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Ch17 Human Origins Test.docx

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The Earth Through Time Chapter 17—Human Origins Multiple Choice Questions Select the best answer. 1. A characteristic physical attribute of all primates is ___________________. a. 5 digits b. specialized teeth c. small brain (200 cm3) d. four-legged stance e. arboreal 2. What suborder do humans belong to? a. Ceboidea b. Prosimii c. Anthropoidea d. Gorillinae e. None of the above 3. New world monkeys differ from old world monkeys by which characteristic? a. Binocular vision b. Five digit fingers c. Flatten face d. Prehensile tail e. Terrestrial 4. What does it mean to have a brachiating habit? a. Swinging from branches b. Walk upright c. Crawl d. Hopping e. Swimming 5. DNA evidence suggests that human’s diverged form other apes approximately _______. a. 1 to 2 million years ago b. 100 to 120 million years ago c. 5 to 7 million years ago d. 15 to 20 million years ago e. 70 to 80 million years ago 6. Which of the following apes has the closest DNA match to humans? a. Gibbons b. Chimpanzees c. Orangutans d. Gorillas e. Has not been determined 7. The early fossils attributed to primates come from the _______. a. Jurassic Period b. Miocene Epoch c. Paleogene Period d. Permian Period e. Cretaceous Period 8. Which of the following were Cenozoic Era improvements to primates? a. Narrower face b. Shorter limbs c. Thick fur d. Nail rather than claws e. Three ear bones 9. Based on the __________ Darwinius is an ancestor to anthropoids a. Nails b. Talus bone (connects leg to foot) c. Opposable thumb d. Short face e. Forward directed eyes 10. The prosimian-anthropoid transition had taken place by the _________. a. Eocene Epoch b. Paleocene Epoch c. Oligocene Epoch d. Miocene Epoch e. Cretaceous Period 11. What line of evidence is used to differentiate Old World monkeys from apes? a. Pattern of cusps on molars b. Opposable thumbs c. Hair d. Extended limbs e. Shorten face 12. What tectonic changes during the Miocene Epoch gave rise to selective pressures leading to adaptive radiation amongst Old World primates? a. Africa moved away from Europe producing a tropical current in the Tethys Sea b. India collided with Asia c. A land bridge formed between South and North America d. Africa moved towards Europe cutting off a tropical current in the Tethys Sea e. Both a. and c. 13. The first humans to move out of Africa were ____________________. a. Homo sapiens sapiens b. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis c. Homo habilis d. Homo erectus e. Dryopithecus 14. Ramamorphs migrated 18 million years ago from Africa to __________. a. South America b. North America c. Eurasia d. Antarctica e. Australia 15. The oldest hominins have been discovered in ______________. a. West Africa b. East Africa c. South Africa d. North Africa e. Eurasia 16. The approximate time of displacement of Neanderthals by Cro-Magnons was ________________. a. 11,000 years ago b. 1.8 million years ago c. 34,000 years ago d. 18,620 years ago e. 2005 years ago 17. The land bridge for Asian-North American migration of aboriginal people into the New World is ________________________. a. Isthmus of Panama b. Bering Strait c. Tethys d. Canary Islands e. Golden Gate 18. The first people to come to the New World (North America) were _____________. a. Neanderthals b. Cro-Magnons c. Paleo-Indians d. Folsom people e. Clovis people 19. Approximate age of Clovis and Sandia paleo-Indian sites in New Mexico is ________________________. a. 34,000 years b. 11,000-13,000 years c. 15,680-16,620 years d. 11,500-13,000 years e. 12,600 years 20. Engravings and sculptures of fine detail were first made by ______________. a. Neanderthals b. Cro-Magnons c. Paleo-Indians d. Folsom people e. Clovis people 21. “Lucy” belonged to ________________. a. Australopithecus anamensis b. Australopithecus garhi c. Australopithecus ramidus d. Orrorin tugenensis e. Australopithecus afarensis 22. The projected population for year 2050 A.D. is ______________________. a. 10 million b. 9 billion c. 6 million d. 6 billion e. None of the above 23. The percentage of forested areas lost during the last 50 years is ______________. a. 3. b. 33. c. 50. d. 67. e. 100. 24. What line of evidence in addition to bone morphology shows that Australopithecus afarensis was bipedal? a. DNA evidence b. Cave drawings c. Foot prints in volcanic ash d. Tools found by a skeleton e. All the above 25. The event that forced the Prosimians out of North America and into Asia, Africa, and East Indies was __________________. a. Cretaceous warming b. last interglacial c. Oligocene cooling d. Miocene cooling e. the Revolutionary War 26. Australopithecus sediba is considered a transition fossil to the genus Homo because which of the following traits? a. Modern hand and less flared pelvis b. Smaller brain size c. Shoulder bones d. longer arms e. Both c. and d. 27. The genus Homo appeared in the geologic record nearly _________. a. 1 million years ago b. 22 million years ago c. 700,000 years ago d. 2.5 million years ago e. 10 million years ago 28. The genus Homo was the first to have __________ found with their fossil. a. Clothing b. Dog fossils c. Stone tools d. Fossils of young e. None of the above 29. Looking 50 million years into the future which of the following is predicted to happen? a. Baja California will continue its southward migration to South America b. Antarctica will be at the equator c. India will reverse course and move south away from Asia d. The Mediterranean Sea will close as Africa moves northwards e. Greenland will migrate southward and override a spreading center 30. The Homo sapiens subspecies with heavy brow ridges and prognathous chinless jaws is called _________________. a. neanderthalensis b. sapiens c. erectus d. habilis e. pekinensis 31. The suggested reason for Cro-Magnons displacing Neanderthals in all regions is __________________. a. glacial retreat b. burial ceremonies c. mass suicides d. competition e. disease 32. There are indications that Homo erectus practiced __________. a. Fishing b. Card games c. Cannibalism d. Jewelry making e. None of the above 33. The site where Cro-Magnon-Neanderthal transitional forms were discovered is _____________. a. West Turkana, Kenya b. a cave in France c. in the Carpathian Mountains d. Flores Island, Indonesia e. Meadowcroft Shelter, Pennsylvania 34. The species that was the first to migrate into North America was _____________. a. Homo sapiens sapiens b. Homo erectus c. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis d. Homo habilis e. Proconsul africanus 35. Homo erectus made stone tools from __________. a. Coal b. Flint c. Chert d. Coral e. Both b. and c. 36. An example of a New World Monkey is a __________________. a. gorilla b. baboon c. macaque d. marmoset e. capuchin monkey 37. The domestication of animals by humans started __________. a. 1,000 to 5,000 years ago b. 100,000 to 150,000 years ago c. 70,000 to 80,000 years ago d. 100 to 500 years ago e. 10,000 to 15,000 years ago 38. Who were the first to learn the technology of fire? a. Neanderthals b. Cro-Magnons c. Clovis people d. Folsom people e. little people of the South Pacific 39. The eye arrangement in advanced primates allows _________________. a. manipulation by hands b. upright walking c. language development d. symbol development e. depth perception 40. The trend for temperature on Earth over the next billion years is _______. a. Cooling b. Heating c. No change d. Flip flopping between cooling and heating e. None of the above Answers to Questions 1. a 11. a 21. e 31. d 2. c 12. d 22. b 32. c 3. d 13. d 23. b 33. c 4. a 14. c 24. c 34. a 5. c 15. b 25. c 35. e 6. b 16. c 26. a 36. d 7. e 17. b 27. d 37. b 8. d 18. e 28. c 38. a 9. b 19. b 29. d 39. e 10. c 20. b 30. a 40. b TEST 2 Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which characteristic is most unlike a typical primate? elongate head flattened face unspecialized teeth large brain size binocular vision Ans: a Feedback: See page 544 2. Humans belong to which order of mammals? carnivora proboscidea primates omnivora edentata Ans: c Feedback: See page 543 3. Which has a prehensile tail that can be wrapped around branches? Old World monkeys New World monkeys all monkeys gibbons orangutans Ans: b Feedback: See page 546 4. DNA evidence indicates that the Anthropoid apes (gibbons, orangutans, chimpanzees, and gorillas) diverged from the human line about how long ago? 50,000 to 70,000 years ago 500,000 to 700,000 years ago 5 to 7 million years 50 to 70 million years ago 500 to 700 million years ago Ans: c Feedback: See page 547 5. Prosimians are: orangutans, chimpanzees, and gorillas. gibbons. monkeys. tree shrews, lemurs, and tarsiers. humans. Ans: d Feedback: See page 546 6. What is the name of the South African fossil, about 4 million years old, which was first discovered in 1924 by Raymond Dart in South Africa but since then has been discovered in East Africa, particularly in Olduvai Gorge by the Leakeys? Homo erectus Proconsul africanus Australopithecus africanus Ardipithecus ramidus Orrorin tugenensis Ans: c Feedback: See page 552 7. Cro-Magnon people are the same as what species listed below? Homo erectus Homo sapiens Homo habilis Australopithecus africanus Ardipithecus ramidus Ans: c Feedback: See page 561 8. What hominid was present up until about 28,000 years ago in central Europe? Homo erectus Homo habilis Cro-Magnon people Neandertals Homo sapiens Ans: d Feedback: See pages 557-560 (date is on page 560) 9. What hominid species or group did all the following: manufactured a variety of stone tools; used fire (which provided light in caves, gave warmth, and allowed the thawing and cooking of food); constructed shelters of skins, sticks and bones; cared for the sick; and buried artifacts with the dead (suggesting a belief in an afterlife)? Homo erectus Australopithecis afarensis Australopithecus africanus Ardipithecus ramidus Neandertals Ans: e Feedback: See pages 557-560 10. Which hominid group or species listed below had two morphologic types, a heavy-bodied robust form and a gracile or lighter form? Homo erectus Homo habilis Australopithecines Neandertals Cro-Magnon people Ans: c Feedback: See page 553 11. The fossil called ”Lucy,” which was discovered by Donald Johanson in 1974, was an erect-walking hominid that lived in eastern Africa about 3.5 million years ago that belongs to what species? Homo erectus Australopithecus africanus Australopithecis afarensis Homo sapiens Ardipithecus ramidus Ans: c Feedback: See page 553 12. The oldest Homo fossils are about what age? 2.5 million years old 3.5 million years old 28,000 years old 5 to 7 milion years old 100,000 years old Ans: a Feedback: See page 556 13. As indicated by stone tools made by people of the Clovis culture, humans may have arrived in the Americas from Asia (crossing the Bering Strait and arriving in Alaska) at least how long ago? 12,000 years 30,000 years 70,000 years 100,000 years 1 million years Ans: a Feedback: See pages 563-564 14. Adaptive radiation among the primates occurred during Miocene as a result of what plate-tectonic related factor? climate changed to warmer and wetter; tropical forests replaced grasslands climate changed to cooler and drier; grasslands replaced tropical forests continental subsidence and oceanic flooding of large areas of Africa glaciation and lowering of sea level, exposing land bridge across the Bering Strait glaciation-related cold, wet climates across Europe and Africa Ans: b Feedback: See page 551 15. What is the first hominin known to have moved out of Africa and into Eurasia? Homo erectus Australopithecus africanus Australopithecis afarensis Homo sapiens Ardipithecus ramidus Ans: a Feedback: See pages 556-567 TEST 3 Multiple Choice Questions 1. What is the general name of the group of omnivorous, arboreal primates who have partial stereoscopic vision and five-digits on each hand or foot with either claws or nails? a. Prosimians c. Old World monkeys b. Dryomorphs d. New World monkeys 2. The “New World” monkeys, characterized by prehensile tails, and represented by the capuchin, marmoset, and howler monkeys are included in what suborder of the Order Primate? a. Anthropoidea c. Cercopithecoidea b. Ceboidea d. Prosimii 3. The Old World monkeys, characterized by non-prehensile tails and closely placed nostrils, and represented by the macaque or rhesus monkeys, baboons, mandrills, and Barbary apes are included in what suborder of the Order Primate? a. Anthropoidea c. Cercopithecoidea b. Ceboidea d. Prosimii 4. The general name for a group of lightly built, ground dwelling, Miocene to Pliocene primates exemplified by the famous fossil known as Proconsul. a. Prosimian c. Australopithecines b. Dryomorphs d. Anthropoids 5. Middle Pleistocene hominids commonly known as “Peking” or “Java” man are really members of: a. Homo sapiens c. Homo africanus b. Homo erectus d. Homo habilis 6. Homo sapiens, monkeys, apes and prosimians are included in the Order: a. Primate c. Australopithecus b. Anthropoid d. Hominid 7. The first australopithecine (from which the genus Homo is descended) to penetrate the temperate climatic zone and be found widely dispersed in Africa and Asia was: a. Homo habilis c. Homo sapien b. Homo erectus d. Australopithecus robustus 8. Modern Homo sapiens appeared: a. during Miocene c. during Pliocene b. during Eocene d. during Pleistocene 9. The earliest and most primitive of the australopithecines was: a. Australopithecus afarensis c. Australopithecus robustus b. Australopithecus africanus d. Australopithecus boisei 10. The Bering Land Bridge between Siberia and northern North America formed as a result of: a. tectonic activity between the Asian and North American plates b. sea level drop due to glaciation c. sea level drop due to the subsidence of the North American plate d. sea level drop due to increased global temperatures of the Pleistocene 11. The first members of our own species, Homo sapiens, were the: a. Australopithecines c. Neanderthals b. Ramapithecines d. Cro-Magnons 12. The dental difference between Old World monkeys and modern apes (and man) is the presence of: a. molars with four cusps and a Y-trough c. molars with five cusps and a Y-trough b. molars with four cusps and an X-trough d. molars with four cusps and an X-trough 13. The branch of Homo sapiens that evolved about 35,000 years ago and were highly skilled nomadic hunters and artists were called: a. Cro-Magnons c. Australopithecines b. Neanderthals d. Ramapithecines 14. Like Australopithecus robustus, what other group of primates appears to have been primarily plant eaters? a. Australopithecus afarensis c. Australopithecus boisei b. Australopithecus africanus d. Australopithecus habilis 15. Burial customs became an elaborate affair with: a. Homo erectus c. Homo sapiens b. Homo neanderthalensis d. Australopithecus africanus 16. The name of the very early ancestor to the Miocene apes is: a. Australopithecus c. Ramapithecus b. Aegyptopithecus d. Proconsul 17. At several times throughout the Cenozoic, a land bridge existed between North America and Asia at the position of the present day: a. English Channel c. Isthmus of Panama b. Bering Strait d. Davis Strait (between Labrador and Greenland) 18. Members of suborder Prosimii would include all the following except: a. tree shrews d. tarsiers b. monkeys e. lemurs c. lorises 19. Members of the Superfamily family Pongidae would include all but which one of the following? a. orangutan c. gorilla b. chimpanzee d. siamang 20. In the western United States, spear points and tools are found in association with extinct late Pleistocene elephants and bison. Two cultures existed, the oldest, the Clovis culture is thought to have existed how many years ago? a. 6,000-8,000 d. 13,000-15,000 b. 8,000-10,000 e. 15,000-19,000 c. 11,000-13,000 Fill-In The Blank 1. Primates are divided into two suborders, the one that contains lemurs, tarsiers and tree shrews is called . 2. Primates which include monkeys, apes and humans are placed in the suborder . 3. One important feature of primate mobility was based on the rotation of the and that allowed hands to be reversed in position. 4. The anatomical feature (bone) that provided support so that australopithecines stood upright in a fashion like humans is called the . 5. The early humans in America whose existence has been studied by anthropologists using artifacts at dwelling sites rather than skeletal remains are called . 6. The orangutan, chimpanzee and gorilla belong to what family? 7. Fossil evidence indicates that these early people ranged across the entire expanse of the Old World. They were called . 8. The New World monkeys that can be identified by their flattish faces, widely separated nostrils and prehensile tails are called . 9. Homo erectus is considered the first true species of humans and is generally regarded as having evolved from .. 10. This Miocene dryomorph form scampered about on all four legs and lived on a diet of relatively soft fruit. . 11. Approximately 18 million years ago, Africa had converged on Eurasia. Monkeys and apes migrated into Eurasia and diversified into Miocene apes called . 12. The geographic location in eastern Africa that has yielded several exceptional remains of Australopithecines is called . 13. In 1974, Donald Johanson discovered one of the earliest remains of Australopithecus afarensis. He nicknamed the specimen . 14. The skull of homo erectus was massive and rather flat with heavy supraorbital ridges over the eyes. The forehead sloped and the jaw jutted forward at the tooth line in a condition termed . 15. In Europe, the Neanderthals in a short span of time were completely replaced through tribal warfare and competition for more adequate hunting by this group of predecessors called . True-False 1. About 10,000 years ago there were more than 6 million humans on Earth. 2. Plesiadapis was a distinctly rodent-like Paleocene prosimian. 3. The presence of the early primate fossil Plesiadapis in North America and Europe suggests that the continents were connected during the development of this organism. 4. The Fayum District of Egypt has yielded a wealth of fossils of Oligocene hominids. 5. The tree shrew, lemur and tarsier are grouped in the suborder Anthropoidea. 6. The development of upright posture was a side effect to the development of fore and hind limb development related to arboreal life. 7. The first members of the Homo sapiens species were the ramapithecines. 8. The development of larger craniums in Homo erectus resulted in an increase in the pelvic inlets for the birth canal in females. 9. The Neanderthal people were more prognathous than the Cro-Magnon people. 10. About 10,000 years ago there were more than 6 billion humans on Earth. Answer Key Multiple Choice a b c b b a b d a b c c a c c b b b d c Fill Ins prosimii anthropoidea radius, ulna pelvic girdle paleoindians pongidae Neantherthals Ceboidea Australopithecus proconsul ramamorphs Oldiuvai gorge Lucy prognathous Cro-Magnon True/False T T F F T T F T T F RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS ACCOMPANYING SELECTED FIGURES FIGURE 17-10 (p. 549) Rodent like characteristics of Plesiadapis include its long snout and the gap, or diastema, between canine and cheek teeth.

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