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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 39.12 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...contributing a relative frequency in the gene...
...for Rr). The frequency of the R...
...must have a frequency of 1 -...
...cannot increase the frequency of one allele... represent the frequency of one allele... represent the frequency of the other...
...p is the frequency of red alleles...
...we know the frequency of genotypes or...
...genotypes or the frequency of genotypes if...
...we know that frequency of homozygous recessive...
...or 0.0001. The frequency of the recessive...
...= 0.01. The frequency of the dominant...
...= 0.99. The frequency of carriers (heterozygous...
...reproduction—will increase the frequency of the R...
...would increase the frequency of r alleles...
...rarely when the frequency of the recessive... malaria. The frequency of the sickle-cell...
...balanced polymorphisms is frequency-dependent selection. Frequency-dependent selection... frequency-dependent selection. Frequency-dependent selection occurs when...
...this teeter-totter of frequency-dependent selection can be...
...common clone, suggesting frequency-dependent selection. Some genetic...
...can affect the frequency of a heritable...
...selection shifts the frequency curve for a...
N/A 168
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 132.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...allele has a frequency in the population’s...
...for CRCW). The frequency of the CR...
...must have a frequency of 1.0 ?... represent the frequency of one allele... represent the frequency of the other....
...Thus p, the frequency of the CR... 0.8. The frequency of the CW...
...not increase the frequency of one allele...
...p is the frequency of red alleles...
...q is the frequency of white alleles...
...know that the frequency of homozygous recessive...
...or 0.0001. The frequency of the recessive...
...= 0.01. The frequency of the dominant...
...= 0.99. The frequency of carriers (heterozygous...
...allele has a frequency of 0% in...
...use, the allele frequency had increased to...
...increase in the frequency of deleterious alleles.... increase the frequency of CW alleles...
...can alter the frequency distribution of heritable...
...selection shifts the frequency curve for a...
...rarely when the frequency of the recessive... malaria. The frequency of the sickle-cell...
...a very high frequency for such a... this high frequency, only 4% of...
...balanced polymorphism is frequency-dependent selection. Frequency-dependent selection... frequency-dependent selection. Frequency-dependent selection occurs when... the population. Frequency-dependent selection has been...
N/A 192
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 140.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...seeds. A 50% frequency of recombination is...
...offspring, the recombination frequency, is related to...
...hypothesized that the frequency of recombinant offspring...
...higher the recombination frequency. The greater the...
...eye. The recombination frequency between cn and...
...9%. The recombination frequency between cn and...
...9.5%. The recombination frequency between b and...
...genes, the recombination frequency, as map units....
...a 1% recombination frequency. You may notice...
...this case, the frequency of recombination reaches...
...of genes. The frequency of crossing over...
...structure. Although the frequency of aneuploid zygotes... parent. The frequency of Down syndrome...
N/A 198
lec6 New
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 166.39 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Environmental Biology | Downloaded: 0
N/A 158
lec5 New
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 233.88 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Environmental Biology | Downloaded: 0
N/A 163
Solutions | Approved: 7 years ago | 1.37 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Physics | Downloaded: 0
...changes. However, the frequency of the light... constant. The frequency, wavelength, and speed...
Solutions | Approved: 8 years ago | 961.03 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Physics | Downloaded: 0
...generator—of the desired frequency. Strike the tuning...
...until the beat frequency goes to zero.... its own frequency, making the noise...
...wavelengths of the higher–frequency vibrations. (The circumference...
...little. If the frequency of this motion... the natural frequency of coffee sloshing...
..., and the frequency is f =... the same frequency, according to µ2...
...P18.22(b) (a) The frequency is = 257...
...Since the fundamental frequency is f, the...
...2 . The frequency changes from µ...
...P18.32 The natural frequency is 2 11... this same frequency of 0352. Hz...
...366. ms The frequency is then f...
...must match this frequency quite precisely for...
...excitation at this frequency can, over time,...
...of the fundamental frequency of 500. Hz....
...wave speed and frequency. If the frequency...
...frequency. If the frequency were originally 521...
...down. Instead, the frequency must have started...
...ff?= the beat frequency is fffb =...
...199. Hz beat frequency a343133? . f...
...s With f1?= frequency of the speaker...
...student and f2?= frequency of the speaker...
...s, so the frequency at which she...
...away from station, frequency is depressed: 343...
...the station, the frequency is enhanced: 343...
...80.0 cm. The frequency and tension are...
...3Mgh 3Mg The frequency is f ==...
...2L 2 The frequency should be halved...
...Thus, the required frequency is f ==...
N/A 211
Solutions | Approved: 8 years ago | 977.2 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Physics | Downloaded: 0
...sound of any frequency moves at about...
...meters. Q17.5 The frequency increases by a...
...Doppler shifted in frequency according to the...
...and compares its frequency to that of...
...pulse. Using the frequency shift, the speed...
...shifted up in frequency; as you move...
...shifted down in frequency. Q17.12 Normal conversation...
...shifted up in frequency (blue shift) as...
...its orbit, the frequency spectrum would be...
...will be no frequency shift at all.... shift in frequency, the radial velocity...
...or stops, the frequency heard will be...
...equal to the frequency emitted by the...
...hear one shifted frequency in still air...
...a different shifted frequency if wind is...
...=2500 Hz, the frequency is increased by...
...(a) If the frequency is increased to...
...(b) If the frequency is reduced to...
...athlete hears a frequency of ff?= F...
...hears a lower frequency of ff??= G...
...upwind point at frequency 900 Hz. v... pitch, no frequency, wavelength, or period....
...about 0.004 s, frequency 1 ~300 Hz...
...?1 and unshifted frequency f ==0667. min....
...a lower Doppler-shifted frequency:Fvv+ o ?1 F197...
...increase in the frequency of trucks passing...
...180° and the frequency heard by the...
...the highest possible frequency sound wave is...
N/A 220
Solutions | Approved: 8 years ago | 1.08 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Physics | Downloaded: 0 another. The frequency will be higher...
...Thus the oscillation frequency in 12 F...
...effect on the frequency of its vibration....
...a decrease in frequency and in the...
...position The angular frequency ? appears in...
...value of angular frequency early in the...
...?rad. Q15.18 Higher frequency. When it supports...
...torque. If the frequency of the breeze...
...matches the natural frequency of vibration of...
...resonance, but the frequency of the driving...
...force. If the frequency changes, another leaf...
...slightly lowering its frequency. As the last...
...and the pendulum frequency quickly increases to...
...and its angular frequency is ?. At...
...Nm *P15.43 The frequency if undamped would...
...For resonance, her frequency must match 3...
...resonate at the frequency of a simple...
...hanging object), with frequency ? 1 k...
...500 kg, the frequency of free vibration... the same frequency, resonance will make...
...SHM with angular frequency ?? 2 rg...
...increases, so the frequency decreases. kv k...
N/A 238
Solutions | Approved: 8 years ago | 2.28 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Chemistry | Downloaded: 0
N/A 169
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