfamiliar cell and describes its major parts and how they interrelate. What element in Bloom's taxonomy is most directly exemplified? A) Analysis B) Comprehension C) Evaluation D) Synthesis 13) Larry identifies the names of all present members of the President's Cabinet. What element from Bloom's taxonomy is most directly exemplified? A) Analysis B) Comprehension C) Knowledge D) Synthesis 14) Whitney presents and defends her personal views on the desirability of having the current president nominate Supreme Court Justices. What level of thinking in Bloom's taxonomy is illustrated by Whitney's task? A) Application B) Comprehension C) Evaluation D) Synthesis 15) Indicate the HIGHEST level of Bloom's taxonomy in which the following question can be classified: "How should government classes judge the feasibility of a court decision?" A) Analysis B) Application C) Evaluation D) Synthesis 16) What level of Bloom's taxonomy is represented by the following objective? "Student teachers will design a module of instruction in their own content areas." A) Analysis B) Application C) Knowledge D) Synthesis 17) After teaching about classical conditioning, Ms. Lennon explained the function of each major component in the model (conditioned response, unconditioned stimulus, etc.). What level of the new cognitive taxonomy is most directly exemplified by Ms. Lennon's apparent instructional objective? A) Apply B) Create C) Remember D) Understand 18) What is the taxonomic domain of the following objective? "After learning about the properties of magnetism, students will build a vacuum and observe whether there is magnetic behavior present." A) Action B) Affective C) Cognitive D) Psychomotor 19) To what taxonomic domain does the following objective belong? "Students will share their reactions about the appeal of a painting after a trip to a local gallery." A) Action B) Affective C) Cognitive D) Psychomotor 20) Which one of the following objectives would probably be the most difficult to measure? A) Analysis B) Application C) Receiving D) Reflex actions 21) Mrs. Savage is hoping that her students will really appreciate the importance of earthquakes following the unit that she is about to teach. The type of affective response that she should expect to occur FIRST for this outcome is A) organizing. B) receiving. C) responding. D) valuing. 22) In the highest level of the affective domain, students are expected to A) adopt, and act consistently with, a new value. B) be aware of how other people feel. C) demonstrate an overt response to an idea or thing. D) show a new behavior as a result of experience. 23) For evaluating a student's achievement in psychomotor skills, the most appropriate instrument would typically be a(n) A) essay test. B) objective test. C) checklist or rating scale. D) personal interview. 24) The constructivist approach to planning learning experiences emphasizes what roles for teachers and students? A) Both students and teachers determine the content and activities, but teachers select the learning strategy to be used. B) Students and teachers together determine the content, activities, and learning strategies to be used. C) Students determine the broad learning goals, while teachers determine the specific learning objectives and activities. D) Teachers determine the learning goals, activities, and strategies for optimal learning. 25) A constructivist approach to assessment, compared to a traditional approach, would include use of A) fewer teacher comments about each student's work. B) more norm-competitive projects designed by students. C) students and teachers sharing authority for evaluating students' work. D) teacher-designed projects that students evaluate on the basis of predetermined criteria. 26) In what type of situation would it be most desirable for a teacher to use the lecture approach? A) Application and analysis levels are key cognitive objectives for the material. B) Cognitive and affective objectives stress lower-level concepts and develop interest in the material. C) Students are relatively low in ability level and have limited experience with the material. D) Students differ widely in ability levels and background experiences. 27) The BEST method by which active learning can be incorporated into lectures is to use A) lower-level cognitive objectives. B) questioning strategies. C) scripted cooperation. D) techniques involving small groups. 28) Which one of the following strategies is appropriate regarding the use of seatwork? A) Seatwork should be counted as part of the course grade. B) Seatwork should involve only minimal monitoring by the teacher. C) Students should not be permitted to help each other with their seatwork. D) Teachers in the U.S. use seatwork relatively infrequently when compared to those in other countries. 29) A frequent criticism of seatwork as a classroom learning strategy is that it A) is often overused. B) may require learning skills that students might not possess. C) places the student in a passive mode. D) tends to reduce student motivation. 30) The heart of the recitation approach to teaching that has been around for many years is A) praising. B) reacting. C) soliciting. D) setting a framework. 31) The questions on the objective test that you are taking right now are what type of question? A) Analytical B) Convergent C) Divergent D) Evaluation 32) Which one of the following students is responding to a divergent question? A) Alice identifies the category name for a group of objects. B) Dave adds to simple lines as many lines as he wants to make a meaningful figure. C) Janelle indicates which one of five figures is concealed in a complex figure. D) Mario gives a word to satisfy a definition and a given first letter. 33) Research on the effectiveness of higher-level questions for learning has shown that such questions A) are consistently inferior to lower-level questions. B) are consistently superior to lower-level questions. C) are equally as effective as lower-level questions. D) vary in effectiveness depending upon the situation. 34) High-ability students generally appear most likely to benefit from A) a lower pace with little emphasis on correcting errors. B) a mixture of factual and higher-level questions. C) a nurturing atmosphere for learning. D) highly structured lesson plans. 35) Research shows that the average amount of time teachers wait for students to answer questions is about A) one second. B) three seconds. C) five seconds. D) seven seconds or more. 36) The recommended waiting time while questioning students is A) one to two seconds. B) three to five seconds. C) six to eight seconds. D) 10 seconds or longer. 37) If a student who is called on to respond to a question gives a partially wrong answer, the recommended procedure is to A) ask "does anyone have a different answer?" Then call on the first volunteer. B) correct the student's answer and go on with the lesson. C) provide a prompt or cue and stay with the student for a little while. D) say "that 's almost correct" and then call on another student. 38) Group discussions are most appropriate for use when A) questions require convergent answers. B) students are young or less mature. C) students have difficulty expressing themselves. D) the class is well prepared to evaluate and synthesize. 39) Which one of the following procedures is recommended for teachers when using the discussion method? A) Ask another student to summarize the first student's response if uncertain about what that student has said. B) Discourage students from mentally rehearsing or writing responses before speaking. C) Let shy children decide to participate in the discussions whenever they are ready. D) Remain as uninvolved as possible during the discussion period. 40) Analysis of the relationship between teachers' knowledge of a subject and students' learning suggests that knowledge is A) necessary but not sufficient to improve learning. B) negatively correlated with students' attitudes about the class. C) the best predictor of student achievement. D) the most important quality of a good teacher. 41) Which one of the following is NOT a typical component of direct instruction? A) Cooperative learning B) Guided practice C) Independent practice D) Review of previous day's work 42) A major criticism of direct instruction is that it A) has proven ineffective in evaluation studies. B) is often limited to lower-level objectives. C) overemphasizes constructivist viewpoints. D) works well with high-ability students but not with low-ability students. 43) Recent research on the effects of direct instruction suggests that there is ample evidence identifying what to be at the heart of the direct instruction teaching model? A) Guided and independent practice with feedback B) Inductive reasoning activities and examples C) Models of expert performance D) Student-controlled learning activities 44) The literature-based and emergent literacy approaches to teaching reading and writing are similar to what teaching approach? A) Code-based B) Phonics C) Skills D) Whole-language 45) The philosophy of the whole-language teaching approach is best captured in which of the following expressions? A) "Language fundamentals and basics first; composition second" B) "Hooked on phonics" C) "Integrating language learning with everyday learning" D) "Structuring language curricular events to ensure proper sequential development" 46) Which one of the following activities would be most likely to be advocated in a whole-language writing program rather than in a conventional curriculum? A) Composing a sonnet by emulating the style used by Shakespeare B) Creating sentences that are evaluated for readability by a computer and then revised C) Writing an essay on one of three standard themes randomly selected by the teacher D) Writing stories about school activities to be published in a class newspaper 47) Which one of the following children would profit most from training in phonemic awareness? A) Ben in preschool B) Cassie in first grade C) Dexter in third grade D) Frances in fifth grade 48) Which one of the following examples of mathematics learning is the MOST compatible with a constructivist view? A) Converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius temperatures by experimenting with actual thermometer reading B) Simplifying an equation by following the steps listed in the textbook C) Using a drill-and-practice computer program dealing with factoring numbers D) Using flash cards to teach both addition and subtract ion facts 49) Which one of the five components of a constructivist approach to mathematics is reflected in the following example: "Ask students to restate the problem in their own words." A) Construct a case history of each student. B) Develop students' reflective processes. C) Intervene to negotiate a possible solution. D) Promote students' autonomy and commitment to their answers. 50) Which one of the following methods is NOT related closely to conceptual change teaching? A) Cognitive apprenticeships B) Explicit teaching C) Inquiry learning D) Reciprocal teaching

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