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Anatomy and Physiology of Body Systems.docx

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First Aid for Colleges and Universities Anatomy and Physiology of Body Systems 1) If the victim is standing erect, arms down to the sides and the palms facing you, what position is she in? A) lateral recumbent B) prone C) supine D) anatomical Answer: D 2) A victim lying on his back is in what position? A) supine B) prone C) lateral recumbent D) anatomical Answer: A 3) The victim is lying face down. What position is she in? A) anatomical B) supine C) prone D) lateral recumbent Answer: C 4) If the victim is lying on the left or right side, what position is he in? A) supine B) prone C) anatomical D) lateral recumbent Answer: D 5) The directional term that indicates above or higher than the point of reference is: A) superior. B) inferior. C) anterior. D) posterior. Answer: A 6) The directional term that means toward the front is: A) posterior. B) anterior. C) superior. D) inferior. Answer: B 7) The term lateral means: A) to the left or right of the midline. B) toward the front. C) toward the midline. D) near the surface. Answer: A 8) The term medial means: A) to the left or right of the midline. B) remote from the surface. C) toward the midline or center of the body. D) near the surface. Answer: C 9) The directional term that means near the surface is: A) internal. B) external. C) deep. D) superficial. Answer: D 10) A modified recumbent position of the body used for spinal injuries is called the: A) Haines recovery position. B) coma position. C) lateral recumbent position. D) right recumbent position. Answer: A 11) The function of the ligament is to connect: A) bone to bone. B) bone to muscle. C) muscle to muscle. D) muscle to organ. Answer: A 12) The function of the tendon is to connect: A) bone to bone. B) muscle to bone. C) muscle to muscle. D) muscle to organ. Answer: B 13) The elbow and knee are examples of what type of joint? A) immovable B) freely movable C) slightly movable D) voluntary movable Answer: B 14) Another name for the thigh bone is the: A) humerus. B) fibula. C) tibia. D) femur. Answer: D 15) The lower leg consists of the fibula and the: A) tibia. B) tarsals. C) patella. D) sacrum. Answer: A 16) The spinal column consists of ________ bones called vertebrae. A) 33 B) 30 C) 23 D) 20 Answer: A 17) A muscle over which there is little or no conscious control is a: A) cardiac muscle. B) smooth muscle. C) voluntary muscle. D) skeletal muscle. Answer: B 18) Muscles that make walking, smiling, talking, and swallowing possible are: A) skeletal muscles. B) involuntary muscles. C) smooth muscles. D) cardiac muscles. Answer: A 19) ________ carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the cells of the body. A) Capillaries B) Venules C) Veins D) Arteries Answer: D 20) The function of the veins is to: A) exchange fluid, oxygen, and carbon dioxide between the blood and tissue cells. B) carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the cells of the body. C) carry oxygen-depleted blood back to the heart. D) carry oxygenated blood to the heart. Answer: C 21) ________ is the process of air going into and out of the lungs. A) Ventilation B) Inhalation C) Inspiration D) Exhalation Answer: A 22) The two upper chambers of the heart are called the: A) ports. B) atria. C) ventricles. D) none of the above Answer: B 23) The ________, which pumps blood through the body, is the strongest and thickest part of the heart. A) right atria B) left atria C) left ventricle D) right ventricle Answer: C 24) Which artery supplies the heart with a blood supply? A) brachial B) carotid C) femoral D) coronary Answer: D 25) Respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. This takes place between the blood and the: A) bronchi. B) alveoli. C) artery. D) trachea. Answer: B 26) The skin is the body's largest organ. The layer that contains the sensory nerves is the: A) epidermis. B) dermis. C) hypodermis. D) adipose. Answer: B 27) Endocrine glands secrete ________ directly into the bloodstream. A) wastes B) hormones C) chemicals D) fluids Answer: B 28) ________ are the two main structural divisions of the nervous system. A) Voluntary and autonomic B) Sympathetic and parasympathetic C) Central and peripheral D) Thoracic and lumbar Answer: C 29) There are two functional divisions of the nervous system. They are the ________ nervous system and the ________ nervous system. A) voluntary, autonomic B) sympathetic, parasympathetic C) central, peripheral D) thoracic, lumbar Answer: A 30) The part of the nervous system that responds to stress, pain, injury, and blood loss with the classic fight or flight syndrome is the: A) parasympathetic. B) sympathetic. C) voluntary. D) peripheral. Answer: B 31) The nervous system has two main functions: communication and ________. A) sensation B) reaction C) control D) flight Answer: C 32) The ________ nervous system influences the activities of the involuntary muscles and glands. A) peripheral B) involuntary C) parasympathetic D) autonomic Answer: D 33) Which one of the following is not contained in the dermis layer of skin? A) sweat glands B) sensory nerves C) hair follicles D) fatty tissue Answer: D 34) How many body cavities does the body have? A) four B) five C) six D) seven Answer: C 35) The normal breathing rate at rest for adults is: A) 25-50 breaths/minute. B) 15-30 breaths/minute. C) 12-20 breaths/minute. D) 8-10 breaths/minute. Answer: C 36) Anatomy deals with the functions of the living body and its parts. Answer: TRUE Page Ref: Ch. 2 Intro 37) The victim is lying face down on his stomach. The victim is in supine position. Answer: FALSE 38) The modified Haines recovery position is used when spinal injury is suspected and the victim is vomiting. Answer: TRUE 39) Medial means toward the midline or center of the body. Answer: TRUE 40) The thorax is made up of the ribs, sternum, and pelvis. Answer: FALSE 41) Bones and their adjacent tissues help to move, support, and protect the vital organs. Answer: TRUE 42) The structure of a joint determines the kind of movement that is possible because the bone ends articulate at the joint. Answer: TRUE 43) Smooth muscle is also known as voluntary muscle. Answer: FALSE 44) Cardiac muscle cells are able to generate electrical impulses to cause the heart muscle to contract. Answer: TRUE 45) The circulatory system has two major fluid transportation systems: the cardiovascular and the lymphatic. Answer: TRUE 46) The elimination of body wastes is a function of the digestive system. Answer: TRUE 47) Blunt or penetrating injury to the abdomen may lead to severe bleeding. Answer: TRUE 48) The heart is a three-chambered pump. Answer: FALSE 49) The abdominal cavity is separated from the thoracic cavity by the diaphragm. Answer: TRUE 50) The thoracic cavity includes: heart, trachea, lungs, large vessels, and esophagus. Answer: TRUE 51) The abdominal cavity includes: liver, spleen, gallbladder, intestines, pancreas, appendix, and stomach. Answer: TRUE

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