Total Physical Response Activity
Learning Parts of the Body
- Connection to the Language Skill of the Week (Celce-Murcia book chapters assigned this week),
- Relevance and Reflection (i.e. What do we know from theory of language acquisition in this week's readings/linguistic subsystems that attracted you to this activity/mini-lesson? Why would this activity/mini-lesson work?)
Learning Parts of the Body
Materials needed:
Students will listen to the song “Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes”. Each student will stand up and touch each body parts with both hands in time with the song. The song will start slow then gets progressively get faster.
1. Start by teaching the vocabulary that is in the song. Make flashcards of each body parts. Show students the flashcard and have them touch that body part. Also, have them repeat the name of each body part (repeat 4x).
2. Practice the vocabulary by laying each flashcard on the floor, in front of students. Randomly point to each one and have the student touch the body part and say the word. Do a final round with the cards in the correct order of the song.
3. Have your students stand up and play the song. The teacher will sing along with the song and do the actions, ensure the students are following along.
4. After the song, play Teacher says. You will say “Teacher says touch your head” do the action and ensure students are following (repeat 4x with other body parts). Give command without saying “Teacher says” part (ex. Touch shoulders). Students will touch their shoulders, make it clear they are not to do so when you don’t say “Teacher says”. Play the game faster and faster. When student makes a mistake they will sit down and the last student standing is the winner.
5. At the end of the activity, hand out worksheets with the vocabulary from the song. As students are completing the worksheet be sure to ask them questions (e.g which part of the body is that?). Also, send a worksheet home for homework.
I chose this activity because I remember learning it when I was in pre-school in Jamaica. We didn’t exactly do it is detailed above but we did learn the song. I taught my son his body parts using this same song and I was totally unaware that this was a TPR activity.