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Sea Floor New
Solutions | Approved: 7 years ago | 24.52 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Chemistry | Downloaded: 0
...D. Mantle E. Continental crust 9. The... thinner than continental crust B. It... denser than continental crust C. It...
...geologically younger than continental crust D. It...
...A. Only contain continental crust B. Only... called: A. Continental drift B. Induction...
...Shear boundary B. Continental margin C. Trench...
...edge of the continental margin is the:...
...Shelf break B. Continental slope C. Continental...
...Continental slope C. Continental rise D. Edge...
...abyssal plain E. Continental edge 21. The...
...part of the continental margin is known...
...Shelf break B. Continental slope C. Continental...
...Continental slope C. Continental rise D. Edge...
...abyssal plain E. Continental edge 22. The...
...part of the continental margin that is...
...Shelf break B. Continental slope C. Continental...
...Continental slope C. Continental rise D. Edge...
...abyssal plain E. Continental shelf 23. The...
...Volcanoes C. Wide continental shelf D. Steep...
...shorelines E. Steep continental slope 24. The...
...shorelines C. Narrow continental shelf D. Offshore...
...trench E. Gentle continental slope 25. Black... denser than continental crust C. Oceanic... thinner than continental crust D. Oceanic... older than continental crust E. Chemical...
...between oceanic and continental crust 29. Evidence...
...Shelf break B. Continental shelf C. Continental...
...Continental shelf C. Continental slope D. Continental...
...Continental slope D. Continental rise E. Deep-sea...
N/A 118
lec7 New
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 4.62 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Environmental Biology | Downloaded: 0
N/A 154
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