Lecture Notes | Approved: 8 years ago | 129.5 kB | Comments: 0
...Vascular plants 1. lycophytes include mosses (remember,... ...the vascular plants. Lycophytes include club mosses... ...and megaphylls. All lycophytes have microphylls, small... ...Vascular plants 1. lycophytes include mosses (remember,... ...Seedless Vascular plants (lycophytes) ( produce spores... ...of spores. NON LYCOPHYTES, most likely pterphytes... ...seedless vascular plants (non-lycophytes, phetrophytes) are heteropsporous.... ...form two clades lycophytes and pterophytes. Lycophytes... ...lycophytes and pterophytes. Lycophytes include club mosses,... ...Modern species of lycophytes are relicts of... ...evolutionary lineages of lycophytes small, herbaceous plants... ...40 meters tall. Lycophytes small herbaceous plants... ...meteres The giant lycophytes became extinct as... ...Carboniferous. The small lycophytes survived, and are... ...and grew with lycophytes and horsetails in... ...and grew with lycophytes and horsetails IN... ...ancestors of modern lycophytes and ferns, along... ...small leaves of lycophytes that have only...
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