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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 119 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Kinesiology | Downloaded: 0
...posture. Name two postural reflexes and describe... contributes to postural support. Describe how... Describe how postural muscles work as...
...primary and secondary postural stabilizers. Discuss why...
...function poorly as postural stabilizers. List and...
...Describe how a postural assessment is made.... extension Dynamic postural reflexes Postural sway...
...Dynamic postural reflexes Postural sway Normal, swaying...
...strays from vertical Postural stabilizers Muscles that...
...that work as postural stabilizers Have more...
...caused by inhibited postural stabilizers Results in...
...contract to provide postural support Also called... pain cycle Postural stabilizers fail to...
...perpetuates pain cycle Postural stabilizers and core... as primary postural stabilizers Postural muscles...
...primary postural stabilizers Postural muscles in the...
...body during forward postural sway Vastus medialis...
...posterior lumbar spine Postural muscles in upper...
...and increase Low postural tone Sway-back posture...
...genu varum (bow-legs) POSTURAL ASSESSMENTS Structural postural...
...POSTURAL ASSESSMENTS Structural postural assessments Observe from...
...or failure of postural muscles Observe body...
...stretch-weakened Assess which postural muscles are inhibited...
...imbalances From poor postural habits Client-centered postural...
...postural habits Client-centered postural assessments Focus on...
...EDUCATION Steps in postural education Developing kinesthetic...
...joint neutral Training postural muscles to support...
...overworked muscles Integrating postural awareness into daily...
...daily activities Applying postural education to body...
...optimal posture Train postural stabilizers to support...
...neutral Work on postural awareness during daily...
...about posture Integrating postural education into bodywork...
...change Teach clients postural muscle isometrics Integrate...
...patterns Challenges with postural corrections Negative feedback...
...overcorrection of posture Postural overcorrections often make...
...with challenges to postural corrections Find out...
...posture Faulty postures Postural assessments Therapeutic applications...
...Therapeutic applications for postural education Activities: Review,...
...of imagery in postural education (p. 158)...
...Client communication around postural problems (p. 174)...
...Helping clients develop postural awareness (p. 176)...
...Have students discuss postural patterns in photos...
...describe. SELF-CARE EXERCISES Postural sway for fluid...
...165) Training the postural stabilizers (p. 175)...
...feel a slight postural sway? ______ Describe...
...describe your overall postural pattern (e.g., well...
N/A 196
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 61.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Kinesiology | Downloaded: 0
...skeletal muscles Provide postural support Generate joint...
...resting muscle Provides postural support Maintains state...
...of isometric contraction Postural muscles work isometrically....
...slow fibers for postural support) with a...
N/A 183
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 57 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Kinesiology | Downloaded: 0
...bony alignment. Discuss postural patterns. "What is...
...kind of faulty postural patterns do you...
...have students observe postural patterns in people...
...students choose one postural pattern that they...
N/A 153
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