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Ch18 Modern Art

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Contributor: cloveb
Category: Visual Arts
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Chapter 18: Modern Art Multiple Choice Questions Delacroix A. Neoclassicism B. Romanticism* C. Realism D. Impressionism Ingres A. Neoclassicism* B. Romanticism C. Realism D. Impressionism Monet A. Neoclassicism B. Romanticism C. Realism D. Impressionism* David A. Neoclassicism* B. Romanticism C. Realism D. Impressionism Courbet A. Neoclassicism B. Romanticism C. Realism* D. Impressionism Morisot A. Neoclassicism B. Romanticism C. Realism D. Impressionism* Renoir A. Neoclassicism B. Romanticism C. Realism D. Impressionism* Gauguin A. Impressionism B. Post-Impressionism* C. Neither David A. Impressionism B. Post-Impressionism C. Neither* Degas A. Impressionism* B. Post-Impressionism C. Neither Cézanne A. Impressionism B. Post-Impressionism* C. Neither Monet A. Impressionism* B. Post-Impressionism C. Neither Seurat A. Impressionism B. Post-Impressionism* C. Neither Gauguin A. Impressionism B. Post-Impressionism* C. Neither Delacroix A. Impressionism B. Post-Impressionism C. Neither* van Gogh A. Impressionism B. Post-Impressionism* C. Neither Cassatt A. American* B. French C. German D. Spanish E. English Cézanne A. American B. French* C. German D. Spanish E. English Munch A. American B. French C. German* D. Spanish E. English Goya A. American B. French C. German D. Spanish* E. English Completion/Fill-in-the-Blank Questions The artists of the fifteenth century looked upon their art as ____________. {{modern}} What was modern about the modern art of the eighteenth century in France was its concept of ____________. {{space}} The innovative painters of the latter 1700s brought all of the imagery to the picture ____________. {{plane}} The flatness or two-dimensionality of the canvas surface in early modern art was asserted by the use of ____________ recession rather than linear recession. {{planar}} The first period of modern art to use planar recession was ____________. {{Neoclassicism}} Modern art declared its opposition to the whimsy of the late Rococo style with a style called ____________. {{Neoclassicism}} Neoclassicism was inspired by the ____________ Revolution and was designed to heighten moral standards. {{French}} In Neoclassicism, the ____________ Empire was often chosen as the model to emulate. {{Roman}} Unlike Renaissance artists, David's orthogonals led into a flattened ____________ instead of a vanishing point on a horizon line. {{space}} David set the course for modern art with his sudden and decisive break from the ornateness and frivolity of the ____________. {{Rococo}} David's most prodigious student was ____________. {{Ingres}} During the early modern period, painters who insisted on the dominance of line in the value of a painting were called ____________. {{Poussinistes}} During the early modern period, painters who insisted on the dominance of color in the value of a painting were called ____________. {{Rubénistes}} Ingres's work is a combination of harsh linearity and sculptural smoothness on the one hand, and delicacy and ____________ on the other. {{sensuality}} Delacroix advocated the spontaneity of painting directly on canvas without the tyranny of meticulous preparatory ____________. {{drawings}} Ingres believed that color ought to be subordinated to ____________. {{line}} The Artist in the Character of Design Listening to the Inspiration of Poetry was painted by a Neoclassicist named ____________ Kauffman. {{Angelica}} Delacroix maintained that compositions should be constructed of ____________. {{color}} Ironically, ____________, the man considered the greatest painter of the Neoclassical and Romantic periods, belonged to neither artistic group. {{Goya}} Goya devoted much of his life to the graphic representation of man's inhumanity to ____________. {{man}} Discussion Questions Said of David's Oath of the Horatii: "No longer does the artist desire to trick observers into believing they are looking through a window frame into the distance. Now the reality of the two-dimensionality of the canvas is asserted." Explain. Whistler's Mother is a very popular painting. Part of the popularity is based on the subject matter. Whether viewers realize it or not, what brings them back to this painting is its composition. Explain. Briefly describe the kinds of questions that are raised when the following four paintings are viewed side by side: Ingres: Grand Odalisque Delacroix: Odalisque Cézanne: A Modern Olympia Sleigh: Philip Golub Reclining What technical and compositional means did Goya use to reinforce the violence of the massacre in The Third of May, 1808? React to this statement: "We never encounter the body unmediated by the meanings that cultures give to it." Use the following works to probe your reaction. Titian: Venus of Urbino Manet: Olympia Gauguin: Te Ari Vahine Valadon: The Blue Room Does Lara Croft reverse traditional male-female power relationships? Explain your answer. Explain what Gauguin was striving for in Synthetism. Compare and contrast Cassatt's The Boating Party and Manet's Boating. If you were not told ahead of time that one was painted by a woman and the other by a man, do you think you reach that conclusion by examination of the works? Explain your answer. Explain how Rodin's Burghers of Calais represents all of the innovations of modernism thrust into three-dimensions. Cézanne's said, "I want to make of Impressionism something solid and lasting like the art in the museums." Explain what he meant.

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