CHAPTER 18 Rococo and the Eighteenth Century
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. Which is a characteristic feature of Rococo?
a. fussiness
b. frivolity
c. elegance
d. irony
e. All these answers are correct.
Answer: e
2. The Rococo style is most closely related to
a. Classical Baroque.
b. Mannerism.
c. Renaissance style.
d. Late Baroque style.
Answer: d
3. The Rococo style started in
a. America.
b. Germany.
c. Italy.
d. France.
Answer: d
4. The Rococo style is characterized by
a. pastel colors.
b. a spirit of play.
c. minimized human figures.
d. All these answers are correct.
Answer: d
5. The aristocracy ________ French Rococo art.
a. patronized
b. had their sensibilities reflected in
c. criticized
d. both patronized and had their sensibilities reflected in
Answer: d
6. A salonnière is a
a. hostess.
b. waitress.
c. countess.
d. princess.
Answer: a
7. Winckelmann is known primarily for
a. German painting.
b. a historical approach to studying Greek and Roman art.
c. a historical approach to artists’ biographies.
d. German philosophy of art.
Answer: b
8. Which does NOT match?
a. Vivaldi – music
b. Priestly – oxygen
c. Halley – biology
d. Swift – satire
e. Watt – steam engine
Answer: c
9. The Seven Years’ War was fought between
a. England and France.
b. Prussia, France, and Austria.
c. England and Prussia.
d. France, Prussia, and England.
Answer: b
10. Which of the following is a correct match of philosopher to his ideas or work?
a. Locke – empiricism
b. Diderot – social contract
c. Rousseau – encyclopedia
d. Jefferson – Two Treatises of Civil Government
Answer: a
11. Which is NOT a Rococo painter?
a. Watteau
b. Boucher
c. Fragonard
d. Chambers
Answer: d
12. Gilles refers to
a. a painting by Boucher.
b. a French philosopher.
c. a French novelist.
d. a painting by Watteau.
e. a painting by Fragonard.
Answer: d
13. Chardin
a. painted still-lifes.
b. painted the common folk at their humble tasks.
c. painted “fêtes galantes.”
d. painted both still-lifes and the common folk at their humble tasks.
Answer: d
14. “Cogito, ergo sum” is
a. the title of a painting.
b. an autobiography.
c. an expression of rationalism.
d. the title of a philosophical treatise.
e. a work by Descartes.
Answer: c
15. Which is NOT a texture depicted in Rigaud’s Louis XIV?
a. silk
b. ermine
c. velvet
d. gold
e. marble
Answer: e
16. Pastels are
a. water-based paints.
b. chalky crayons.
c. tempera paints.
d. light-colored pencils.
Answer: b
17. July 14, 1789 is
a. the day that the American Revolution began.
b. the day that the Declaration of Independence was signed.
c. Bastille Day.
d. the day that Louis XVI was executed.
Answer: c
18. Of the following, the artist who painted important personages in England in the end of the 18th century was
d.Thomas de Quincy.
Answer: a
19. The Enlightenment
a. started in 1650.
b. was the entire 18th century.
c. was limited to the first half of the 19th century.
d. dates from the early 19th century.
Answer: b
20. Which is NOT an 18th-century portraitist?
a. Gainsborough
b. Rigaud
c. Vigée-Lebrun
d. Carriera
e. Boyle
Answer: e
21. Time Smoking a Picture satirizes
a. artists.
b. art dealers.
c. art collectors.
d. art museums.
Answer: b
22. The Kaisersaal refers to
a. a type of palace.
b. a ruler.
c. a type of room.
d. a stairway.
Answer: c
23. Which is NOT a feature of Tiepolo’s Investiture of Bishop Harold?
a. trompe l’oeil
b. stucco
c. oval windows
d. pastel colors
e. velvet curtains
Answer: e
24. The Zwinger is
a. a German musical form.
b. a palace of the Polish king.
c. a courtyard.
d. an elaborate wall.
Answer: c
25. Which is NOT true of Zimmermann’s Weiskirche?
a. It is near Oberammergau.
b. It is influenced by a Classical revival in Germany.
c. It is influenced by Borromini.
d. It has a longitudinal axis.
Answer: b
26. ________ dominated the architectural style of the 18th century.
a. Borromini
b. Michelangelo
c. Bramante
d. Palladio
Answer: d
27. Which is true of Chiswick House?
a. It was designed by Palladio.
b. It is in northern England.
c. It was originally a library and place of entertainment.
d. It is based on San Giorgio Maggiore.
Answer: c
28. Chiswick House was influenced by
a. Palladio.
b. Chardin.
c. Robert Adam.
d. All these answers are correct.
Answer: a
29. Which is true of Osterley Park House?
a. It was designed by Lord Burlington.
b. It was inspired by Palladian design.
c. It was built in East Anglia.
d. It was inspired by Classical precedents.
Answer: d
30. Strawberry Hill refers to
a. a garden of roses in England designed by Boyle.
b. an English landscape painting.
c. a Gothic Revival villa.
d. a medieval castle known as Otranto.
Answer: c
31. Strawberry Hill demonstrates
a. Oriental Revival.
b. Baroque Revival style.
c. Neoclassic Revival.
d. “gothicizing.”
Answer: d
32. The term Bourgeois Realism is applied to the work of
a. Chardin.
b. Hogarth.
c. Wright.
d. Copley.
Answer: a
33. Paul Revere’s 1770 portrait was painted by
a. West.
b. Copley.
c. Adam.
d. Locke.
e. Swift.
Answer: b
Key Works
Sir William Chambers, Pagoda, Kew Gardens, England, 1761; engraving by William Woollett after J. Kirby, hand-colored by Heath
Germain Boffrand, Salon de la Princess, Hôtel de Soubise, Paris, c. 1740
Joseph Wright, An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump, 1768
Antoine Watteau, The Departure from the Isle of Cythera, 1717
Antoine Watteau, Gilles, undated
François Boucher, Venus Consoling Love, 1751
Jean-Honoré Fragonard, The Swing, 1766
Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin, La Fontaine, first exhibited 1733
Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin, Pipe and Jug, undated
Adélaide Labille-Guiard, Self-Portrait with Two Pupils, 1785
Hyacinthe Rigaud, Louis XIV, 1701
Rosalba Carriera, Louis XV, 1751
Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, Marie Antoinette, 1778–1779
Thomas Gainsborough, Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, 1785–1787
William Hogarth, Marriage à la Mode II, c. 1743
William Hogarth, Time Smoking a Picture, 1761
Balthasar Neumann, the Residenz, Würzburg, Germany, 1719–1753
Staircase of the Residenz showing the ceiling fresco of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Würzburg, Germany, 1752–1753
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Investiture of Bishop Harold, a detail of the ceiling frescoes in the Kaisersaal, the Residenz, Würzburg, Germany, 1751–1752
Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann, Wallpavillon, the Zwinger, Dresden, Germany, 1711–1722
Dominikus Zimmermann, Wieskirche, Bavaria, 1745–1754
Richard Boyle (Earl of Burlington), Chiswick House, Richmond, near London, begun 1725
Robert Adam, fireplace niche, Osterley Park House, Middlesex, England, begun 1761
Horace Walpole, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, near London, 1749–1777
Angelica Kauffmann, Cornelia Pointing to Her Children as Her Treasures, 1785
John Singleton Copley, Paul Revere, c. 1768–1770
Benjamin West, Death of General Wolfe, c. 1770
Maps, Diagrams, and Projections
Map of Western Europe, c. 1740
Plan of the Wieskirche
Plan of Chiswick House
Map of North American settlements in the 18th century
Key Terms
trompe l’oeil