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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 99.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Kinesiology | Downloaded: 0
...types: sensory, interneuron, motor Synapse: Where nerves...
...junction Synapse between motor nerve and muscle...
...muscle Also called motor end plate. Motor...
...motor end plate. Motor points: Junction between...
...points: Junction between motor nerve and muscle...
...are stored in motor cortex Myelin speeds...
...input (feedback) ? motor output (responses) 95%... brain coordinates motor responses Can be...
...cells: Two types Motor cells: extrafusal fibers... large-diameter alpha motor neurons Sensory cells:... small-diameter gamma motor neurons Two types...
N/A 192
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 61.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Kinesiology | Downloaded: 0
...contraction. Define a motor unit and the...
...of muscle contraction Motor nerve stimulates sarcolemma...
...produces a contraction Motor units A motor...
...Motor units A motor neuron + all...
...order Size of motor unit determines function...
...(1050 fibers): Fine motor control Large (1002,000):...
...contraction When all motor units firing, maximum...
...produced Recruitment of motor units A gradual... number of motor units firing Also...
...Also called multiple motor unit summation Small...
...unit summation Small motor units contract before...
...Order in which motor units and muscles...
N/A 183
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 5.06 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...(e.g., auditory, visual, motor, and language tasks)...
...integrating, and efferent motor Cnidarians are an...
...sensory or only motor Organism can still...
...(sensory) or efferent (motor) Nervous Systems Across...
...brain Responsible for motor coordination Contains half... controls by motor output, or from...
...the brain Somatic Motor Pathways “Voluntary nervous...
...control Cerebrum Somatic Motor Pathway Characteristics Control...
...Cell bodies of motor neurons are located...
...cleft between the motor neuron and the...
N/A 197
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 282 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...50 Sensory and Motor Mechanisms Lecture Outline...
...sensory input and motor output is cyclical...
...the generation of motor output provide the...
...and contraction stops. Motor neurons cause muscle...
...terminal of a motor neuron releases the...
...fiber. When the motor neuron input stops,...
...muscle fibers by motor neurons. In amyotrophic...
...lateral sclerosis (ALS), motor neurons in the...
...synaptic transmission between motor neurons and muscle... a single motor neuron, but each...
...but each branched motor neuron may synapse...
...fibers. Hundreds of motor neurons control a...
...the muscle. A motor unit consists of...
...of a single motor neuron and all...
...controls. When a motor neuron produces an...
...fibers in its motor unit contract as...
...muscle fibers the motor neuron controls, from...
...determining how many motor units are activated...
...large or small motor units to activate....
...more of the motor neurons controlling the...
N/A 179
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 246 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...sends signals controlling motor activity. Such an...
...the sensory and motor neurons of the...
...up of the motor system and the...
...nervous system. The motor system consists of...
...stimuli. Although the motor system is subject...
...sensory information and motor instructions between the...
...and input about motor commands issued by...
...this sensory and motor information as it...
...error checking during motor and perceptual functions....
...learning and remembering motor skills. The embryonic...
...the issuance of motor commands to the...
...cortex then generates motor commands that cause...
...neurons in the motor cortex, which lies...
...where they excite motor neurons, which in...
...cortex and the motor cortex, neurons are...
...or receives the motor commands. Neurons that...
...region of the motor cortex. The cortical...
...part (for the motor cortex) or with...
...area of the motor cortex devoted to...
...of the primary motor cortex that controls...
...hand for certain motor activities. Roughly 90%... long-term memory. Motor skills are usually...
...You can perform motor skills without consciously...
...disease is a motor disorder. Parkinson’s disease...
...a recovery of motor control. Neural stem...
N/A 210
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 74 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Medicine | Downloaded: 2
...are manifested as motor or sensory output...
...transmitted to efferent (motor) nerve fibers (...
...Roman numerals Sensory, motor, and mixed See...
...fine and gross motor skills, language, personal/social...
...pathways from brain Motor paralysis affects all...
...Disorders of lower motor neurons, muscles may...
...may also paralyze motor responses Amyotrophic lateral...
...Unresponsive coma, absent motor, reflex movements No...
...young adults ( motor vehicle accidents, addiction...
...Include LOC, behavior Motor, sensory functions Pupillary...
N/A 206
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