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Lecture Notes | Approved: 6 years ago | 91.87 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Ecology | Downloaded: 1
...of converting light (photons) to electricity (voltage),...
N/A 185
Other | Approved: 7 years ago | 51 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Physics | Downloaded: 0 made of photons? 12. How does...
...don’t ordinarily notice photons. Suppose that Planck’s...
...likely, to notice photons? 7. Which has...
...light, are tiny photons actually coming through...
...of the individual photons increase, decrease, or...
...the number of photons emitted each second...
...of the individual photons increase, decrease, or...
...speeds of the photons change? 15. What...
...were talking about photons instead of electrons?...
...energies of the photons. 3. Which has... many visible photons would be needed...
...About 10 visible photons are needed to... these 10 photons? 8. Making estimates....
...few as 10,000 photons per second entering...
N/A 223
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