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Solutions | Approved: 7 years ago | 553.27 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Pharmacology | Downloaded: 0
...of the form drug/time (e.g., mg/min). This...
N/A 181
Lecture 5 New
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 636.9 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Statistics and Probability | Downloaded: 0
...assigned to either Drug A or B...
...patients assigned to Drug C. Both pairwise...
...s3 = 3.5 Drug A versus Drug...
...Drug A versus Drug B: 1. Hypothesis:...
...47 4. Conclusion: Drug A versus Drug...
...Drug A versus Drug C: 1. Hypothesis:...
...Decision: 4. Conclusion: Drug B versus Drug...
...Drug B versus Drug C: 1. Hypothesis:... scheffe; input Drug $ time; cards;...
...proc anova; class drug; model time=drug; means...
...class drug; model time=drug; means drug/scheffe; run;...
...model time=drug; means drug/scheffe; run; SAS OUTPUT:...
...Class Levels Values Drug 3 1 2...
...Pr > F Drug 2 423.3333333 211.6666667...
...Grouping Mean N Drug A 33.000 5...
...s3 = 3.5 Drug A versus Drug...
...Drug A versus Drug C: 1. Hypothesis:...
...smallest sample mean). Drug A versus Drug...
...Drug A versus Drug B: 1. Hypothesis:... tukey; input drug $ time; cards;...
...proc anova; class drug; model time=drug; means...
...class drug; model time=drug; means drug/tukey; run;...
...model time=drug; means drug/tukey; run; 55 SAS...
...Class Levels Values drug 3 1 2...
...Pr > F drug 2 423.3333333 211.6666667...
...Grouping Mean N drug A 33.000 5...
N/A 179
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 729.62 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Chemical Engineering | Downloaded: 0
...?? ?Typical Applications ?Drug Delivery Mechanisms ?...
...Theyleavethevasculaturethroughleakyangiogenicvessels andaccumulateintumors. METHODSOF DRUG DELIVERY 3 15/10/2015...
...DELIVERY 3 15/10/2015 DRUG DELIVERYAPPLICATIONS ?Tocontrolthedurationofactionofthedrugandthedrug’s levelinhumanbody... mask the drug to preventtointeractionswithproteinsinthebody.prevent to...
...?Nanocapsules encapsulate a drug’s active component in...
...barrier where encapsulated drug will only target...
...solution to many drug delivery challenges. APPLICATIONOFNP...
...are used as drug delivery to increase...
...-combined with adrugorotheractiveagentinsuchawaythatthea drug or other active...
...examples of controlled drug delivery matildidtddithithbdterials designed...
...level of the drug over a long...
...years. ?Figure shows drug levels in the...
...with (a) traditional drug dosing and (b)...
...12 15/10/2015 “SMART” DRUG DELIVERY ?? drugdrugdeliverydeliverysystemssystemswillwillinvolveinvolvesmartsmartsystemssystems...
...CONTROLLED RELEASE MECHANISMS ?Drug is released from...
...occurs when a drug or otheractiveagentpassesthroughtheother active...
...core containingthedrugcontaining the drug ?Matrix systems –drug...
...drug ?Matrix systems –drug dispersed throughout the...
...15/10/2015 BIODEGRADATION ?The drug delivery system degradewithin...
...and absorpption of drug across the intestinal...
...molecules –Functional monomers Drug substances, amino –Cross-linkers...
N/A 183
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 2.57 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Pharmacology | Downloaded: 0
...with streptomycin – drug of choice Mass...
...of Poisoning Prototype Drug: Activated Charcoal (CharcoAid)...
...category C Prototype Drug: Activated Charcoal (CharcoAid)...
...and bioavailability Prototype Drug: Activated Charcoal (CharcoAid)...
...methanol ingestion Prototype Drug: Activated Charcoal (CharcoAid)...
...GI obstruction Prototype Drug: Activated Charcoal (CharcoAid)...
...Activated Charcoal (CharcoAid) Drug interactions Will decrease...
...dairy products Prototype Drug: Activated Charcoal (CharcoAid)...
...Constipation Diarrhea Prototype Drug: Activated Charcoal (CharcoAid)...
...Administer slowly Prototype Drug: Activated Charcoal (CharcoAid)...
...a slurry Prototype Drug: Activated Charcoal (CharcoAid)...
...or IM Prototype Drug: Edetate Calcium Disodium...
...category C Prototype Drug: Edetate Calcium Disodium... kidneys Prototype Drug: Edetate Calcium Disodium...
...mercury poisoning) Prototype Drug: Edetate Calcium Disodium...
...(IV administration) Prototype Drug: Edetate Calcium Disodium...
...Disodium (Calcium EDTA) Drug interactions None known...
...None known Prototype Drug: Edetate Calcium Disodium...
...Hypotension Thrombophlebitis Prototype Drug: Edetate Calcium Disodium...
...of therapy Prototype Drug: Edetate Calcium Disodium...
...same time Prototype Drug: Edetate Calcium Disodium...
...the body Prototype Drug: Dimercaprol (BAL in...
...category C Prototype Drug: Dimercaprol (BAL in...
...body proteins Prototype Drug: Dimercaprol (BAL in...
...arsenic poisoning Prototype Drug: Dimercaprol (BAL in...
...peanut products Prototype Drug: Dimercaprol (BAL in...
...renal disease Prototype Drug: Dimercaprol (BAL in...
...(BAL in Oil) Drug interactions Iron Cadmium...
...Selenium Uranium Prototype Drug: Dimercaprol (BAL in...
...Hypertension Tachycardia Prototype Drug: Dimercaprol (BAL in...
...and pH Prototype Drug: Dimercaprol (BAL in...
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 1.15 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Pharmacology | Downloaded: 0
...(BIOL3020) Section 14 Drug Toxicity Rang et...
...2006 (Chapter 53) Drug Toxicity All drugs...
...metabolites of the drug Involves non-covalent and/or...
N/A 196
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 1.2 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Pharmacology | Downloaded: 0
...folate antagonist The drug has a higher... response to drug HcGluCl is activated...
N/A 200
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 988.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Pharmacology | Downloaded: 0
...T cells). Reverse drug resistance inhibitors of...
N/A 181
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 728 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Pharmacology | Downloaded: 0
...(BIOL3020) Section 11 Drug Abuse and Toxicological...
...norepinephrine and serotonin Drug Use Most recreational...
N/A 202
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 827 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Pharmacology | Downloaded: 0
N/A 182
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 1.18 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Pharmacology | Downloaded: 0
...The effects of drug on the brain... the CNS Drug action in the...
...can be complex Drug action in the...
N/A 188
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