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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 117 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Kinesiology | Downloaded: 0
...List the four joints of the elbow... types of joints in the wrist...
...has two phalanges JOINTS AND LIGAMENTS OF...
...Elbow has two joints in one large,...
...hard end-feel Radioulnar joints mechanically linked with...
...(palm turns down) Joints of wrist Radiocarpal...
...Midcarpal joint: Gliding joints Between proximal and...
...joint Many gliding joints in single joint...
...joint capsule Intercarpal joints: Gliding joints Between...
...Intercarpal joints: Gliding joints Between the lateral...
...of grip strength Joints and ligaments of...
...and hand Carpometacarpal joints: Gliding joints Between...
...Carpometacarpal joints: Gliding joints Between distal carpals...
...and reposition Metacarpophalangeal joints: ellipsoid (condyloid) joints...
...joints: ellipsoid (condyloid) joints Between metacarpals and...
...of knuckles Interphalangeal joints: hinge joints Between...
...Interphalangeal joints: hinge joints Between promiximal/middle (PIPs),...
...Flexes proximal interphalangeal joints of four fingers,...
...Flexes distal interphalangeal joints of four fingers,...
...of the metacarpophalangeal joints Dorsal interossei O:...
...A: Flex metacarpophalangeal joints while extending proximal...
...and distal interphalangeal joints Muscles acting on...
...arm and hand Joints and ligaments Muscles...
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 99.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Kinesiology | Downloaded: 0
...atlantoaxial and atlanto-occipital joints and their range...
...gland Hyoid bone JOINTS OF THE HEAD...
...Overview: Four major joints in head and...
...joint (TMJ) Atlanto-occipital joints Atlantoaxial joint Cranial...
...Cranial sutures Fibrous joints, manipulated in cranial-sacral...
...Two ellipsoid synovial joints (one on each...
...part: Two facet joints with horizontal surfaces...
...head and neck Joints and ligaments Muscles...
...the atlanto-occipital (AO) joints. The axis of... the AO joints. To help them...
N/A 210
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 122 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Kinesiology | Downloaded: 0
...the eight major joints of the foot...
...foot has 25 joints, over 100 ligaments...
...splaying sideways Tibiofibular joints Tibia and fibula...
...membrane Both tibiofibular joints are mechanically linked...
...talocrural and subtalar joints. Supination: Inversion +...
...talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints Divides rearfoot from...
...Intertarsal and tarsometatarsal joints: Gliding joints Joints...
...tarsometatarsal joints: Gliding joints Joints between cuneiforms,...
...joints: Gliding joints Joints between cuneiforms, navicular,...
...stable group of joints In continuous synovial...
...midfoot mobility Tarsometatarsal joints: Gliding joints Joints...
...Tarsometatarsal joints: Gliding joints Joints between tarsals...
...joints: Gliding joints Joints between tarsals and...
...stable group of joints Stabilized by wedging...
...Intertarsal and tarsometatarsal joints allow forefoot to...
...midfoot Metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints: Ellipsoid joints Between...
...(MTP) joints: Ellipsoid joints Between metatarsals and...
...arch Interphalangeal (IP) joints Fourteen hinge joints...
...joints Fourteen hinge joints between proximal and...
...uneven terrain Stabilize joints in arch during...
...A: Flexes MTP joints on second to...
...while extending IP joints Third layer of...
...ankle and foot Joints and ligaments Muscles...
...and transverse tarsal joints (p. 289) Intertarsal...
...Intertarsal and tarsometatarsal joints (p. 291) Metatarsophalangeal...
...Metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints (p. 293) Tibialis...
N/A 215
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 84.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Kinesiology | Downloaded: 0
...the four major joints of the thorax...
...12 thoracic vertebrae JOINTS AND LIGAMENTS OF...
...THORAX Anterior costal joints: Connect ribs to...
...costal cartilage Sternocostal joints Costalchondral: Connects ribs...
...movement Posterior costal joints: Connect ribs to...
...vertebral vertebrae Costovertebral joints Costotransverse joints (demifacets)...
...Costovertebral joints Costotransverse joints (demifacets) Rib motion...
...of the thorax Joints and ligaments of...
...(p. 233) Costal joints (p. 237) The...
N/A 203
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 146 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Kinesiology | Downloaded: 0
...movements in plane joints Movements of scapula...
...surfaces match Ball-and-socket joints are the most...
...resting position of joints RANGE OF MOTION... resist displacement Joints are stabilized by...
...Joint injuries Hypermobile joints are susceptible to...
...can make hypermobile joints unstable Two types...
...soft tissues around joints To trigger relaxation...
...limits Most synovial joints have capsular end-feels...
...Placing your client’s joints in a loose,...
N/A 192
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 77.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Kinesiology | Downloaded: 0
...three classifications of joints in the body....
...types of synovial joints with examples of...
...movement in axial joints with nonaxial joints....
...joints with nonaxial joints. Define the line...
...of 206 bones, joints, associated tissues Five...
...bones in synovial joints Elastic: Flexible, found...
...tendons and around joints Reduces friction between...
...Encase tendons around joints Protect tendons by...
...disk Only in joints that work under...
...types of synovial joints Ball-and-socket: Most congruent...
N/A 219
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 147 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Medicine | Downloaded: 0
...bone marrow, bone, joints, multisystem Candidiasis Manifests...
...primarily in the joints Course and severity... multiple inflamed joints and marked deformity...
...of multiple peripheral joints Periods of remission,...
...inflammation of peripheral joints ( marked pain,...
...of movement ( joints swollen, red, warm...
...additive disease of joints More than 10...
...stiffness Polyarticular, symmetric Joints of fingers, wrists,... metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints Swan-neck deformity Flexion...
...proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints with extension of...
...distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints See Figure 818...
...years, lifetime Affects joints and surrounding tissues,...
...Internal organs and joints Polyarticular arthritis (...
...( involves many joints (five or more)...
...more) particularly small joints of hands, fingers...
...X-rays of affected joints Surgery Synovectomy (...
...used to stabilize joints ( cervical vertebrae,... Splinting inflamed joints reduces unwanted motion,...
...Physical assessment Gait, joints including symmetry, size,...
...Flexion contractures PIP joints DIP joints Boutonnire...
...PIP joints DIP joints Boutonnire deformities Growth...
...three or more joints persisting for at...
...wrist, MCP, PIP joints persisting for at...
...involvement of corresponding joints on both sides...
N/A 266
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