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Exploring Microsoft Office 2010 Volume 1 Office Fundamentals and File Management Chapter 1 Testbank 1) Which of the following is TRUE about files? A) Software is used to create folders, not files. B) For a file to be accessed at a later time, it must be stored only on the computer's hard drive. C) A digital photograph or music can be a file. D) Files contain folders. Answer: C Diff: 2 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 1 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 2) Which of the following is FALSE about folders? A) Folders can be managed in Windows Explorer. B) Folders contained within other folders are known as file folders. C) The sole purpose of a folder is to provide a location for related files. D) Folders can be created within other folders. Answer: B Diff: 2 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 1 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 3) Which of the following is NOT an activity within Windows Explorer? A) Manage folders B) Work with libraries C) Create a document D) View favorites Answer: C Diff: 2 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 1 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 4) Of the following, only a ________ cannot be added as a favorite in Windows Explorer. A) library B) folder C) search D) file Answer: D Diff: 3 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 1 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 5) In Windows Explorer, what important information does the Address bar offer when saving a file? A) The file size B) The current drive or folder C) The last file saved D) The current application being used Answer: B Diff: 1 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 2 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 6) What is a quick and easy way to delete a folder in Windows Explorer? A) Simply double-click the folder name to delete it B) Right-click and choose Delete C) Right-click and choose Cut D) Triple-click the folder name in order to delete it Answer: B Diff: 2 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 2 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 7) Which of the following statements is FALSE? A) Windows Explorer can rename and delete files. B) Windows Explorer can create folders. C) Windows Explorer can create files. D) Windows Explorer can rename and delete folders. Answer: C Diff: 2 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 2 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 8) In Windows Explorer use the ________ key if you want to select a full range of files that are adjacent. A) Shift B) Tab C) Ctrl D) Alt Answer: A Diff: 3 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 2 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 9) What happens to RAM when electricity is lost or the computer shuts down suddenly and a document that you are working on has not yet been saved? A) Nothing; RAM is permanent. B) The contents in RAM are erased. C) The document is automatically saved and nothing is lost in RAM. D) RAM saved everything in it for previous ten minutes. Answer: B Diff: 2 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 2 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 10) To select a variety of files that are not adjacent in order to delete them as a group, hold down the ________ while selecting each one. A) F1 B) Alt C) Shift D) Ctrl Answer: D Diff: 2 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 3 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 11) Which of the following mouse clicks is correct? A) Single-click a file or folder to select it; double-click to open it B) Double-click a file or folder to select it as well as open it C) Double-click a file or folder to select it; triple-click to open it D) Single-click a file or folder to select it; double-click to delete it Answer: A Diff: 1 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 3 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 12) Microsoft ________ is most appropriate to use to create memo for use in a business. A) Word B) Excel C) PowerPoint D) Access Answer: A Diff: 1 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 13) Which of the following is NOT a feature or function available by using Backstage in Office 2010? A) Save a file B) View file properties C) Move a file D) Close a file Answer: C Diff: 1 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 14) What information does the title bar of Office 2010 contain? A) The file name and the application B) The file name and the drive C) The file name, folder name, and drive D) The application and the drive Answer: A Diff: 2 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 15) ________ can most accurately be described as the command center of Office 2010. A) The status bar B) The Quick Access Toolbar C) Backstage D) The Ribbon Answer: D Diff: 3 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 16) When do contextual tabs display in Office 2010? A) When you select a paragraph in a document B) When you right-click the Ribbon and check a conceptual tab name C) When you click the Home tab D) When you select an object in a document Answer: D Diff: 2 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 17) Which of the following statements is FALSE about the status bar in Office 2010? A) The status bar is located at the bottom of the Office 2010 window. B) Contents viewable on the status bar are standard in all Office applications. C) Slide number and total slide information is displayed in PowerPoint. D) Summary information is displayed in Excel. Answer: B Diff: 3 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 18) Click the ________ key on the keyboard to display Key Tips in Office 2010. A) Alt B) Shift C) F1 D) Ctrl Answer: A Diff: 3 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 19) How is a more extensive array of options, known as a gallery, displayed in Office 2010? A) By clicking the More button B) By clicking the contextual tab C) By choosing the Page Layout tab and clicking the Gallery button D) By clicking the Quick Access Toolbar Answer: A Diff: 2 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 20) Many dialog boxes offer a help feature by clicking: A) the F12 key. B) a question mark. C) the F1 key. D) a light bulb. Answer: B Diff: 2 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 5 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 21) When you first open Word 2010, what are you presented with? A) The Open dialog box ready to access a previously-created file B) The Save dialog box to save a new file C) A new blank work area D) A pane to open a file Answer: C Diff: 2 Reference: Backstage Tasks Objective: 6 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 22) Which of the following is TRUE about the Recent Documents list in Office 2010? A) It constantly changes. B) It is accessed from the Home tab. C) All files located on your hard drive can be accessed from it. D) It can be quickly accessed with the F10 key. Answer: A Diff: 2 Reference: Backstage Tasks Objective: 6 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 23) What does clicking the pushpin next to each file name on the Recent Documents list do? A) The file will remain on the Recent Documents list for one full week. B) The file will remain on the Recent Documents list indefinitely. C) The file can be "pinned" to a particular folder that you designate. D) The file is available to be "pinned" to the Quick Access Toolbar. Answer: B Diff: 3 Reference: Backstage Tasks Objective: 6 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 24) Printing a document is available from the ________ tab. A) File B) Home C) View D) Page Layout Answer: A Diff: 1 Reference: Backstage Tasks Objective: 7 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 25) Which of the following is TRUE about the Zoom slider in file preview? A) When you change the appearance of the font size by adjusting the zoom, the actual font size of the document when printed is changed. B) If you increase the appearance of the font of a file preview, the new font size is not saved with the file. C) The Zoom slider is located on the Quick Access Toolbar. D) To return a preview of a document to its original size, click Zoom on the Zoom slider. Answer: B Diff: 2 Reference: Backstage Tasks Objective: 7 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 26) When you close a document in Office 2010, what happens to the application? A) It automatically remains open for a minimum of 10 additional minutes. B) It also closes with the document. C) If you close two of more documents simultaneously, the application closes; if only one document is closed, the application remains open. D) The application remains open. Answer: D Diff: 2 Reference: Backstage Tasks Objective: 8 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 27) Of the four Microsoft Office 2010 programs, the ________ Home tab is unique and quite different than the other programs. A) Access B) Word C) PowerPoint D) Excel Answer: A Diff: 1 Reference: Home Tab Tasks Objective: 9 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 28) How do you easily and quickly select one full paragraph in Word or PowerPoint? A) Press and hold Ctrl while you click in the paragraph B) Press and hold Shift while you press the right arrow key C) Double-click in the paragraph D) Triple-click in the paragraph Answer: D Diff: 2 Reference: Home Tab Tasks Objective: 9 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 29) In which of the following scenarios will the Mini toolbar NOT show? A) You've clicked in one location of a document B) You've selected a paragraph and have right-clicked the mouse C) You've selected a word and slightly moved the mouse pointer D) You've selected a sentence in a document and right-clicked the mouse while located within the highlighted text. Answer: A Diff: 2 Reference: Home Tab Tasks Objective: 9 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 30) Most formatting commands are located in the ________ group on the Home tab. A) Editing B) Styles C) Paragraph D) Font Answer: D Diff: 2 Reference: Home Tab Tasks Objective: 9 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 31) Which of the following is FALSE about the Clipboard task pane? A) The most recently added Clipboard item is pasted when you begin a paste operation. B) All items can be removed from the Clipboard. C) The Clipboard can be displayed in different locations. D) Only the most recently added Clipboard item can be pasted into a document. Answer: D Diff: 2 Reference: Home Tab Tasks Objective: 10 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 32) When you use the Ctrl+F shortcut, the Navigation Pane opens only in ________. A) Word B) PowerPoint C) Access D) Excel Answer: A Diff: 2 Reference: Home Tab Tasks Objective: 11 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 33) The small dots that surround an object appearing at each corner and in the middle of each side are known as ________. A) sliders B) buttons C) handles D) toggles Answer: C Diff: 2 Reference: Insert Tab Tasks Objective: 12 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 34) Which of the following statements about objects is TRUE in regard to Office 2010? A) You must download any clip art image you want to use since Office installation does not include clip art. B) The Clip Art task pane allows you to search for only certain types of images. C) Clicking the Home tab and the Insert button will allow you to insert objects into a document. D) Search results cannot be limited to only search for particular types of media. Answer: B Diff: 2 Reference: Insert Tab Tasks Objective: 12 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 35) All Office 2010 applications allow you to insert clip art from the Illustrations group; ________, however, also allows you to insert an object directly from a slide. A) Word B) Excel C) Access D) PowerPoint Answer: D Diff: 1 Reference: Insert Tab Tasks Objective: 12 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 36) In regard to spelling and grammar in Office 2010, it is important to know that, in general,: A) you turn on the Spelling and Grammar features in all applications. B) only a small selection of words will be checked as you type; the rest must be accessed through the Spelling and Grammar features. C) all Office applications check your spelling and grammar as you type. D) Word and PowerPoint check spelling and grammar as you type; Access and Excel do not. Answer: C Diff: 3 Reference: Review Tab Tasks Objective: 13 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 37) If you make a grammatical error in a Word 2010 document, for example, you: A) should add it to the dictionary so it will not appear again. B) will be offered an option for correcting the error. C) will see a red wavy underline indicating the error. D) will see a blue underline indicating the error. Answer: B Diff: 2 Reference: Review Tab Tasks Objective: 13 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 38) Is it possible to change the spelling and grammar checker default settings in Office 2010? A) No, the settings cannot be changed. B) Yes, by clicking the Review tab and the Spelling & Grammar button. C) Yes, but the setting changes are only active for the current document upon which you are working. D) Yes, by clicking the File tab and clicking the Options button. Answer: D Diff: 2 Reference: Review Tab Tasks Objective: 13 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 39) Margins are only viewable if you are in ________ view or in Backstage. A) Draft or Outline B) Draft C) Draft or Page Layout D) Print Layout or Page Layout Answer: D Diff: 2 Reference: Page Layout Tab Tasks Objective: 14 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 40) It is most typical and often most appropriate that Word documents are printed in ________ orientation and Excel documents are printed in ________ orientation. A) landscape; landscape B) landscape; portrait C) portrait; landscape D) portrait; portrait Answer: C Diff: 1 Reference: Page Layout Tab Tasks Objective: 14 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 41) When you use the Search box in Windows Explorer, you must type the full search string prior to the program searching for your results. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 1 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 42) Folders can only be created in Windows Explorer, not within software programs. Answer: FALSE Diff: 1 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 2 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 43) Use the Shift key to select various files or folder that are not adjacent. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 3 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 44) When you move all files from a folder in one location to a folder in another location, the files are duplicated so that they are housed in both the original folder location as well as the folder to which they were moved. Answer: FALSE Diff: 1 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 3 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 45) Windows 7 offers a feature in Windows Explorer that shows checkboxes which can be selected in order to move, delete, or copy files. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 3 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 46) Clicking the Home tab gives a user access to Office Backstage in Office 2010. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 47) By default the Quick Access Toolbar displays above the Ribbon in Office 2010. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 48) The Zoom slider is always displayed at the far left side of the status bar. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 49) In Office 2010, the Help button is located on the Ribbon. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 5 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 50) The word "document" is only used to refer to a Word document?not to files produced by other Microsoft Office applications (such as PowerPoint and Excel). Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Reference: Backstage Tasks Objective: 6 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 51) A previously- and professionally-created file such as a budget offered by Microsoft Office and often downloaded from their Web site is known as a template. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Reference: Backstage Tasks Objective: 6 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 52) In a document preview from the Print button in Office 2010, the headers and footers are viewable. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Reference: Backstage Tasks Objective: 6 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 53) It is possible to change the size of the preview of a document in the Backstage view. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Reference: Backstage Tasks Objective: 7 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 54) Click the File tab and Exit in order to close an application. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Reference: Backstage Tasks Objective: 8 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 55) A quick way to close an application is to click the X in the top-right corner of a window. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Reference: Home Tab Tasks Objective: 9 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 56) The mouse pointer takes the shape of the letter I when you use it to highlight text in a document. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Reference: Home Tab Tasks Objective: 9 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 57) You can add your own buttons and features to the Mini toolbar in Office 2010. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Reference: Home Tab Tasks Objective: 9 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 58) If the Mini toolbar is viewable, although transparent, it can temporarily be removed by pressing the Esc key. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Reference: Home Tab Tasks Objective: 9 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 59) When you use the Find and Replace feature in Office 2010 you can narrow the search to only find whole words. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Reference: Home Tab Tasks Objective: 11 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 60) A clip art item can also be known as a picture. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Reference: Insert Tab Tasks Objective: 12 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 61) Clip art is not included with a standard Office installation; all clip art must be downloaded from Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Reference: Insert Tab Tasks Objective: 12 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 62) The Thesaurus button is available in the Review group on the Review tab. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Reference: Review Tab Tasks Objective: 13 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 63) When using the Spelling & Grammar button to check a document, each identified error is sequentially highlighted in a dialog box for you to view. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Reference: Review Tab Tasks Objective: 13 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 64) The most common page settings features are located in the Page Setup group on the Page Layout tab. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Reference: Page Layout Tab Tasks Objective: 14 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 65) The Page Setup Dialog Box includes options for saving, opening, and printing a page. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Reference: Page Layout Tab Tasks Objective: 14 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 66) ________ can be named, organized, and offer a location in which to store files. Answer: Folders Diff: 1 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 1 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 67) A(n) ________ is a group of files from various locations that are displayed in Windows Explorer as single units. Answer: library Diff: 3 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 1 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 68) A(n) ________ is a Windows 7 feature that allows a user to share music, pictures, and libraries with other people within the home network. Answer: homegroup Diff: 3 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 1 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 69) In Windows Explorer, clicking the flash drive or Computer (to locate files on your own hard drive) is done in the ________ pane. Answer: Navigation Diff: 3 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 2 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 70) The ________ bar informs a user of the current drive or folder. Answer: Address Diff: 2 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 2 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 71) A(n) ________ copy of a file or folder should be copied to another drive in case the original drive is damaged or the data is lost for some reason. Answer: backup Diff: 1 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 3 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 72) The ________ is the screen display through which a user communicates with the software installed on a drive. Answer: user interface Diff: 2 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 73) The ________ is the long bar in Office 2010 located directly under the Title bar that contains tabs, groups, and commands. Answer: Ribbon Diff: 2 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 74) When you click a Dialog Box ________, a corresponding dialog box is opened. Answer: Launcher Diff: 3 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 75) The ________ is located at the bottom of the window in Office 2010 and contains file information. Answer: status bar Diff: 3 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 76) The ________ key on the keyboard accesses Help in Office 2010. Answer: F1 Diff: 2 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 5 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 77) A enhanced ________ displays in Office 2010 when the mouse pointer is placed over a button. Answer: ScreenTip Diff: 2 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 5 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 78) Predesigned files that Office provides are called ________. Answer: templates. Diff: 2 Reference: Backstage Tasks Objective: 6 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 79) The ________ toolbar provides a quick way to format text in Office 2010. Answer: Mini Diff: 2 Reference: Home Tab Tasks Objective: 9 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 80) ________ attributes include boldfacing, italicizing, and color. Answer: Font Diff: 2 Reference: Home Tab Tasks Objective: 9 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 81) A key or feature that can be turned on or off is known as a(n) ________ command. Answer: toggle Diff: 2 Reference: Home Tab Tasks Objective: 9 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 82) An area of member reserved to temporarily hold selections that have been cut or copied from a document is known as the ________. Answer: clipboard Diff: 1 Reference: Home Tab Tasks Objective: 10 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 83) The ________ allows you to quickly and easily copy formatting from one area of a document to another. Answer: Format Painter Diff: 2 Reference: Home Tab Tasks Objective: 10 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 84) The Replace button is located on the ________ tab in Office 2010. Answer: Home Diff: 2 Reference: Home Tab Tasks Objective: 11 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 85) Photographs, clip art, shapes, and screenshots are all considered ________ and retain a separate nature when inserted into a document. Answer: objects Diff: 2 Reference: Insert Tab Tasks Objective: 12 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 86) ________ options are the settings that are in effect when an application is installed. Spelling and grammar checker as active is one example of this. Answer: Default Diff: 2 Reference: Review Tab Tasks Objective: 13 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 87) The ________ is an Office tool that allows you to select a word and then locate a suitable substitution Answer: Thesaurus Diff: 2 Reference: Review Tab Tasks Objective: 13 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 88) A(n) ________ is the blank space on the left, right, top, and bottom sides of a document or worksheet. Answer: margin Diff: 2 Reference: Page Layout Tab Tasks Objective: 14 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 89) ________ orientation is a page displayed or printed that is taller than it is wide. Answer: Portrait Diff: 1 Reference: Page Layout Tab Tasks Objective: 14 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 90) ________ orientation is a page displayed or printed that is wider than it is tall. Answer: Landscape Diff: 1 Reference: Page Layout Tab Tasks Objective: 14 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 91) Match the following parts of the Windows Explorer interface with its function: I. Address bar A. shows currently selected folder or library II. Content pane B. shows properties associated with a selected file III. Details pane C. includes buttons relevant to currently selected item IV. Navigation pane D. contains Favorites, Libraries, Homegroup, Computer, and Network V. Toolbar E. navigate to other folders or libraries Answer: E, A, B, D, C Diff: 3 Reference: Files and Folders Objective: 1 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 92) Match the following keyboard shortcuts in many programs with its function: I. Ctrl+C A. Copy II. Ctrl+V B. Paste III. Ctrl+Z C. Select all IV. Ctrl+X D. Undo V. Ctrl+A E. Cut Answer: A, B, D, E, C Diff: 1 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 93) Match the following components of Office 2010 and its function: I. Backstage A. easy access to commonly executed task II. Quick Access Toolbar B. displays the current file name and application III. title bar C. used to print, save, open, close, and share a file IV. Ribbon D. contains tabs, groups, and commands V. Dialog Box Launcher E. opens a corresponding box that provides access to precise tools Answer: C, A, B, D, E Diff: 1 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 94) Match the following Microsoft Office 2010 feature with the tab where it can be found: I. access Backstage A. File tab II. tab that automatically displays when a file is opened B. View tab III. create a footer in Word C. Page Layout tab IV. change the zoom level D. Insert tab V. change margins in Word E. Home tab Answer: A, E, D, B, C Diff: 2 Reference: Multiple sections in the text Objective: Multiple objectives AppChap: Office Fundamentals 95) Match the following shortcut actions to the selection in Word or PowerPoint: I. Double-click A. a sentence II. Triple-click B. a paragraph III. Press and hold Ctrl while you click to select C. one character to the right IV. Press and hold Shift while you press the right arrow key D. entire document V. Press and hold Ctrl while you press the letter A E. a word Answer: E, B, A, C, D Diff: 2 Reference: Home Tab Tasks Objective: 9 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 96) Match the grammar or spelling error with the Office 2010 identification or button to click: I. you write "there" instead of "their" A. Ignore All II. you write "recieve" instead of "receive" B. red wavy underline III. you leave out a necessary comma C. green underline IV. you want it to not stop on your name in the future D. blue underline V. you want to bypass all occurrences of "daycare" E. Add to Dictionary Answer: D, B, C, E, A Diff: 2 Reference: Review Tab Tasks Objective: 13 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 97) Match the following features in Office 2010 to their description: I. group A. contains related groups of tasks II. tab B. contains tabs, groups, and commands III. command C. window to make selections beyond those provided on the Ribbon IV. Ribbon D. button or area within a group V. dialog box E. contains related commands Answer: E, A, D, B, C Diff: 2 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 98) Match the following features or parts of Office 2010 to their description: I. contextual tab A. easy access to formatting commands II. Mini toolbar B. contains groups of commands related to a specific, selected object III. title bar C. set of selections when you click a More button IV. gallery D. contains information relative to the open file V. status bar E. includes file name and application Answer: B, A, E, C, D Diff: 2 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: 4 AppChap: Office Fundamentals 99) Match the following Microsoft Office 2010 feature with the tab where it can be found: I. open Office Backstage A. contextual tab II. modify text B. File tab III. create a new chart in Excel C. Home tab IV. modify an object D. Page Layout tab V. change margins in Word E. Insert tab Answer: B, C, E, A, D Diff: 2 Reference: Microsoft Office Software Objective: Multiple objectives AppChap: Office Fundamentals 100) Match the following terms with their description: I. library A. an organization method that collects files and displays them as one unit II. backup B. predesigned file III. template C. switch from one setting to another IV. toggle D. graphic file V. picture E. copy of a file Answer: A, E, B, C, D Diff: 1 Reference: Multiple sections in the text Objective: Multiple objectives AppChap: Office Fundamentals

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