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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 48.2 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Zoology | Downloaded: 0
...those with pseudocoeloms evolved secondarily from coelomates....
...body plan has evolved in various ways...
...species. Arthropods have evolved a variety of...
...While it initially evolved for protection and...
...segment. As arthropods evolved, the trend was...
...ago. When flight evolved in the Carboniferous...
...hypothesis, wings first evolved as extensions of... often segmentation evolved in the animal...
...hypothesis that arthropods evolved from the segmented...
...that both groups evolved from a common...
...evolve. Body segmentation evolved in several of...
...the third, segmentation evolved just once, in...
N/A 143
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 36.43 kB | Comments: 2
Category: Botany | Downloaded: 0
...OF ANGIOSPERMS Angiosperms evolved some 145 million...
...monophyletic and probably evolved from colonial flagellate... additional phyla evolved after that period....
...the Devonian. Amphibians evolved into reptiles during...
...ago) Early reptiles evolved into dinosaurs. Gymnosperms...
...animal kingdom. Tissues evolved only after sponges...
...except the sponges evolved true tissues. The...
N/A 266
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 35.71 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...the sea grasses) evolved from a certain...
...other bryophytes have evolved several adaptations, especially...
...of land plants evolved vascular tissue and...
...first seed plants evolved about 360 million...
...or angiosperms. Flowers evolved in the early...
...1. Land plants evolved from charophycean algae...
...and land plants evolved from a common...
...Additional terrestrial adaptations evolved as vascular plants...
...of vascular plants evolved over 400 million...
...These phyla probably evolved from different ancestors...
...appear to have evolved from the lowermost,...
...called microphylls, probably evolved from tissue flaps...
...suggests that megaphylls evolved from a series...
...proposes that megaphylls evolved when the branch...
...sporophyte-dominant life cycle evolved in seedless vascular...
...roots and leaves evolved secondarily. Sphenophytes are...
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 34.58 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...on Earth and evolved alone for 1.5...
...Mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved from prokaryotes that...
...chains. 2. Photosynthesis evolved early in prokaryotic...
...including photosynthesis, probably evolved early, in the...
...possible that photosynthesis evolved several times independently,... that photosynthesis evolved just once. Heterotrophic...
...from which autotrophs evolved, the diversity of...
...and released O2 evolved from ancestors with...
...that cellular respiration evolved by modification of...
...the earliest prokaryotes evolved in extremely hot...
N/A 229
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 41.11 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...structures) may have evolved from infoldings of...
...Mitochondria and plastids evolved from endosymbiotic bacteria...
...within vesicles. This evolved into a mutually... and endosymbiont evolved, both would become...
...supposes that mitochondria evolved before chloroplasts. Many...
...cilia and flagella evolved from symbiotic bacteria...
...The eukaryotic cell evolved by “horizontal” fusions...
...the endosymbionts that evolved into mitochondria and...
...endosymbiotic bacteria that evolved into mitochondria. This...
...of these algae evolved by secondary endosymbiosis....
...alternation of generations evolved convergently in the...
...of red algae evolved from primary endosymbiosis...
...algae and plants evolved from a common... chlorophytes has evolved by three different...
...Photosynthetic protists have evolved in several clades...
N/A 161
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 57.27 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0 ancestral cephalochordate evolved from an organism...
...second, a vertebrate evolved from a cephalochordate....
...brain and cranium evolved first in the...
...and paired appendages evolved later. This interpretation...
...apparatus of agnathans evolved into the major...
...certain body structures evolved early in vertebrate...
...the extinct placoderms evolved during this time....
...1. Vertebrate jaws evolved from skeletal supports...
...slits Vertebrate jaws evolved by modification of...
...The cartilaginous skeleton evolved secondarily. During the...
...Shark teeth probably evolved from the jagged...
...The swim bladder evolved from balloonlike lungs...
...ray-finned fishes, probably evolved in freshwater and...
...predators. 4. Tetrapods evolved from specialized fishes...
...lungfishes had already evolved. These fishes (and...
...reduction of legs evolved secondarily from a...
...from which mammals evolved. The anaspid lineage...
...birds and mammals, evolved from forms that...
...a class. Turtles evolved in the Mesozoic...
...evidence that snakes evolved from reptiles with...
...feathered reptiles Birds evolved during the great...
...which modern birds evolved. In 1998, paleontologists...
...which may have evolved feathers for thermoregulation...
...joint remodeled. Mammals evolved over 220 million...
...Old World. They evolved from Old World...
...hominoid tree that evolved from a common...
...brain, did not evolved in unison. Different...
...unison. Different features evolved at different rates,...
...larger brains had evolved by 1.6 million...
...fully modern humans evolved in parallel from...
...throughout the world evolved from a second...
...Homo sapiens that evolved from an African...
N/A 213
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 252.67 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Zoology | Downloaded: 0
...multicellular consumers that evolved from colonial protists....
...other organisms. Animals evolved from colonial protists...
...The first animals evolved around 600 million...
...histories. 2. Roundworms evolved in a lineage...
...The first vertebrates evolved 540 million years...
...jaws. 2. They evolved 470 million years...
...All modern tetrapods evolved from these first...
...1. First mammals evolved 200 million years...
...mammals 10.11 Humans evolved from ancestral primates...
...and chimps have evolved separately for hundreds...
...and large brains evolved separately and at...
...multicellular consumers that evolved from colonial protists....
...Monotreme 10.11 Humans evolved from ancestral primates...
...multicellular consumers that evolved from colonial protists....
...glands. 10.11 Humans evolved from ancestral primates...
...multicellular consumers that evolved from colonial protists....
...discussed. 10.11 Humans evolved from ancestral primates...
N/A 172
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 369.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...derived trait that evolved after the tunicate...
...the pharyngeal clefts evolved into gill slits....
...lineage of craniates evolved into vertebrates. With...
...The vertebrate skeleton evolved initially as a...
...hypothesis, gnathostome jaws evolved by modification of...
...lateral line system evolved as a row...
...The swim bladder evolved from balloon-like lungs...
...waters. Swim bladders evolved from lungs in...
...Ray-finned fishes likely evolved in fresh water...
...grounds. Ray-finned fishes evolved during the Devonian...
...of some lobe-fins evolved into tetrapod limbs...
...reduction of legs evolved secondarily from a...
...legless lepidosaurs that evolved from lizards closely...
...for doing so evolved independently in two...
...and subtropics. Birds evolved as feathered dinosaurs....
...suggest that feathers evolved long before powered...
...Theropods may have evolved powered flight by...
...middle ear. Synapsids evolved into large herbivores...
...convergent evolution, have evolved to fill niches...
...first monkeys probably evolved in the Old...
...(humans). Modern apes evolved from Old World... H. sapiens evolved. In 2002, researchers...
N/A 217
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 151 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...29.1 Land plants evolved from green algae....
...number of adaptations evolved in plants that...
...that these traits evolved as derived traits...
...derived traits have evolved in many plant...
...derived traits have evolved in many plant...
...phyla of bryophytes evolved. Bryophytes acquired many...
...more complex sporophytes evolved only later in...
...plants, then stomata evolved once in the...
...monophyletic, then stomata evolved once and were...
...had not yet evolved. Fossils show that...
...key adaptations that evolved later. Three main...
...Roots may have evolved from the subterranean...
...clear whether roots evolved once in the...
...suggests that roots evolved convergently in different...
...Megaphylls may have evolved from a series...
N/A 222
Lecture Notes | Approved: 8 years ago | 129.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...29.1 Land plants evolved from green algae...
...changes (adaptations) that evolved in plants allowed...
...that these traits evolved as derived traits...
...derived traits have evolved in many plant...
...phyla of bryophytes evolved. Bryophytes obtained (acquired,...
...more complex sporophytes evolved only later in...
...plants, then stomata evolved once in the...
...plants, then stomata evolved once and were...
...had not yet evolved. Modern seedless vascular...
...into how plants evolved during the carboniferous...
...had not really evolved, only some groups....
...Roots may have evolved from the subterranean...
...plants may have evolved into roots. It...
...if (whether) roots evolved once in the...
...clear if roots evolved all at once...
...These leaves probably evolved as small outgrowths...
...suggests that megaphylls evolved from a series...
...proposes that megaphylls evolved when the branch...
N/A 239
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