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...Benefits Stemming from Space Exploration September 2013 International Space Exploration... ...5 Technology initiated by Space Exploration is often today driven by terrestrial mass market sectors. The space sector can then spin?in such technologies in effective ways. Renewed investments in achieving the ambitious future exploration goals promise to increase the innovation factor of space exploration. 6 E.g. out of the 67 flights of Ariane 5 between January 2000 and July 2013, 59 launches (88%) were commercial. 7 "International Space Station Benefits for Humanity", Ed. J.Robinson, developed by members of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), European Space Agency (ESA), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), National ... ... ISECG – Benefits Stemming from Space Exploration There may soon be news about environments that could have harboured life elsewhere in the solar system. In early 2013 the Mars Curiosity Rover obtained preliminary evidence that the Martian environment once had conditions favourable to supporting life. Discovery of signs of 25 past or present life in the solar system (or beyond... ...Figure 7. Chelyabinsk plant and animal species on Earth. Worldwide awareness of the meteor dangers posed by asteroids was raised by the February 2013 close approach of a 40?metre asteroid and, on the same day, the unexpected explosion over Russia of a meteor (Figure 7) believed to be about 17 metres wide and weighing 10,000 tonnes. The blast injured over 1,000 people and damaged over 4,000 buildings. The asteroid that missed Earth by only 27,000 ... ... 27 Alvarez, LW, Alvarez, W, Asaro, F, and Michel, HV (1980). "Extraterrestrial cause for the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction". Science 208 (4448): 1095–1108; “Time Scales of Critical Events Around the Cretaceous?Paleogene Boundary”, by Paul. R. Renne et. al., Science, Vol. 339 no. 6120 pp. 684?687, February 8, 2013; “Two large meteorite impacts at the Cretaceous?Paleogene Boundary,” by David Jolley, et. al., Geology, Vol. 38, no. 9, pp. 835? 838, September 2010. 28 "NASA Releases Radar Movie of Asteroid 2012 DA14",www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?release=2013?101. ... ...Boundary”, by Paul. R. Renne et. al., Science, Vol. 339 no. 6120 pp. 684?687, February 8, 2013; “Two large meteorite impacts at the Cretaceous?Paleogene Boundary,” by David Jolley, et. al., Geology, Vol. 38, no. 9, pp. 835? 838, September 2010. 28 "NASA Releases Radar Movie of Asteroid 2012 DA14",www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?release=2013?101. 29 "Recommendations of the Action Team on Near?Earth Objects for an international response to the near?Earth object impact ... ...Affairs, 20 Feb 2013, www.oosa.unvienna.org/pdf/misc/2013/at?14/at14?handoutE.pdf. Page 14 ... ...20 Feb 2013, www.oosa.unvienna.org/pdf/misc/2013/at?14/at14?handoutE.pdf. Page 14 ISECG – Benefits Stemming from Space Exploration ...
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